Mon., Sept. 2: No School- Labor Day

Tues., Sept. 3: COS School- Student's Summer Work Due

  • Preschool & PreK First Day.
  • Hot Lunch Service Begins for Gr. K-8

Wed., Sept. 4: Family Information Night- mandatory event for all COS parents/guardians- see flyer below


August 29

It was wonderful seeing so many of you at our Welcome Back picnic, Open House, and first day donut events! I am looking forward to a year filled with learning, fun, and growth from our students and staff alike!

It is my understanding that many uniform items, particularly gym uniforms, are on their way. Should your student not have the appropriate uniform attire for school or P.E. at this time, please email your student’s homeroom teacher to inform them. We understand that it does take some time for items to arrive! Should your student not have the proper P.E. uniform, black athletic shorts with a COS spiritwear top should be worn for the time being.

Summer work for all students was distributed at the conclusion of last school year in a yellow folder. All students have been assigned work for their Language Arts and Mathematics courses. These assignments are mandatory and will count toward your student’s first quarter grades. All summer work is due to school no later than this coming Tuesday, September 3rd. I am so impressed with the students who have already completed their assignments; way to go! Should you need additional copies of summer work, please reference the links below.

Our Curriculum Night has been rebranded! “Family Information Night” will be held next Wednesday, September 4th from 6:00-7:30pm. This evening is a mandatory event for all parents of students in grades K-8. We have a variety of presentations prepared related to the COS community, as well as educational topics to help your student thrive at our school and beyond! Please reference the flyer below for more detailed information, including a link to sign-up for provided childcare if needed.

To help our morning and afternoon car lines run smoothly, please refrain from parking and getting out of your vehicle to assist your student. Should you need to do so, please park in the church parking lot and walk your student to or from the building. This will ensure all students are able to enter and exit the building on time!

Father Anthony has elected to make some changes to the school uniform policy for grades 6-8. Please see the following edits below:

  • 6th-8th Grade Girls: Your formal uniform (worn in the months of October-March) will now require a quarter-zip fleece, sweater, sweater vest, or cardigan to be worn over a polo. Both the polo and top layer must have the COS logo with the polo tucked in. A reminder that skirts need to be no shorter than one inch above the knee; this requirement will be enforced by all teachers.
  • 6th-8th Grade Boys: Your formal uniform (worn in the months of October-March) will now require a solid-white short- or long-sleeve button down shirt with a solid-colored tie of choice. This shirt is to be worn with khaki or navy blue pants and is to be tucked in with a belt.

Father Anthony is hopeful that these changes will enhance the professionalism of our students. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Father Anthony.

Students will be coming home with offertory envelopes today. These envelopes can be brought to Sunday Mass each week and will be recognized as the start of Children’s Liturgy of the Word at the 8:30am service. Should you have any questions regarding offertory or donations to our parish, please contact the rectory.

Enjoy your holiday weekend; I look forward to seeing everyone back to school next Tuesday!

Angel Scholarship Fund and Tuition Statements

Many of you will receive a copy of your 24/25 Tuition Statement indicating scholarship and finacial aid awards. It is through the generosity of parents, alumni and friends, that are able to help all families at COS with the cost of Catholic education. The Angel Scholarship Fund is the most significant way you can help. This fund provides tuition assistance dollars for students to attend COS and allows you, as the donor, to receive Ohio income tax credit up to $750 ($1500 for couples filling jointly). Please review the letter attached to your Tuition statement and consider donating to the Angel Scholarship Fund today!

More information is avaialable here: Angel Fund

Online donations can be made using this link:


We are excited to bring some new opportunities in our After School Enrichment classes! The mission of Enrichment is to provide age appropriate content in STEM, the Arts, and physcial fitness.

Registration will end on Monday, Sept. 9.

Classes will begin the week of September 16.

Click the links for class descriptions, the calendar, and registration forms.

Class Descriptions

Enrichment Calendar

Registration Form

DRAMA Club Update for the 2024-2025 school year. Please read the letter below as we begin to restructure this wonderful program.



*Mandatory for all parents/guardians. Please be sure at least one parent/guardian

is able to attend.

This night will provide lots of information about school policies, events, groups, and more. See the flyer for a list of presentors.

*Childcare is available but you must pre-register using the linke below

Can't wait to welcome our littlest COS Sabres!!

Save the Date! PTO Fall Plant Sale is Coming SOON!

Information on how to order and pick up day/time will be sent soon.