COS Advent Devotions
Traditional Tuesday
November 29, 2022
Chuck and Susie McVea
John 14:27  “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you.  Let not your hearts be troubled; neither let them be afraid.”

The Gift

The firmament, vast, quiet and dark, 
though filled with a million lights, 
yields slowly to a purple sky that presents, in time, 
what time and time alone will tell. 
The winter world, cautiously attending, watches and waits.
But Memory recalls and reminds that
dawns can be crucibles for Hopes and Dreams,
so with companions Sight and Sound,  
Wakefulness informs that the world is about to begin 
its random symphony
and in a something less than a yesterday,  
Hunger will announce its endless needs,
Fragrance will slip coffee under the door, 
and to this, Awareness will crawl out of its cave, 
gently wake Touch and Taste, 
Caution will listen, and Curiosity, 
peeking from behind a curtain, will vanish. 
The Holy Spirit within reminds us
not to let our minds be troubled,
that there is no Love without Kindness,
and from somewhere, 
a cold little bird will start to sing, 
a little bell will sound,
and joy will spread throughout the land
for the birthday nears of Christ, The King.
Pray with me:  Holy Father, we come to you as slumbering souls. We confess that we have failed to wake up to your perfect peace. We longingly await the day that peace will be made perfectly manifest amongst us, and our hearts will no longer be troubled or afraid.