Fellow Aloha State Republicans:

Dirty Third World dictators pull this trick all the time Change the rules, cancel the election, and stay in power.
That's exactly what corrupt party officers led by Fritz Rohlfing at the Hawaii Republican Party are trying to get away with next weekend at the party's annual state convention.

In even numbered years, such as 2016, the state party's rules call for a laser-like focus at the convention on our platformOdd numbered years, such as 2017, are when party officer elections are held for two-year terms of office and when discussion is held any needed changes to party rules.
But next year isn't soon enough for the current slate of dirty party officers.  They want to completely change party rules next weekend (a full year early) so they can cancel next year's state convention and cancel the scheduled 2017 party officer elections in order to keep the current batch of crooks in control of the party through the 2018 elections.

Why the big hurry to change the rules?   Several reasons, all of which add up to their FEAR of losing control of the party if the regularly scheduled elections for party officers take place at the May 2017 state convention next year.  They want to CANCEL those elections and keep the current officers in office unchallenged for another two dismal years because they understand that island conservatives are sick of watching the Hawaii GOP be useless, silent, liberal, and corrupt.  RINO's and closet Democrats like Fritz Rohlfing who now control our state's GOP realize that they'd probably be voted out.  With Trump and Cruz supporters pulling 75% of the vote in the recent Hawaii presidential caucus, they ought to worry that their days as party leaders are numbered.
Worst of all for the existing band of RINO crooks at GOP headquarters -- Rohlfing, Marumoto, Saiki, Hellreich, Fukumoto and company -- is that they are REALLY worried that Hawaii's General Election results on November 8, 2016 will destroy their hold on the party once and for all; as Democrats in Hawaii are already expected to dominate county and state elections due to poor GOP Hawaii organizing and communications --  even though a post-Obama Republican wave is expected to sweep the rest of the nation.

Worst of all for the existing band of RINO crooks at GOP headquarters -- Rohlfing, Marumoto, Saiki, Hellreich, Fukumoto and company -- is that they are REALLY worried that Hawaii's General Election results on November 8, 2016 will destroy their hold on the party once and for all; as Democrats in Hawaii are already expected to dominate county and state elections due to poor GOP Hawaii organizing and communications --  even though a post-Obama Republican wave is expected to sweep the rest of the nation.
Yet these local RINO's have the gall to cancel next year's convention, cancel next year's party officer elections, and change party rules to keep the current gang of losers in power for another two yearsThird World dictators have similar chutzpah!!

Helping Rohlfing and his co-conspirators keep their dirty hands on power for two more years is one of the biggest fake conservatives in Hawaii of all time:  Andrew Walden of the Hawaii Free Blogger website (whose failed newspaper was shut down a few years ago).  This is a really sleazy guy who talks like he's conservative, but always, always, always defends the RINO's at the Hawaii GOP and wants to keep these RINO's and closet Democrats in power.  It's probably only a matter of time before we find out that Walden is on the Democrat Party payroll.
Get ready to enter Walden's 'shibai zone' :  The crazy and outright bogus argument put forward by Rohlfing and Walden to support cancelling next year's state convention, cancelling the election of officers, and cancelling every other year's convention into the future is to "SAVE MONEY".  There's just one tiny gigantic problem with that.  Walden is TELLING A BIG FAT  LIE.  The state convention ultimately costs the party NO MONEY at all, because the registration fee prices paid by every convention delegate, alternate and guest is calculated (by order of current party rules) to ensure that the convention "breaks even".  There is NO 'saving of money' from cancelling conventions or cancelling elections because the cost of our party's state convention is 100% offset by the income from registrations, the calabash which is passed around, the sales of sponsorships, and the tables sold to candidates and other groups.  The sudden interest by Rohlfing and Walden in changing the party rules has nothing to do with money and everything to do with power.

You should know that this plot for a coup d'etat was hatched by Rohlfing and Walden only days after the results of the Hawaii Presidential Caucus were tallied . . . results which reveal that the state party's Republican base of members opposes the liberal, RINO direction of the Hawaii GOP.
Bottom Line :  Corrupt party insiders want to eliminate the possibility of conservatives soon running the Hawaii GOP.  They're counting on the ignorance of this year's state convention delegates to vote "yes" and help their nefarious Third World Dictator Power Grab Strategy to succeed.  And the last thing a minority party needs to do is SKIP the opportunity to gather and excite activists, to attract media attention, and the chance to get our message out.  With Rohlfing and Walden seeking to cancel conventions and cancel elections, the convention attendance and overall excitement about our Hawaii Republican Party will continue plummeting to record low levels.

Another crucial detail about this power grab is that Rohlfing and Walden are breaking party rules in order to try and change the rules.  Being as sneaky and dirty as possible, Rohlfing and Walden are pushing this power grab knowing full well that the state party's Rules Committee doesn't even EXIST.  That's right!!  All of the volunteer party officials from across the state who were part of last year's Rules Committee no longer hold those positionsThere is no Rules Committee in existence right now which could draft and consider this shady proposal for the convention to consider.  All that exists is Rohlfing and Walden's fictional ploy to show up next weekend and pretend that a legitimate committee pumped out some highly considered changes to party rules.  That's because no members to any legitimate Rules Committee got elected in precinct caucuses across the state this year.  NONE!!  Rohlfing and Walden are preparing to 'head fake' state convention delegates next weekend with a pile of horse manure; a make-believe Rules Committee with make-believe proposed rule changes, despite the very clear party rules which clearly prohibit the scheme these crooks are undertaking.
Rohlfing and Walden are proposing a few more crooked rule changes to help RINO's retain control of the beleaguered party . . .
  • Consolidating their power by eliminating 26 'district chair' positions so that they can control the party's state committee using fewer buddies from their Rolodex of RINO do-nothings.  So, instead of 51 house district chairs serving on the state committee only 25 will remain.  Just enough people from the phonebook of Rohlfing and Hellreich to appoint and control Politburo-style.
  • Boosting their influence by doubling the number of "county chairs" on the Big Island.  If approved, the newly-created 2nd county position would be appointed by the state chair, giving Fritz Rohlfing even more votes on  the party's Executive Committee.  Moreover, this move shifts power from Oahu and other islands to the Big Island by giving favored Republican officers TWO seats on the party's powerful executive committee instead of just one.  If the Big Island requires two county chairs, then why not give Oahu (with 80% of the state's population) four county chairmanships??  Clearly, the fix is in.
  • Changing party rules to help insider 'establishment' presidential candidates like Jeb Bush to have an advantage over 'outsider' candidates in Hawaii's GOP Presidential Caucus.  How?  Rohlfing and Walden propose moving the filing deadline for presidential candidates several months earlier to early December AND doubling the registration fee from $5,000 to $10,000.  Typically, 'establishment' insider candidates like Jeb Bush are financially positioned to pay big money for ballot access earlier than non-establishment ones.  The only purpose of moving the deadline earlier by three months is to block access to (or reduce the number of candidates on) Hawaii's ballot.  Limiting choices sounds like something Third World dictators would do.
Corrupt party officers have a LOT of hanky-panky in store for next weekend's state convention.   If their favorite candidate Jeb Bush had won the Hawaii GOP Caucus and gone on to be our party's nominee, then Rohlfing and Walden probably wouldn't be pushing for these extreme rule changes.  But conservatives spoke loud and clear on March 8th.  And the RINO's are determined to cling tightly to our party so they can keep protecting Democrats from a conservative message once the party is under new management.  Their chief objective:  Stay in power by cancelling the election of party officers and extending the terms of the current gang.
Not surprisingly, Fritz Rohlfing -- the same guy who embezzled thousands of dollars from the party's bank account earlier this year in order to attack conservatives using a Democrat union lawyer to do the dirty work -- is leading this crooked effort to stay in his job for another two years.
Yes, you read that right.  Even after messing up the 2016 election campaign and destroying the Hawaii GOP, Fritz Rohlfing and the other corrupt and incompetent party officers will still be in charge of the Republican Party in 2018 to repeat history.
NOT FUNNY:  If people thought it was a far-fetched conspiracy theory that Barack Obama would declare martial law in order to stay in office past 2017, then how nuts must Rohlfing and his henchman Walden be to make a last-minute rule change to cancel an election to stay in office past the end of their terms?
Yes, this is really happening.  Only the delegates at next weekend's state convention can put a stop to this Third World dictator power grab strategy.  What Rohlfing and Walden are trying to get away with is symptomatic of what's wrong with our party.

Please vote with a resounding "NO"
to these horrible rule changes.  Mahalo!