When you allow everything to be as it is, all of a sudden there is this profound and beautiful intimacy with everything.” ~ Adyashanti, Allowing Everything To Be As It Is
August 2021 News & Offerings
Allowing What Is
The teaching “allowing what is” is one of Adya’s and Mukti’s teachings that is often misconstrued and misapplied. It can lead to people thinking they must permit every situation or leave them feeling a sense of resignation. Many believe they are allowing their experience when they’re not actually doing this at a deep, experiential level. This month, we present video teachings by Adya and Mukti, each speaking on “allowing what is.” Fully understanding this teaching can help us through many of life’s challenges and bring us to the very source of our own innate wisdom.

Also in this month’s issue, a head’s up for the upcoming 6-week online retreat with Adyashanti, A Revolution of Being ~ 2021, and complimentary downloads on our theme, Allowing What Is.
Is it possible to “allow everything to be as it is,” even when you are in the midst of suffering? Adyashanti discusses this foundational teaching and how it is often overlooked because it sounds so simple. While this teaching appears to be straightforward, to actually embody it takes humility and the curiosity to discover what it truly means.
The spiritual pointer to allow everything to be as it iscan evoke a sense of reluctance or resistance, particularly when things aren’t going the way we would like. Mukti describes an alternative perspective for working with this pointer that can bring more intimacy and availability to what life is presenting.
We apologize for the broken link in the previous email. This is now fixed!
Mark Your Calendar!
6-Week Online Retreat with Adyashanti
Man on a cliff by ocean at sunrise
A Revolution of Being ~ 2021

Wednesday Evenings (Pacific Time):
October 6, 13, 20, 27, November 3, & 10
Registration opens September 1, 2021

Our 6-week online retreat, A Revolution of Being, is a great way to spend an extended time with Adyashanti, diving into the depths of spirituality while living your everyday life. The structure helps you awaken to spiritual insight and integrate this realization into your daily presence, interactions, and activities. It’s designed for serious students committed to spiritual awakening and living the most free and loving life that they can.

The format includes live online talks, Q&A, summary notes of sessions, video practices, guided meditations, and sharing of experiences by participants through “impact reports.” This retreat will be held in the Pacific time zone (PT) but is open to everyone. All live sessions will be available within 48 hours for replay and accessible for 30 days after the retreat.

Watch your inbox and our website for more information and how to register!
Upcoming Free Video Broadcasts!
Awakening from and to Body and Mind
(Previously broadcast Dec 11, 2019)

Wed, Aug 25 ~ 6:00 pm PT
Thu, Aug 26 ~ noon pm PT (Replay)

Go to Adyas Broadcast page or YouTube to watch this prerecorded broadcast. A replay will be available for 24 hours on YouTube.
A Fresh Look at Surrender
(Previously broadcast Feb 27, 2019)

Wed, Aug 11 ~ 6:00 pm PT
Thu, Aug 12 ~ noon pm PT (Replay)

Go to Mukti’s Broadcast page or YouTube to watch this prerecorded broadcast. A replay will be available for 24 hours on YouTube.
Sunday Community Practice

My intention with the Sunday Community Practice sessions is to put more focus on the spiritual practice of meditation and to have the teachings be oriented toward the various aspects of effective spiritual practice as it is integrated and lived in daily life.~ Adyashanti

We welcome all who wish to meditate on a consistent basis and dedicate themselves to making enlightened living a significant priority in their lives. Single practice sessions are also available.

Scholarships available for monthly subscriptions. (Apply between August 15-25.)

  • Aug 8 ~ 9:00-11:00 am PT*
  • Aug 22 ~ 9:00-11:00 am PT*

*These two sessions are new practices which Adyashanti has prerecorded specifically for the month of August. Preprogram meditation begins at 8:00 am PT. Live sessions will resume in September.
In-Person Programs and Retreats

We have been receiving a number of inquiries regarding our plans for scheduling future in-person programs and retreats. We certainly share your desire to gather again in person. However, the health and safety of our participants remains a priority. Our intention is to resume offering in-person programs when we feel confident that we can provide an environment that encourages openness and a feeling of safety, where people can comfortably share lodging and dining together, and in which we can gather safely in close proximity to each other. For now, we will continue to monitor news and information regarding public health concerns. When we feel ready to add an in-person program to the calendar, it will be announced via email in our monthly newsletter and published on the calendar page of our website.
Visit Adyashanti’s and Mukti’s Teachings pages to access their complimentary introductory teachings, new and selected teachings, videos, audio recordings, and writings. 

New Teachings:

Selected Subject of the Month:

Adya’s Library: Allowing What Is
Mukti’s Library: Allowing What Is
Complimentary Audio Downloads
Flowing Out, Flowing In

There is a great paradox in spirituality: On the one hand, to wake up means to flow out of yourself—to leave the person you thought you were. Yet the other side of spirituality is to flow back in—to embrace one’s entire existence. Adyashanti explores both of these paradoxical aspects of the spiritual journey and illumines the intuitive capacity to move in life from the entirety of your being without resistance.
Inviting Openness

What does your body already know about being open and available? What is it to imbue openness with our intentions—to receive, to pour forth, to know gratitude? Nurturing an open posture of being can transform our experience of living. Through a guided meditation, talk, and dialogues, Mukti invites us to sense and align in openness and know the blossoming of grace, wisdom, and well-being.
Featured Book

Sacred Inquiry: Questions That Can Transform Your Life
by Adyashanti

One does not need to seek out one’s demons in an endless pursuit of self-improvement. We simply need to face whatever arises with an honest, open, and inquiring mind and heart.” 
~ Adyashanti
Featured Downloads

Adyas September 27, 2019 Grass Valley Meeting

Adyas June 7, 2016 Palo Alto Meeting

A talk from Adyas May 24, 2012 Tahoe Retreat

Muktis July 7, 2021 Online Broadcast

Muktis June 30, 2021 Online Broadcast
50% Off DVDs and CDs

We are offering an ongoing sale of our entire selection of DVDs and CDs at 50% off.

While we have these products in stock, consider getting them for yourself or others as gifts!
Check out the Community News pages of our website which include our Press Page, where you can discover projects that Adya and Mukti are doing or have participated in outside of Open Gate Sangha, such as interviews, talks, programs, podcasts, and articles. This month includes a free webinar called, Seeing Through the Eyes of the Heart.

Also access our monthly News & Offerings archive.
You are invited to join our ongoing community, Sunday Community Practice, which meets live online twice a month for deep spiritual practice and inquiry.
Gatherings: The following city recently joined the growing list of Gatherings, where people come together to listen to Adyashanti’s and Mukti’s teachings.

  • London (Haringey), England
  • London (Newham), England
Gathering Hosts: Please email groups@opengatesangha.org for the guidelines to submit a story about your Gathering to be considered for our Featured Gatherings page.
Open Gate Sangha: We stand for racial equality and social justice. We are for finding actions that speak as loudly as words, perhaps even louder than words. And, we are for creating together a more inclusive Sangha experience for everyone.

Donations: Thank you for considering a donation to Open Gate Sangha. We are a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. Our mission is to make the teachings of Adyashanti and Mukti available to all of those who feel drawn to this expression of Truth.

We now offer a recurring monthly donation service for your convenience.
Adyashanti, author of The Direct Way, Sacred Inquiry, The Most Important Thing, and The Way of Liberation is an American-born spiritual teacher devoted to serving the awakening of all beings. His teachings are an open invitation to stop, inquire, and recognize what is true and liberating at the core of all existence. 

New to Adyashanti? Here’s a complimentary download of his 53-page book: The Way of Liberation: A Practical Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment
Mukti, whose name is translated as “liberation,” is the Associate Teacher of Open Gate Sangha. Her talks point audiences back to their natural state of wholeness or undivided consciousness. For teaching excerpts, audio downloads and CDs, qi gong videos, and a calendar of Mukti’s programs, visit her website.