October, 2019
Fall is here! Hopefully, Mother Nature has been kind and you're finding ways to enjoy the season.

Arnold Grummer's PAPERFEST III weekend was exciting for all participants. Winning artworks are shown below. More PAPERFEST news to come.

Are you inspired by autumn colors, acorns, spiders or spooks? Consider entering the Fall Contest. We'd love to see your project!

Happy papermaking,

Kim Grummer

Arnold Grummer's PAPERFEST III
And the winners are ...

19 paper artists from 5 states are featured in Arnold Grummer's PAPERFEST III exhibit. Artworks are on display at Town Square in Green Lake, WI through October 31.

Judges Andrea Peterson, Travis Nygard and Benjamin Rinehart faced tough decisions. In the end, ribbons and cash awards were given to these deserving pieces.
1st Place 'How Do You Say Love' Diptych

2nd Place 'Laying In Bed'
by Nadia Frierson
3rd Place 'My Guy II ' by Kate Walton
Honorable Mention 'Steel'

Arnold Grummer's Couch Sheets are great for paper making.
Did you know you can also use them to quick-dry botanicals?

Ferns and leaves will dry in a few days - not weeks - between couch sheets in a press or under books
After pressing, ferns and rose petals are ready to go
Pressed botanicals are easy to add in the deckle or vat

Now is a good time to stock up on leaves and grasses to use all winter.
Fall leaves and grasses hold less moisture than spring and summer foliage.
press grasses between couch sheets
Here, grasses collected on an afternoon walk are laid out on a couch sheet
to stack in the Garden Press overnight
in blender and float large pieces in deckle or vat
Use pressed botanical paper for projects
The next day, they were ready to put into paper and made into projects.
Autumn botanicals will usually dry in 24 hours.

3 sizes, 20 or 100 sheet packs.

When they look old and worn out, don't toss 'em, keep using 'em

Arnold Grummer's & Club Scrap's

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Enter to WIN
Arnold Grummer's FALL Contest !

Create any fall project using handmade paper, fall leaves or anything that expresses 'fall' to you.
Snap a jpg, send it to us for a chance to win these prizes

For complete contest rules and directions, click here
1st Place
Save 10% on your next order
through 10/31/19
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on the ' View Cart' page to save!
Arnold Grummer's Papermaking

PO Box 7246 Appleton, WI 54912