Hello, Bailey-

This week, I have been away at a conference in West Bend, WI all about the Enneagram.

For those who don’t know, the Enneagram is a tool that helps us understand our motivations and core beliefs that drive our unconscious behavior. The Enneagram has 9 types and all of us have one “home base” type that we typically default to whether we recognize it or not.

I’m certainly no expert on the Enneagram or my understanding of my own number after a three-day conference on this... by the way I’m a 6 for those interested.

Regardless, I have found this time to be transformational for how I’m understanding myself, but also broadening my understanding and compassion for others.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Enneagram, there are plenty of books you can check out or you can check out the Enneagram Institute website. There's also an Enneagram workshop at Christ Pres this month! See Upcoming Events below for more info.

As we think about the Transformative Community in Acts, it is important for us to think about our transformation as a community as a whole, but we cannot forget our personal transformation and how that affects our transformation as a community.

Throughout Acts, we’ll read about how empowered the disciples feel and we can see how their personal transformation from disciples to apostles affects their ability to transform the community around them.

Whether you want to learn more about yourself through the Enneagram, continue a spiritual practice you started in Lent (fasting, praying, simplifying, listening, unplugging), or find another way to continue to transform yourself, I hope you see the importance for yourself and for your community in doing this work.



Worship Schedule

  • In-Person and Livestream worship: 9:00AM & 11:00AM
  • "Transformative Community" Sermon Series
  • Baptism of Xander and Quinn Whitley
  • Preaching: Megan Berry | "Jesus, Our Cornerstone" | Text: Acts 4:1-14
  • Music (9:00): New Day Ensemble (Ben Welch, leader)
  • Music (11:00): Jenn Sauer, vocalist; Doug McNeel, organist
  • Children's Time with Megan Berry
  • Nursery Care: 8:45AM-12:15PM
  • Kaleidoscope Kids: during 9:00AM worship
  • Bradfield Café: 10:00-10:45AM
  • Visit our Worship HQ for everything you need to worship with us online!

If you missed a service or would like to watch a service again, all livestreamed services are saved to our YouTube channel. Or you can give the sermons another listen on our sermon podcast!

Adult Education

Join us Sunday at 10AM for this class on the book of Acts! In the book of Acts, the disciples grow stronger in faith, bringing the church into being, while sharing the good news of God’s love well beyond Jerusalem. Jesus promises that the Spirit would come to give the power to share God’s love with the world. And more! Join us as we help guide your journey through the book of Acts! Pastor Jess Scholten will lead this class.

Women of Covenant are invited to Soul Sisters! Please bring your own lunch and we'll eat and chat for the first part of the meeting. Wendy Weber will lead our discussion on the topic "Celebrating the Sabbath." For more info, contact Barb Eikenberry at barb.eikenberry@gmail.com.

Children & Youth Ministries

Visit covenantmadison.org/youth for more info on the summer trips.

Dinner provided! Look for emails with more details soon. Not on the email list? SUBSCRIBE HERE.

New this week:

Pam Nelson, friend of Carol Philipps & Rod Rynes

Magali, friend of the Lovell family

Loving God, in your mercy, hear our prayers for each of these your children. We pray for healing, for courage, and for peace, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Full Prayer List

Bradfield Café Volunteer

Sign Up!

Greeter & Welcome Center Volunteer

Sign Up!

The Enneagram is an ancient and modern way of understanding our personalities and how we live in the world. Rich Henderson of Type 3 Consulting will host this workshop at Christ Presbyterian Church. Cost is $50, which includes lunch. Participants will need to take a $20 online Enneagram assessment ($15). Register by April 17.

Register Here!

Come join us for supper at Rex's Innkeeper in Waunakee, a supper club staple in the Madison area. Only 25 spots are available, so sign up today!

Sign Up Here!

In August, we are planning another outing to American Players Theater! They will be putting on a production of "Ring Around the Moon." We hope you can join us!

Sign Up Here!

Our April Spiritual Stroll will be held at the UW Arboretum! These strolls are part of CONNECT, a program of deacon-sponsored events with the intention of fostering connection between Covenant and the community.

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