As we explored yet another beautiful spot in the Madison area for our Spiritual Stroll this last Sunday, I was again captivated by the incredible beauty and wonder of this world that we inhabit. And as we walked, I thought about the short hike we were on and how it mirrored so many other life journeys. | |
Our group hiked the paths at Holy Wisdom, some uphill, some downhill, some clearly marked with tracks easily identified and followed, and other paths where the footing was unpredictable and the potential obstacles yet unseen. (click on any of these pics to see more!)
Isn't this just like life? Sometimes predictable and easy, like coasting downhill on a bike, and sometimes challenging or scary or maybe even painful with every step?
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One thing that I do know is that the hike, the 'journey' that we were on, was more meaningful and more enjoyable having experienced it together. The fellowship that we shared, the mutual appreciation for God's creation, the encouragement and laughter in conversation, all of this made this our time together a richer experience and allowed for deeper connection. We need each other on this journey - the journey of everyday life - the journey of faith. We need each other as we coast downhill, and especially as we struggle up the steep and unpredictable paths. | |
We are now in the season of Lent - another journey - another opportunity to grow in faith as we consider Jesus' journey to the cross. May you be blessed by this time, by the promises of God's love and grace, blessed by the ongoing search for understanding of Jesus' sacrifice for us all, and blessed by the gift of connection with others on your way. | |
I am grateful to be traveling this path with you.
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In-Person and Livestream worship: 9:00am & 11:00am
- First Sunday in Lent | "We Belong to God: A Series on Life and Death"
- Holy Communion
- Music from New Day Ensemble, Covenant Handbell Choir, Ben Welch, Doug McNeel
- Preaching: Clara Thompson | Sermon: "We Belong to God, Today and Forever!" | Text: John 3:1-17
- Children's Time with Kathy Mohs
- Kaleidoscope Kids worship education (9:00am only)
- Nursery Care (8:45am-12:15pm)
- Sunday School 10:00-10:55am
Visit our Worship HQ for everything you need to worship with us online!
| If you missed a service or would like to watch a service again, all livestreamed services are saved to our YouTube channel. Or you can give the sermons another listen on our sermon podcast! | |
Join us Sunday at 10:00am for the class “Memorial Services and Burials,” led by Pastor Clara and Melissa Hinz. Death is certain for all of us. Planning ahead and making decisions about memorial arrangements can be a comfort for individuals as well as their families in times of grief. Join us as we offer information about Memorial Service planning. Judy Von Bergen will also share about her family's experience with natural burial as we hold a discussion about burial options and alternatives. | All Adult Ed classes meet in Bradfield Hall and are available via Zoom at Please visit for more info. | |
Girl Scout Troop 7828 meets regularly here at Covenant and they will be selling cookies THIS SUNDAY in between services in the gathering space! Purchase your favorite girl scout cookies and help us in supporting our young troops! | |
We are collecting clementines this Sunday! The Mission Committee collects fresh fruit for Glenn Stephens School so every student has a healthy snack. If you’d like to help, please bring a bag (or two) of clementines to the gathering space. Thank you! | |
John Knox Presbytery Report | |
On Saturday, February 18, the John Knox Presbytery met via Zoom with a number of representatives from Covenant Church in attendance: Pastor Charlie, Doug Rohn, Jennifer Morgan, Doug Poland, Jim Spilburg and Carol Phillips. | |
A major highlight of the meeting was the installation of Pastor Charlie Berthoud as Vice-Moderator of the John Knox Presbytery! Other items on the agenda were updates from a very busy Committee on Ministry and an interesting report from a group of small churches in Montana (of varied Protestant denominations) who had each been struggling to find ministers. They pulled resources together and have a plan in place that allows for shared mission and worship, while still maintaining their identity. This is of special interest, as our Presbytery is in the process of “revisioning”, finding a way to balance traditions, congregations and culture in today’s world.
These meetings are a great opportunity to see the inner workings of the Presbyterian Church, and witness all the amazing people who serve and live out the mission of this body of Christ.
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Loving God, in your mercy hear our prayers for. . .
This week's white roses commemorate the lives of Grace Ann (Best) Hillyer, aunt of Karen Best; Bobby Hoeck, aunt of Jennifer Morgan.
New this week: Virgil Landry; Corrine Hollar.
We pray for healing, for courage, and for peace, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
(click on the image header for full prayer list)
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Join us for 30-minute services of scripture, music and prayer throughout Lent. Services will alternate between Covenant and Westminster Presbyterian. This Wednesday (March 8) will be at Westminster.
Covenant: March 15, 29 | Westminster: March 8, 22
Click on the pic about to see more pics from our first Taize service on Wednesday.
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Racist Anonymous Fellowship is holding a virtual book study via Zoom on the book The Sum of Us by Heather McGhee. A New York Times Bestseller, published in 2021, this thoughtful book discusses how racism has a cost for everyone, and emphasizes the importance of multiracial solidarity. If you are interested, please contact Jennifer Morgan with any questions or to be added to the email list. Join any time! | |
As part of our “We Belong to God” Lenten series, we’re hosting three conversations about life and death issues, facilitated by our pastoral staff. Take some time to reflect on the challenging reality of death, and share stories with each other. Come join us for any of them to share your story or just listen. For our first session with Pastor Clara, snacks will be provided, but bring a lunch if you like! | | | | |