Prayer and Perseverance

Yet again, we see too much tragic death in the news: Daunte Wright, Adam Toledo, a Fed Ex facility in Indianapolis.

We are sad, angry, confused, exhausted.

I invite you right now to join with me in prayer. Take a deep breath and offer this prayer to God.
This prayer rightly casts our cares on God, and also prays for strength to equip us to make a difference.

But, as I suggested in the sermon last week, when we don’t have the energy to actively serve God’s kingdom, to be instruments of healing or bearers of light, we can take heart that other people do.

Yes God calls you and me to faithful action, but God doesn’t only call you and me.

Wednesday afternoon, I pulled into the church parking lot, and I was surprised to see about a dozen cars. As I walked down the hall, I heard conversation and laughter. I was delighted to walk into Bradfield Hall where about a dozen people were turning plastic bags into “mercy mats.”
A mercy mat is a hand-crocheted bed roll made from reused plastic shopping bags. Completed mats will be donated to our mission partners Friends of State Street and Porchlight.

Click on the photo to see more photos. To sign up for future gatherings (either in-person or via Zoom), click here: Mercy Mats group

The work and positive spirit of these folks gave me renewed strength.

I am as convinced as ever of the importance of our persistent work at Covenant to build up God’s kingdom. Day by day, prayer by prayer, song by song, activity by activity, dollar by dollar, we are building each other up and doing our best to “overcome evil with good” (Romans 12.21).

We are moving closer to reopening the building for Sunday worship. Stay tuned for updates. For now, hang in there and remember that God continues to bring resurrection and new life to the world.

We pray, we persevere, and we encourage each other along the way.

On the journey apart-but-together,
Worship and Picnic!
Sunday May 2, 11:00-2:00
Rennebohm Park
You are invited to a time of faith, fellowship, fun, and food!

We'll have a short worship service with communion, music, and a mini sermon at 11:15.

Afterward, we're going to picnic and play (frisbee, soccer, etc.).

Please sign up so we can plan (but you’re welcome to come even if you don’t get a chance to sign up!). Learn more and sign up HERE.
Calling all lovers of food!

Covenant is compiling a COVID Quarantine Cookbook.
Visit to learn more and to use the Google Form link for recipe submissions!

Deadline for Recipes: Sunday, May 2, 2021
In case you missed it or would like to listen again, click the photo for a video of our Easter postlude "Toccata" by Widor, with Doug McNeel on the Organ and a Brass Quintet.
Celebrate Earth Day on April 22!

Earth Day is set aside to celebrate God's creations and to remember to be good caretakes of the earth by recycling, reusing, and reducing items in your home. Below are some family activities to celebrate God's creation.

●Earth Day Worship Service HERE
●Read Genesis 1:1-31 from your Bible.
●Nature Scavenger Hunt HERE
●Directions to make a recycled egg carton caterpillar HERE
●Directions for bird feeders, a Holy Hike, or star gazing HERE

Our solar panels have been very busy!

Click the photo to see how much solar energy is being generated.
Youth Connection and Culver’s!

We’re bringing the custard to Covenant this Sunday for the Youth Connection groups! In addition to the tasty treat, we’ll be talking about our local summer plans for mission, fun, and spiritual stuff.

Middle School Youth Connection 4:00-5:00
High School Youth Connection 6:30-7:45
Adult Education April 18: Rev. Betsey Moe

Rev. Betsey Moe is a PC(USA) Mission Co-Worker in Guatemala. During the pandemic, Betsey has been working remotely for CEDEPCA, the Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America, planning immersive and innovative virtual experiences that allow people in the U.S. to remain connected with the people and culture of Guatemala. Come hear about Betsey and her family, their sense of call, and the ways that God has been working through technology to draw people together in the last year. 

Learn about Betsey and her husband Doug and read their latest mission letter called "Life by Chocolate" here: Betsey and Eric Moe
This class will meet at 10:00 am via Zoom.
Virtual Worship for Sunday, April 18

  • 3rd Sunday of Easter
  • Chelsea Cornelius preaching on Acts 9, "Changing Our Minds"
  • Children's Time with Donna Monson
  • Mission update on Guatemala, from Betsey Moe
  • Follow our blog to read Pastor Jeff's weekly reflections.

We will premiere the worship service on Facebook at 9:00 am on Sunday.

Let's keep growing the COVID offering!

Our Covid offering helps meet urgent needs in our community throughout the pandemic. Offerings shared in 2021 will benefit Porchlight, Friends of the State Street Family, and Cook It Forward Madison.

More info here: