Hello, Bailey-

When I was a kid, if I received a check, I would go to the bank with that little booklet about the size of a passport to deposit the check.

Yesterday I received a check, so I opened the bank app on my phone, and thirty seconds later, the check was deposited. 

Money transactions have changed dramatically over the years, especially recently. Many stores and restaurants no longer accept cash. Going to an ATM was once a convenience but now seems like a hassle. Checks are getting rare. Online giving is rapidly increasing. Even old people like me use things like Apple Pay.

While the way we save and spend money has changed, there are basic principles about money that remain. Being wise with our money helps us to live a good life. 

Over the next four weeks in worship, our theme is Money Matters, Life Matters.

Jesus frequently spoke about money and possessions, often urging his followers to be careful. Money isn’t bad, but if we aren’t careful with it, we fall into troubles.

The vast majority of messages we hear about money involve how to spend it. We are inundated with advertising, telling us how unhappy we are unless we have a certain product. Too many people get trapped in debt, buying more than they really want or need.

God offers us a different way—the way of contentment, generosity, and joy. 

 A prayer

Dear God, you have blessed us with all we need and more. Forgive us for the times when we are foolish with how we spend our money, our time, our energy. Change our hearts, open our eyes, guide our steps, so that we can discover a life of contentment, generosity, and joy. Amen.

If you can’t make it to church, check us out online. At the very least, I encourage you to think about how you are spending your money, your time, your life. Have a conversation with a loved. Make changes if necessary. Ask God to give you wisdom and strength. 

On the journey together,


Tailgate - 5:00pm | Game - 7:00pm

JOIN US FRIDAY for a Covenant tailgate before the UW Men's Big Ten Soccer game against Michigan! For the tailgate, bring a snack to share and your own beverages. We will provide games, tables and service ware, you provide the fun! A great event for ALL ages! And it is FREE - there is no entrance fee for the game or parking. Meet us in Lot 60, directly North of McClimon Soccer Field.

  • Charlie Berthoud preaching "Problems and Possibilities" (Matthew 6:24-33)
  • In-Person and Livestream worship: 9:00am & 11:00am
  • Music from Theo Wiersema, Covenant Handbell Choir, and Doug McNeel (welcome back!)
  • Church Matters sharing time by Kate Herringa
  • Special PC(USA) Offering - Peace & Global Witness (more below)
  • Children's Time with Jo Wiersema
  • Nursery Hours: 8:45am-12:15pm
  • Visit our Worship HQ for everything you need to worship with us online!

If you missed a service or would like to watch a service again, all livestreamed services are saved to our YouTube channel. Or you can give the sermons another listen on our sermon podcast!

Join us for Adult Ed Sunday at 10:00am in Bradfield Hall or via Zoom (link below). This class is Week 2 of a 6-week series on the book of Genesis, led by Melissa Hardy. Remaining class dates are: Oct. 23, Nov. 6, Nov. 13, and Nov. 20. We are covering the timeline of the book, key themes, stories, and characters. Classes blend foundational information with historical context and challenge us to think about stories from a variety of perspectives. Prior knowledge of Genesis is not needed. Please bring a Bible!

All Adult Education classes take place in Bradfield Hall and are available via Zoom at us02web.zoom.us/j/89540028471. Please visit covenantmadison.org/adult for more info.

This Sunday, we are receiving PC(USA)’s Peace & Global Witness Offering. Through this special offering, congregations are encouraged and equipped to find and address the anxiety and discord that is prevalent throughout this broken and sinful world. 25% of funds received will go to Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (DAIS), a Covenant mission partner. To learn more about this offering, click HERE. To give to this offering, click HERE. Or give in person on Sunday! To date, we have received $829.38.

All women are invited to Soul Sisters, which meets the 2nd Sunday each month, in-person and on Zoom. Soul Sisters is a group for women, members and friends of Covenant, to share fellowship and faith. If you want to know more or would like to join Soul Sisters, please email Barb Eikenberry.

In the spirit of church history, Hocus Pocus 2 and Halloween - which we're already starting to celebrate (come by the office for some candy) - we encourage you to pause a few minutes and take in this week's Midweek Musings, our weekly blog. Happy October! Click above for this week's Midweek Musings, "Hocus Pocus 2 and the inaccurate portrayals of Puritans in modern media" by our own Jo Wiersema.

You might notice a theme revolving around the word matters by now. We have a new sermon series Money Matters, Life Matters. You also have seen publicity for our Fall small group series Money Matters. The Generosity Campaign this year falls right in line, with the theme Church Matters and the verse Genesis 12:2 the focus (“blessed to be a blessing”). Generosity Campaign packets will be sent out on October 10. The hope is to have commitment cards returned by or on Commitment Sunday (October 30). Thank you!

Racists Anonymous Fellowship has a new book study coming up on the book

How the Word Is Passed by Clint Smith. This study lasts 6 weeks and is on Zoom only. Contact Jennifer Morgan to get the link! For more info on RAF, visit covenantmadison.org/raf.

The Children’s and Youth Ministries at Covenant are throwing a Halloween Party for kids ages 3-11! There will be a haunted house (oooooh). There will be games. Hope to see you there! This will be in place of the normal Youth Connection Sunday gatherings. If you are interested in helping out with set-up and clean-up, please contact Bailey or Jo!

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