Getting in Shape
For swimming, for living

I was on the swim team in high school and college. Back in the day, I could swim non-stop for hours.

I got in a pool this week for the first time in over a year. I had to take a break every 100 yards or so, and I barely made it to 1000 yards total, which used to be a warm-up for workouts in college.

I am out of shape for swimming. But I want to get back in shape, to be ready to ride waves in the Atlantic Ocean when we go on vacation later this summer. (Click on the photo to see 12 seconds of one of my favorite things to do, from several years ago.)
When we don’t do things for a while, we get out of shape, and it takes a while to get back in shape.

As we slowly emerge from Covid restrictions, we may realize that we’ve gotten out of shape in certain things. Some people have lost good habits of nutrition and exercise. Some people are noting the challenge of just having face to face conversations.

Some of us are “out of shape” with our Christian practices, and ALL of us are out of shape at in-person worship.

I’m excited and a little nervous about gathering together with real human beings in the sanctuary this Sunday. For the past 15 months, my iPhone and I have been recording worship videos in the sanctuary with nobody else present.

(Reminder: we are continuing to have worship videos available along with our in-person worship. You can find worship for Sunday, June 6 right here: Worship for Sunday, June 6, 2021)

So if you’ve gotten out of the habit of worship or other Christian practices, if you've lost connection with God, now is as good a time as any to start getting back in shape. One Sunday at a time, one prayer at a time, one act of loving (or forgiving or peacemaking) at a time. 

The good news is that Jesus came to call ordinary people like us to follow him in new life and new purpose. God is patient, merciful, and persistent, helping us to follow in the way.

Grace and peace,

PS As we re-enter the building for worship, I am very thankful for this wonderful place. I'm very thankful for volunteer workers and generous financial support that keep our building in good shape, so lives can be changed by God's love here.
You should notice some upgrades next time you walk in the building: fresh paint in the narthex, new stripes in the parking lot, a water bottle filler, pew supports in the sanctuary, new screens in the narthex to welcome visitors and inform everyone, and more. Click on the photo above to see some pix.
Sunday, June 6

With seating limited to 85 people per service, we are returning to in-person worship! Please sign up HERE to worship with us in the sanctuary on June 6 at 9:00 am or 10:30 am. Online worship videos will continue to be offered. Read our guidelines for in-person worship HERE. You can sign up for any June services through our website.

A Family Worship Bag will be available for families with children aged 3 years to 5th grade.
Introducing Covenant’s Quarantine Cookbook!
We are so excited to share our new congregational cookbook, filled with delicious recipes that have gotten Covenant members through this challenging year.

Join Pastor Jeff for a Zoom Cook-Along on June 24 at 5:30 pm! The Recipe of Honor will be Kim Huff’s “Couscous Yumminess” (p.46).

Visit or click the photo to get cooking!
Pentecost Offering

40% of the funds raised through our Pentecost Offering will benefit our local mission partner, Briarpatch Youth Services, which offers a broad array of services to runaway, homeless, and at-risk youth ages 12-17.

Learn more about the PC(USA) Pentecost Special Offering on our website:
GatherX Brunch
June 12 from 10:00-1:00

Support the GatherX community and enjoy brunch! Brunch options include Country Breakfast or Veggie Frittata. Want to add a little sweet or a little savory? Add on a Belgian-Style Liege Waffle or Bacon...or both! Take your brunch home or enjoy it in the local park and church grounds. Click here to place your order by Thursday June 10th!

100% of all proceeds from BBQ plate sales will go to support GatherX. Rooted in downtown Madison, Wisconsin, GatherX is an organization seeking to build intentional relationships and meaningful community for young adults. We do this by creating inclusive, safe spaces for individuals to find connection — to each other, to resources, and to our city. We are united under commonly held beliefs of authenticity, diversity, and our shared vulnerability, striving to engage in spiritual matters and lasting community. See the Facebook Event announcement here.
Get to know our newest members!

We've been blessed with several wonderful new members over the past year apart. Click on the image to learn their faces and names so that you can greet them when you see them in-person!
Show your Covenant pride!
Use this link to order a Covenant t-shirt by Sunday, June 6.
Payment is to be made when you receive your order.
Worship for Sunday, June 6

  • 2nd Sunday after Pentecost
  • Charlie Berthoud preaching on Psalm 122:1, "The Church is More Than a Building"
  • Children's Time with Katie Mace & Family
  • Holy Communion
  • Follow our blog to read Pastor Jeff's weekly reflections.

We will premiere the worship service on Facebook at 9:00 am on Sunday.

Gardening Help

Thank you to the eleven gardeners who helped in the hot sun on our Grounds Clean-Up Day, May 22nd!  We’d like to keep it going, so some of us will be meeting on Mondays at 9:00am to continue garden care. This coming Monday we’ll be moving mulch. Extra folks with wheelbarrows, shovels, and forks appreciated.

If you’d like to help, but that time isn’t good for you, please contact Rosemary Jones and we’ll find a project for you to enjoy at your convenience.