Hello, Bailey-

I saw the new Avatar movie before Christmas with my wife and sons. The special effects were mesmerizing, but the plot was lacking, so I’d give it two stars out of five.

But one thing I really liked about both Avatar movies is the way the Na'vi beings greet each other. They pause and look deeply at each other and say “I see you.”

It’s good to be seen. I had a birthday this week (number 59!) and I feel very “seen” by cards, phone calls, emails, Facebooks posts, kind words, and some nice gifts.

The good news of the gospel is that God sees us. God knows us. God loves us.

And God calls us to see the people around us. 

If you’ve been reading a chapter of Matthew each day with the help of our devotional, then on Wednesday you read Matthew 4, where Jesus calls people to follow him saying “Come, follow me, and I’ll show you how to fish for people.”

I’ve heard “fishing for people” paraphrased as “having people eyes.” Disciples of Jesus fish for people by seeing the people around them and by caring, listening, serving, and striving to make this world a better place for everyone.

My primary resolution for this new year is to slow down and really try to see and listen and care for people. I hope we all can find ways to really see each other, to see the world around us, and to follow the calling of Jesus.

On the journey together,


  • In-Person and Livestream worship: 9:00am & 11:00am
  • Epiphany Sunday | Baptism of the Lord
  • Reflection by Jane Kolakowski about her 2022 Epiphany Star
  • Remembering Our Baptisms
  • Ordination and Installation of Elders and Deacons
  • Music from Melissa Hinz, Doug McNeel, and Ben Welch
  • Children's Time with Jo Wiersema
  • Kaleidoscope Kids worship education (9:00am only)
  • Sunday School from 10:00-10:55am
  • Nursery Care (8:45am-12:15pm)
  • Visit our Worship HQ for everything you need to worship with us online!

If you missed a service or would like to watch a service again, all livestreamed services are saved to our YouTube channel. Or you can give the sermons another listen on our sermon podcast!

As the Magi were guided by the star over Bethlehem, so too are we guided by our stars throughout the year. Every Epiphany, we share stars with all who want one. Written on these stars are a variety of words that will help us throughout the year. Those words are to be a challenge, comfort, and gift to you through 2023. Grab one at church on Sunday!

Congregational Meeting - This Sunday!

Session has called for a congregational meeting this Sunday at 10:00am for two items of business:

  1. To hear and act on a report from the Nominating Committee on the seven candidates for our Associate Pastor Nominating Committee.
  2. To hear and act on a report from Building & Grounds about ceding 115 sq ft of church property to a neighbor, after a fence was inadvertently installed on church property. Here are a couple of documents (click for pdf) pertinent to this item of business: Covenant Topography & Property Survey, Proposed Property Boundary Resolution

Read Matthew in January!

We invite you to read the gospel according to Matthew in January, and to help reflect on the gospel, we have a devotional written by church members, called “Hungry.” SUBSCRIBE NOW and you will receive daily emails beginning January 1st and through the month of January. Click HERE to read Pastor Charlie's preface to the devotional. Hard copies will be available in the New Year at church.

Christian Books to Read in 2023

If you follow Jo on social media or even just talk to her, you know she likes books (understatement). The first Midweek Musings of 2023 will get your new year off on the right track. Happy New Year! Click on the image to read this week's Midweek Musings "Christian Books to Read in 2023."

2023 is under way, and we want to give you a final snapshot of where we are financially with our Generosity Campaign:

Week of

Total pledged

Number pledges







2021 Totals:



Thank you for your commitment to Covenant for 2023. And also, it’s never too late to visit our Generosity Page to fill out a commitment form and serving survey. Paper copies are also available at the Welcome Center.

January 15 - February 19, 2023

In Genesis, the first humans were given responsibility to care for creation. Over the past fifty years, we've realized how humanity has not been faithful to our calling and the earth is in trouble. What does the Bible say about creation and our responsibility? What are the scientists telling us? How do environmental issues impact poor people and people of color? How can we be instruments of reconciliation for humanity and creation? Join us next week for this new series!

As part of our commitment to becoming a Matthew 25 congregation, the Adult Education Committee encourages members to consider participating in the Nehemiah Center for Urban Leadership Development’s Black History for a New Day course. This class will be offered on Monday evenings from 7:00-9:00pm via Zoom February 6-April 17. We will have a Covenant specific group and it will be lead by Jennifer Morgan. 


Due to Covenant’s longstanding commitment to Nehemiah’s ministry as well as generous support from GMB, the cost for Covenant members will be reduced to around $125 and full scholarships are available for those who need one. Sign up HERE, and contact Jenny Von Bergen with any questions.

Join us for a Spiritual Stroll on the 4th Sunday of the month at a different trail/conservancy/state park. This month is at Picnic Point and the stroll will be led by Melissa Hinz. These strolls are part of a Covenant program called CONNECT, a program of events sponsored by the deacons of Covenant Presbyterian Church with the intention of fostering connection within the congregation and community.

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