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Bi-Monthly Newsletter of UFMCC | 2024 September 15 | View as Webpage

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September Calendar

September 17

Council of Elder's Spirit Conversations

September 19-21

MCC Florida Network Gathering

September 21

Stronger Together: Being MCC in Politically Perilous Times in the USA

Week of September 23

Bisexual+ Awareness Week

September 23

Bisexuality Day

September 27-29

MCC Latinx/a/e/o/xs Conference

October 1

Bylaws Amendment Proposals Due Date

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Bylaws Amendment Proposals Due on 1st October 2024

The Governing Board has established that General Conference 2025 will have an online Business Meeting and Forum, with several Discussion Circles occurring in advance so you can share your input.

If you want to propose a bylaw amendment, it will need to be ready by 1st October 2024 to keep within the time frame.

The process for bylaw amendment proposals is established in this section of the current bylaws, addenda 1 - click here.

The form (including instructions) to submit bylaws - click here.

ICM Latin America Gathers Online for Monthly Fellowship

ICM Latin America gathers online for their monthly meeting, which was lead by Rev. Elder Elaine Saralegui. The meeting was an important opportunity to introduce the new members to the rest of the community.

The meeting was attended by participants from all over Latin America, such as Cuba, Mexico, Argentina, and Brazil - some of which were first-timers.

The next meeting will be on September 21st, which will be a Memorial Service for Rev. Roberto Gonzalez.

Webinar: Queering Black Churches

LGBTQ-RAN advisor and pastor-scholar Rev. Dr. Derrick McQueen will interview Rev. Dr. Brandon Thomas Crowley on his newly published book, Queering Black Churches: Dismantling Heteronormativity in African American Congregations (Oxford University Press 2024). LGBTQ-RAN is pleased to co-sponsor this webinar with the Open and Affirming Coalition of the United Church of Christ.

In his book, Crowley argues for a systematic approach to dismantling homophobia within African American congregations that moves beyond surface-level allyship toward actual structural renovation. For more information, go to the event page of LGBTQ Religious Archives Network.

Schedule: Thursday, September 26 8PM ET / 5PM PT

Register via Zoom

MCC Networks News

New Look, Renewed Purposes

MCC Marketing and Communication Coordinator Christopher Celeste and Church Support and Development Coordinator Rev. Dexter Brecht have collaborated to develop a new logo for the MCC Network Program.

The design includes the colors of the current MCC logo as well as a kaleidoscope of other colors representing the various contexts and cultures of our congregations. It is reminiscent of both a dream catcher and a stained glass window reflecting the possibilities of Networks to be the program where the visions of MCC can be realized and the blessings of our ministry can shine through.

For more information about the purposes of MCC Networks or to find out what Network you are part of, please visit our website at [].

Network Leader Appointment

Congratulations to Virginia (Ginny) Loving who has been appointed to serve as the Network Co-Leader for the MidAtlanticUSANetwork. Ginny brings with her a wealth of MCC experience as well as both administrative and creative skills to her new ministry role.

She will be serving alongside Rev. Tomas Holloway to serve our congregations in the states of Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia, and Virginia as well as the District of Columbia. You can contact Ginny or Rev. Tomas at [].

SouthCentralUSANetwork Invitation

If you are an MCCer living in the states of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas or Louisiana you are invited to take part in a conversation about the priorities of ministry in your Network!

What do your congregation's leaders need in the way of support? How can we communicate more effectively? What would you like to celebrate about your ministry? How is the Spirit calling the congregations of the SouthCentralUSANetwork to embody the Core Values of MCC?

The gathering will take place in conjunction with the upcoming LatinX Conference on September 28th at 5:30pm CT and it will be hybrid, so you can participate either in person or online! Contact Network Co-Leader Huey Lee at [] for more information.

Fellowship Sunday - Commemorating the First Sunday Service of MCC

We are all part of MCC because Rev Troy Perry held the first service of MCC on Sunday, October 6th, 1968. We celebrate Fellowship Sunday on the Sunday closest to that date, which this year is the precise date of October 6th marking our 56th anniversary! Some of our churches celebrate Fellowship Month using the month of October to highlight our shared history, leaders past and present, accomplishments, and programs.

Each year, MCC congregations are encouraged to receive a special offering for the denomination. This year’s offering will be dedicated to Flourish. No matter where you are within MCC as a leader (Laity or Clergy), the goal of Flourish is to bring connection and programming to enhance, develop, and inspire your ministry. The former “Thriving in Ministry” and the Global Leadership Development Fund have partnered together to form Flourish!

Here are some testimonials from people impacted by Flourish:

Spiritual Direction: “Words cannot truly encompass the power of spiritual direction in the work I do as a clergywoman, for the richness of my intersectionalty, and the holistic wellness of self- work. I have experienced a few “aha” moments that brought light into areas that required it.” —Rev. Nilsa Irizarry, Clergy and Church Support Resource Associate, MCC

Fundraising, Generosity, Grant Writing Webinar: “Wow, what a powerhouse of people and the knowledge they shared was incredibly helpful. Looking forward to more webinars like this to learn more.” —Nico Bonner MHPS, Founding Executive Director, Flaming for Jesus

Clergy Retreat (Fall 2023): “This clergy retreat provided time for me to have intimate, meaningful private conversations of sharing with friends and colleagues. This retreat was the first time I felt ‘a part of’ MCC and not treated as an outsider. It was amazing for others to ask me to pray with/for them and to share personal hurts and struggles within MCC. The retreat was the first time I was able to ask for help and receive it which means the world to me.” —Rev. Kenny Callaghan, Senior Pastor, All God’s Children MCC

Learn more about the history of MCC through our resources by clicking here. If you wish to make a donation to Flourish, please click the button below:

Donate to Flourish


Together We Rise: MCC Florida Network Gathering 2024

Gather with other MCC members and denominational staff for a time of unity and inspiration at our Network Gathering, themed "Together We Rise: shaping the church for the future."

Dates: September 19th to 21st, 2024

Location: Church of the Trinity, Sarasota, FL, USA

Note: Attendees are responsible for their own lodging.

Register Now via Eventbrite
MCC Latinx Conference

The 2024 Latinx/a/e/o/xs Conference: Empower, Encourage, Enlighten

View Spanish Version / Ver versión en español

It's not too late to register for the Latinx/a/e/o/xs Conference. The theme will be "Empower, Encourage, Enlighten" ("Empoderar, Motivar, Iluminar").

Dates: September 27th to 29th, 2024

Location: MCC San Antonio, TX, USA

Register Now via Eventbrite

An Invitation To Give: MCC Disaster Relief Fund

Families around the world are facing devastation from disasters, especially with the imminent climate change. While calamities do not discriminate, it is often the marginalized and the poor who are first to be negatively affected.

MCC Disaster Relief Fund has provided support to: Neema MCC, Kenya - to help feed people after a sever drought; Open Table MCC, Philippines - provided relief for those affected by a typhoon; MCC churches in Florida, USA - after Hurricane Ian.

Donate via DonorPerfect
Donate via PayPal

Living Water MCC Online Prayers for Peace

Living Water MCC will continue their Prayer for Peace, which started last September 11, and shall continue every Wednesday until December 18 at 8PM EET (Eastern European Time).

The prayers are bi-lingual: Finnish and English - as needed, and last about 15 minutes.

Zoom Link

Season of Creation Celebration Guide: To Hope and Act With Creation

As followers of Christ from around the globe, we share a common call to care for Creation. Our well-being is interwoven with the well-being of the Earth.

The theme of Creation Justice Ministries for this year is "To Hope and Act With Creation" - with a guide that includes ideas for prayer, including an ecumenical prayer service, and ways to incorporate and reflect on this year's theme and symbol. 

Learn More

Real Faith in an AI World: Rethinking Digital Ministry

How do we keep our faith authentic, our ministry human-centered, and our connections meaningful in a world increasingly shaped by tech?

Faith+Lead will begin a four-week learning community - "Real Faith in an AI World: Rethinking Digital Ministry" - which begins this October.

Register Now

Interested in Learning Greek or Hebrew?

Flourish is cost sharing with those who have a passion to learn these languages. Reach out to Jordan Dyck for registration and more information.

Email Jordan Dyck

Anti Racism Training

DON'T FORGET to all those who signed up for Anti Racism training.

To receive CEU credit you must complete that training as well attend a session coming up the first week of October.

Dates and time to be published soon.

MCC Kinship Groups

Flourish and Sanctified Arts are partnering to provide you and your worship team a Discounted Advent Worship Bundle.

This bundle includes words for worship, sermon planning guide, banner designs and much more. Please contact [] with any questions.

To take advantage of this amazing offer, you must register by clicking the button below:

Register Now

Wear Your Values, Vote For Change - Limited Edition T-Shirt

We’re excited to introduce a new way to support our Florida Network and encourage a message of kindness, inclusion, and civic engagement—through our specially designed t-shirts! By wearing this shirt, you'll help encourage voter participation and advocate for positive change.

Spread the urgent message of unity and advocacy through these statement shirts, amidst the current perilous political climate.

Order Now

Note: shipping is available within the USA only.

Courageous Leadership: Sexuality, Consent, & Boundaries

The purpose of the course is to support MCC congregational leaders to build cultures

that balance unique expressions of sexuality with boundaries and consent.

Our work together will take place over 2 sessions. In session 1, we will explore sex positivity and

the ways that boundary concerns emerge in congregations. In Session 2, we will role

play asserting boundaries and coaching colleagues and congregants.


October 9 - 6PM EST to 8:30PM EST (2.5 hours);

October 23 - 6PM EST to 8:30PM EST (2.5 hours).

Register Now

Should Churches Use TikTok?

The answer is yes, and one pastor doing exactly that is MCC's very own Rev. Wanda Floyd. Reflecting on the history and current use of TikTok, Wanda writes:

TikTok exploded on the scene at just the right time – 2017. It was the “right” time because by the pandemic, it was being used by millions of people and when COVID hit, it went into overdrive. With “sheltering in place”, TikTok and other social media platforms became the way that people connected with the outside world. Dance trends, dress trends and challenges were seen daily on TikTok. Some managed to make it as an influencer and others just joined to watch.

Read Full Article on Convergence

MCC San Francisco is looking for a Music Director

MCC San Francisco, CA, USA is looking for an innovative and committed part-time music director to create, nurture, and grow a vibrant and dynamic church music program.

The music director will be responsible for planning, rehearsing, accompanying, and leading music for two regular worship services and special services as needed.

Apply Now

Council of Elders Spirit Conversations

Join the MCC Council of Elders as they share their favorite spiritual practices. Learn more about them, their journey in MCC and what helps to find their spirit.

In the third Spirit Conversation, Rev. Elder Aaron Miller focuses on the idea of "gratitude and awe" - with the foundation scripture being John 16:6a, when Jesus said: "I am the way, the truth, and the life..."

Schedule: September 17 / 5PM ET / online via Zoom

Zoom Link

MCC Kinship Groups

Kinship Groups offer a safe spaces of connecting with other people of similar struggles and challenges. We have groups for Trans, PAD, API, God-Talk, and Latinx.

If you have any questions, are interested in a particular Kinship group, or interested in forming another Kinship group, you may email Rev. Hector Gutierrez.

Contact Rev. Hector Via Email
Call For MCC Theologies Submissions

Call For MCC Theologies Submissions

Send in your wonderful work so current and future generations may benefit!

We accept sermons, liturgies, Christian Education materials, essays, books, academic papers, and spiritual teachings and reflections - in written, audio, or video format.

Email Your Submissions

SunCoast MCC 6-Night Fundraiser Cruise

Join SunCoast MCC and other MCCers for a six-night fundraiser cruise.

Prices start at US$638!

Schedule: September 30 to October 6, 2024; Departs from Tampa.

Contact MCC members: Dan Mullins 1-407-731-7704 or Lorna Hunter 1-941-220-984

Got Interesting MCC Stories You'd Like to Include in Connect?

Has your local MCC congregation, pastor, staff, or member done an inspiring advocacy work recently? Do you have an inspiring MCC story or testimony to share with the rest of the denomination?

We are looking for interesting, powerful, and inspirational stories within global MCC community that can touch hearts, inspire others, and strengthen our faith community - that we might include in the next edition of our Connect newsletter.

Submit Your MCC Story

Assessments: 18766 John J. Williams Hwy | #382 | Rehoboth Beach | DE 19971 | USA

Board of Pensions: PO Box 9917 | Wichita Falls | TX 76308 | USA

Other: 3276 E. Venice Ave | Venice | FL 34292 | USA

© 2024 Metropolitan Community Churches

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