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Bi-Monthly Newsletter of UFMCC | 2024 September 1 | View as Webpage

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September Calendar

September 4

MCC Council of Elders Prayer Vigil for Peace

September 13-15

MCC West Central USA Network Gathering

September 19-21

MCC Florida Network Gathering

September 21

Stronger Together: Being MCC in Politically Perilous Times in the USA

Week of September 23

Bisexual+ Awareness Week

September 23

Bisexuality Day

September 27-29

MCC Latinx/a/e/o/xs Conference

Visit our Resource Bank for educational and seasonal resources. You may also follow us on our various social media platforms:

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Council of Elders - Online Prayer Vigils for Peace

Join the Council of Elders wherever you are in the world, for a series of online Prayer Vigils for Peace on Wednesday, 4th September, 2024 to pray for peace. You are welcome to attend any one or all of the seven Prayer Vigils, share communion with MCCers around the world and form a circle of peace around the globe.

The 7 Prayer Vigils are set in different time zones and you are welcome to attend any one that is convenient for you.

Here are the times and the languages, local time, 4th September 2024:





6:30PM / 18:30 SAST

South Africa - with Zulu and English


Europe - in various languages


Brazil - with Portuguese and English


Central USA - with Spanish and English


West Coast USA

Zoom Link

Be Bold: West Central USA Network Gathering 2024

Join the MCC West Central USA Network Gathering for a weekend of fun and fellowship, with the theme "Be Bold."

Featuring a special session from MCC Denominational Leaders on the new Flourish Grant Program. The former Thriving in Ministry program (funded by Lilly Endowment) and MCC’s Global Leadership Development Fund is now under one umbrella for all MCC, and it is called FLOURISH. Learn more about how your congregation can access these resources.

Meet and spend time with denomination leaders Rev. Elder Rich Hendricks, MCC Council of Elders; Marie Tasker, MCC Flourish Program Manager; Rev. Cathy Alexander, MCC Vocational Leadership Coordinator; Rev. Lauren Bennett, MCC Conference/Events Coordinator; and Mike Haase, MCC IT, Website, & Database Coordinator. These folks will be leading group sessions and be available for 1 on 1 conversations to answer questions for your unique congregation’s needs.

Dates: September 13 to 15, 2024

Location: Table of Hope MCC, Wichita, KS, USA

Register Now

Together We Rise: MCC Florida Network Gathering 2024

Gather with other MCC members and denominational staff for a time of unity and inspiration at our Network Gathering, themed "Together We Rise: shaping the church for the future."

This inclusive event invites everyone—whether you’re a clergy member, a participant in our LEAD program, or simply passionate about community—to deepen connections and explore meaningful discussions.

Guest speakers include: Rev. Cathy Alexander, Evangeline Weiss, and Marie Tasker.

Highlights include:

  • Opportunities for clergy to earn CEU credits that meet all annual requirements
  • Credits available for participants in our LEAD program
  • Insightful discussions on shaping our church’s future direction
  • A moving communion service and concert celebrating our shared purpose

Dates: September 19th to 21st, 2024

Location: Church of the Trinity, Sarasota, FL, USA

Note: Attendees are responsible for their own lodging.

Register Now via Eventbrite
MCC Latinx Conference

The 2024 Latinx/a/e/o/xs Conference: Empower, Encourage, Enlighten

View Spanish Version / Ver versión en español

It's not too late to register for the Latinx/a/e/o/xs Conference, which is happening on September 27 to 29, 2024 at MCC San Antonio, Texas, USA. The theme will be "Empower, Encourage, Enlighten" / "Empoderar, Motivar, Iluminar."

This event is designed to: Inspire Latino/a/e/as/xs leadership development to build vibrant latinxs faith communities that are empowered to transform the world.

We are MCC Latino/a/e/os/as/xs people and allies who bring robust life, faith and social experiences called to...

  • Provide training, mentoring and resources.
  • Enhance strengths and skills while embracing cultural heritage.
  • Cultivate a culture of holistic wellness to uplift our latinxs identities.

Dates: September 27th to 29th, 2024

Location: MCC San Antonio, TX, USA

Register Now via Eventbrite

Featured: Ireland's First Transgender Minister Ordained

Inside the glass door of Harbour Faith Community one Sunday morning in May, an historic event in Irish Christianity was taking place. Teagan MacAodhagáin, an MCC Minister, was being ordained as the first transgender minister across Ireland.

Teagan spent a year at Harbour on his internship en route to becoming an ordained minister with the MCC denomination.

Teagan is a gifted communicator, a natural pastor and a tireless advocate for full inclusion across the Christian church. He lives in Dublin with his wife and three children.

Get to know more about Teagan's Journey, in his own words, by listening to this short reflection from RTE Radio 1 - click here to listen.

The MCC denomination congratulates and celebrates Teagan's historic ordination. May the trail that he blazed inspire countless others in Ireland, the rest of Christian movement, and the whole world.

Sources: Facebook / Harbour Faith Community; Belfast Telegraph - "Ireland's First Transgender Minister Ordained in NI Church."

Bylaws Amendment Proposals Due on 1st October 2024

The Governing Board has established that General Conference 2025 will have an online Business Meeting and Forum, with several Discussion Circles occurring in advance so you can share your input.

If you want to propose a bylaw amendment, it will need to be ready by 1st October 2024 to keep within the time frame.

The process for bylaw amendment proposals is established in this section of the current bylaws, addenda 1 - click here.

The form (including instructions) to submit bylaws - click here.

MCC Disaster Relief Fund has provided support to: Neema MCC, Kenya - to help feed people after a sever drought; Open Table MCC, Philippines - provided relief for those affected by a typhoon; MCC churches in Florida, USA - after Hurricane Ian.


MCC Kinship Groups

If you identify as a person of African descent, you are welcome to attend the PAD:TNG Gathering Calls for the month of September.

Tuesday, September 10: 4PM PST / 5PM MST / 6PM CST / 7PM EST / 12AM (next day) UK / 1AM (next day) Sweden / 1AM South Africa

Saturday, September 14: 9AM PST / 10AM PST / 11AM CST / 12PM EST / 5PM UK / 6PM South Africa / 6PM Sweden

Contact Rev. Hector Via Email

Wear Your Values, Vote For Change - Limited Edition T-Shirt

We’re excited to introduce a new way to support our Florida Network and encourage a message of kindness, inclusion, and civic engagement—through our specially designed t-shirts! By wearing this shirt, you'll help encourage voter participation and advocate for positive change.

Spread the urgent message of unity and advocacy through these statement shirts, amidst the current perilous political climate.

Order Now

Note: shipping is available within the USA only. For multiple orders, please complete additional order forms. Payment information will be provided once the order form is submitted. For questions or bulk order request, contact [].

Courageous Leadership: Sexuality, Consent, & Boundaries

The purpose of the course is to support MCC congregational leaders to build cultures

that balance unique expressions of sexuality with boundaries and consent.

Our work together will take place over 2 sessions. In session 1, we will explore sex positivity and

the ways that boundary concerns emerge in congregations. In Session 2, we will role

play asserting boundaries and coaching colleagues and congregants.


October 9 - 6PM EST to 8:30PM EST (2.5 hours);

October 23 - 6PM EST to 8:30PM EST (2.5 hours).

Register Now
Call For MCC Theologies Submissions

Call For MCC Theologies Submissions

Send in your wonderful work so current and future generations may benefit!

We accept sermons, liturgies, Christian Education materials, essays, books, academic papers, and spiritual teachings and reflections - in written, audio, or video format.

Email Your Submissions

MCC San Francisco is looking for a Music Director

MCC San Francisco, CA, USA is looking for an innovative and committed part-time music director to create, nurture, and grow a vibrant and dynamic church music program.

The music director will be responsible for planning, rehearsing, accompanying, and leading music for two regular worship services and special services as needed.

Apply Now

SunCoast MCC 6-Night Fundraiser Cruise

Join the MCC Council of Elders as they share their favorite spiritual practices. Learn more about them, their journey in MCC and what helps to find their spirit.

In the second Spirit Conversation, Elder Hattie Alexander-Key shares her idea about the concept of "blessed quietness."

Watch Now

MCC Kinship Groups

Kinship Groups offer a safe spaces of connecting with other people of similar struggles and challenges. We have groups for Trans, PAD, API, God-Talk, and Latinx.

If you have any questions, are interested in a particular Kinship group, or interested in forming another Kinship group, you may email Rev. Hector Gutierrez.

Contact Rev. Hector Via Email

SunCoast MCC 6-Night Fundraiser Cruise

Join SunCoast MCC and other MCCers for a six-night fundraiser cruise.

Prices start at US$638!

Schedule: September 30 to October 6, 2024; Departs from Tampa.

Contact MCC members: Dan Mullins 1-407-731-7704 or Lorna Hunter 1-941-220-984

Got Interesting MCC Stories You'd Like to Include in Connect?

Has your local MCC congregation, pastor, staff, or member done an inspiring advocacy work recently? Do you have an inspiring MCC story or testimony to share with the rest of the denomination?

We are looking for interesting, powerful, and inspirational stories within global MCC community that can touch hearts, inspire others, and strengthen our faith community - that we might include in the next edition of our Connect newsletter.

Submit Your MCC Story

An Invitation To Give: MCC Disaster Relief Fund

Families around the world are facing devastation from disasters, especially with the imminent climate change. While calamities do not discriminate, it is often the marginalized and the poor who are first to be negatively affected.

MCC Disaster Relief Fund has provided support to: Neema MCC, Kenya - to help feed people after a sever drought; Open Table MCC, Philippines - provided relief for those affected by a typhoon; MCC churches in Florida, USA - after Hurricane Ian.

Donate via DonorPerfect
Donate via PayPal

Assessments: 18766 John J. Williams Hwy | #382 | Rehoboth Beach | DE 19971 | USA

Board of Pensions: PO Box 9917 | Wichita Falls | TX 76308 | USA

Other: 2775 NW 49th Ave | Ste: 205-327 | Ocala | FL 34482 | USA

© 2024 Metropolitan Community Churches

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