Mission opportunities:
If you or your Life Group is interested in helping with a community mission project, contact the church office (343-4730) or email wendy@northmonroe.com.
The Vine (Pregnancy & Mentoring Ministry)
• Tuesday night 5:15-7:00 - help with childcare while moms are in their Bible study.
• Tuesday dinner - needs to feed 16 (moms & kids) during a 12-week study.
Needed Donations: Diapers, Wipes, Bibles (NAS if we are being picky,) Financial gifts - Please call or text The Vine to sign up! 318.953.2778
Desiard Street Shelter: If you or your Life Group would be interested in helping provide/serve a meal for 20-40 people on the third Thursday of the month from 4:30 – 5:30pm.
Ray of Hope (A Food Bank agency at 1835 Winnsboro Road): Mondays: Distribute food boxes any time between 8am – 4pm (lunch provided for volunteers). Wednesdays & Fridays: Prepare food boxes for Monday distribution between 8am – 12noon; Thrift store: price and put out goods. Groups of 10 – 12, call to make arrangements with Karen (318.348-3144) ahead of time.
Seeker Springs Ministry (1280 Okaloosa Road, Eros, LA) needs help with carpentry, landscaping and cleaning. Contact Terry Slawson at 318.249.4495.
Project 2.5+: The 2nd Tuesday of each month from 9:00 - 10:00am we will be sorting and organizing donations. If you are interested in joining us you can contact Wendy at wendy@northmonroe.com.
Project 2.5+: The 2nd Tuesday of each month from 9:00 - 10:00am we will be sorting and organizing donations. If you are interested in joining us you can contact Wendy at wendy@northmonroe.com.
Grace Place Ministries | 3rd Wednesday of Every Month | 10:30am - 1:00PM We need help providing cookies and canned fruit salad for 150 people and need volunteers to help serve food each month. If you would like to help provide food or volunteer please contact wendy@northmonroe.com