Walking Tour of the Stavely Research Ranch
Join Barry Adams, Rangeland Management Specialist, for this day-long outdoor walk west of Stavely, Alberta on September 4, 2024. Topics will include the ecological context of the Foothills Parkland Natural Subregion, the role of grasses in building soils and storing carbon, and the role of range health in the capture and storage of water in the watershed.
How to Use Range Plant Community Guides
and Recovery Strategies Manuals for
Project and Reclamation Planning in Grasslands
This one day, classroom-based course at Cassils Hall near Brooks on September 11, 2024 will teach participants how to use the tools listed above. These tools will provide valuable context to interpret results of data collected for AEP Conservation Assessments – Strategic Siting and Pre-disturbance Site Assessments for Industrial Activities on Native Grassland and plan effective restoration for planned or existing disturbances in native grassland. This course pairs well with GRF’s Grassland Assessment Training.
Grassland Assessment Training
This hands-on one-day field-based course takes place at the Antelope Creek Ranch near Brooks on a September 12, 2024. It is designed for students, agrologists, ecologists, land stewards, regulators, planners and reclamation practitioners and anyone interested in learning more about native grassland ecosystems. The course offers training on common plant identification, use of soils and landscape mapping (AGRASID and GVI) in relation to Alberta’s Range Plant Community Guides and Range Health Assessment Manuals. Designed to classify and assess grassland plant communities, these tools are critical for pre-site assessments, reclamation design and restoration of native grassland.
Industry Tour - Grassland Restoration
This field tour on October 3, 2024 looks at multiple use landscapes in the dry mixed- grass of SE Alberta, based from Manyberries, Alberta and designed for industry professionals and practitioners, looking at a variety of reclamation challenges and practices, including wellsites and cropland conversion.
The GRF Perennial Gathering!
This year, the GRF Fall Information Session at Claresholm, Alberta, takes place on November 14. The one-day fall information session gathers a variety of industry and grassland stakeholders to exchange current information on grassland restoration and conservation through a variety of presentations and mini updates. The theme this year is CASE STUDIES.
Check out our website for more details, and to register for all events: