Does your business have a Competent Safety Leader (CSL) on site with the knowledge, interest and drive to encourage and lead safety initiatives at your workplace?

While the Motor Safety Association believes that all your staff must be involved for safety to work; we also recognize the need for someone with the knowledge and resources to effectively lead the company’s safety initiatives.

Competent Safety Leaders in our industry can now be recognized by completing our FREE Competent Safety Leader (CSL) designation program.

To learn more: MSA CSL Designation

Rate Code Finder

MSA has developed a rate code; range calculator for WCB designated industry rate codes within our membership. If you are unsure of your business’s rate code, please contact

By entering your company’s total payroll into the rate code; range calculator(s), you will receive a visual representation of the WCB premium range for both the maximum discount and maximum surcharge applied.

Click this link to determine your Premium Range.

New Course Dates Added

Register now and receive free essential industry safety training! This provincially recognized training prepares Occupational Health Committee members, Supervisors and Managers for their required safety roles in the workplace. 

Upcoming live virtual training:

August 22 OHC Level 2

October 24 OHC Level 1

November 7 OHC Level 2

For more course dates: Live Virtual Training

Upcoming Classroom Workshops:

September 12 OHC Level 1 - Saskatoon

September 19 OHC Level 1 - Regina

Classroom options: MSA Classroom Training Calendar

MSA also offers in-house training at members site: In-House Training Request

MSA Member Discounts

EyeSafe, a program that can save your employees up to 40% off prescription safety eyewear!

Click here to learn more:


Discover additional MSA member discounts and exclusive offers here.

Follow Us on Social Media

We invite our members to join the ongoing safety discussions.

Facebook  X  Instagram

Upcoming Travel and Collaboration Opportunities

MSA Safety Consultants will be in the Turtleford and Swift Current areas soon. If your business is interested in having a MSA Consultant come out at no additional charge to provide consulting onsite safety services, contact us at: or at 306-721-0688.


If you have any further safety information that you feel should be communicated to our industry and membership, please email:

Your feedback is invaluable to us. Please take a moment to complete a short survey to help us improve our services.

Member Survey Link

Thank you for your continued support and collaboration.



Ryan J. Bast, CRSP

Executive Director

Visit our Website

673 Henderson Drive

Regina, SK
