COGnitive Connections

June 21, 2024

Pee Dee COG Welcomes Yet Another Team Member

Offering her education, experience of more than 30 years, and leadership, Christy Overstreet joins the Pee Dee COG as the new Finance Director. Through managerial decision making and duties in accounting, business, communications, economic development, financial, legal, legislative, workforce, and government services, Christy brings integrity, respect and professionalism along with her friendly personality and team player spirit.

Prior to joining Pee Dee COG, Christy served as the Finance Director at the City of Bennettsville where she managed 13 employees and four departments, and performed successful accounting, budgeting, audits, grants, state & federal reporting, and annual financial closings. She has also been a professor for in-person, hybrid and online classes in Business, Management, Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Business Law, Communications, Leadership, Small Business, Organizational Behavior, and Business Economics at Northeastern Technical College where she introduced new Business curriculum and received the PASCAL award for Affordable Learning. 

Christy attended Webster University where she received her Masters in Business Administration(MBA) and Human Resource Development. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from Winthrop University in Mass Communications with a minor in Art. 

Along with spending time with her family, children and new grandson, Christy looks forward to serving and sharing her love for the Pee Dee communities.

We welcome Christy as the newest member of the Pee Dee COG team!

Executive Director Road Tour Continues

Joette Dukes has continued her visits at each of the Pee Dee Region's 39 localities' council meetings to show her support and learn about the unique and common challenges facing the communities the Pee Dee COG serves. So far, she has visited 18 county or municipal county meetings and has made the following stops in the Pee Dee:

Dillon County

Marlboro County

Marion County

Darlington County

Florence County

Chesterfield County

Town of Lamar

Town of Tatum

City of Lake City

City of Florence

City of Darlington

Town of Coward

Town of Pageland

City of Mullins

Town of Pamplico

City of Hartsville

Town of Nichols

Town of Quinby

Joette continues to be inspired by the passion and dedication she has seen displayed by the councils and the citizens. In addition to the tremendous amount of action considered and taken by these bodies, she has witnessed many organizations and groups honored and many proclamations issued to support worthy causes and citizens committed to serving their communities.

One such example was the Town of Nichols' establishment of a new tradition to celebrate the spirit of dedication, service, and community enrichment that defines their community - The Spirit of Nichols Award. The first award was made to the Nichols Town Administrator, Sandee Rogers. In addition to being the initial recipient of the award, future awards will bear her name as the Sandee Rogers Spirit of Nichols Award. Sandee was described as "someone whose work reflects the values and aspirations of our town", "someone who embodies the very essence of service and commitment", and "an individual who has been a cornerstone of our community, someone whose dedication has touched every corner of Nichols, inspiring others to share more, do more, and become more."

We join the Town of Nichols in celebrating Sandee and all of the many public servants across our Region who can be similarly lauded for their contributions! Our communities are better places because of you!

Staff Member Celebrates 13 Years with Pee Dee COG

On June 27, 2024, Mamie Legette will celebrate 13 years of employment with Pee Dee Regional Council of Governments!

Mamie is employed with our organization as our Workforce System Coordinator and is our organization's primary liaison with the partners of the Region's public workforce system - SC Works Pee Dee - and the activities in which they are engaged to assist individuals with entering the workforce or advancing their careers and earning competitive wages. She has become the face of SC Works Pee Dee in the community and serves our organization and our Region with excellence and grace. She represents the SC Works System at each county's Coordinating Council meeting, supports the economic development efforts of our Region, and seeks every opportunity to partner with civic and non-profit organizations. More specifically, she serves as the Pee Dee Workforce Development Board's staff liaison for its SC Works and Disabilities Committees, serves as the Equal Opportunity Officer for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Programs, receives customer service concerns from those attempting to access the services of the SC Works System, and is responsible for ensuring that the SC Works Centers meet the criteria for certification by the State Workforce Development Board.

Over the years, Mamie has been honored by many different community partners for her work. Being the humble servant she is, she doesn't always share those recognitions with us. The bigger picture to her is that the work is getting done for the good of the community. She is pictured above holding an "Exceptional Business Volunteer" award she received from her native Dillon County Long Term Recovery Group.

Congratulations, Mamie, on your years of service! We appreciate your contributions to our organization and the Pee Dee Community!

Office of Public Engagement

(803) 737-1270 |


SCDOT Asks for Public Input on Momentum 2050 Plan Through Multimodal Transportation Planning Survey


Columbia, SC (June , 2024) - The South Carolina Department of Transportation is looking for public input on the future of transportation in South Carolina through a multimodal transportation survey. Momentum 2050 is the statewide plan for the future of South Carolina’s transportation network.


The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) is looking at the best way to move people and goods across the state. In South Carolina, we face many changes. These shifts — in population, communities, businesses, environment, safety, and travel behavior — affect how people and goods move throughout the state. It is important we proactively plan to address these changes, so we can deliver a multimodal transportation system that maximizes the safety of people, the environment, and our economy.


That’s why, every five years SCDOT updates the plan for the future of the state’s multimodal transportation network. The document is a statewide plan for all users, all modes and any area that has a role in South Carolina’s transportation system. It evaluates the status of the transportation system, what’s changing, and how we’re going to move forward over the next twenty-five years. This plan does not choose specific projects or decide what will be built where, but it develops the vision and goals for the future of transportation in South Carolina.


Secretary of Transportation, Justin Powell said, "This is a way for South Carolinians to get involved in the way we move people and goods across the state. We want to hear from you on the future of transportation in South Carolina."


You can take the survey or learn more about Momentum 2050 by clicking here. The survey will be open until September 6, 2024.


The Atlantic Hurricane Season began June 1, 2024, and there are already storms brewing in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of South Carolina.


In the days immediately following a disaster, the SC Department of Employment & Workforce (SCDEW) will contact the workforce team at the Pee Dee Regional Council of Governments to obtain:


  • a damage assessment;
  • closings, including centers, schools, libraries, and other public facilities;
  • immediate needs for disaster recovery assistance; and
  • any other information that demonstrates a need for Dislocated Worker Grant (DWG) funds.


The National Dislocated Worker Grant (DWG) program is a primary funding source for disaster recovery. Disaster Recovery DWG projects create temporary jobs for eligible individuals to assist with clean-up, recovery, and humanitarian efforts in areas impacted by disasters or emergency situations. Grant funds can also be used to provide employment and training services. Click here for More Info on NDWG. More Info on NDWG))


The Pee Dee Regional Council of Governments' Workforce Team has operated several National disaster DWG grants for the region. The grant has enabled county and city emergency managers additional workers to serve the community by cleaning up or assisting at shelters and supply distribution sites.


This is just one of the ways that being a workforce development board member helps you serve your community and bring employment opportunities for those who need them. Individuals eligible for employment through the grant must be temporarily or permanently laid off due to the disaster, an individual dislocated before the event, or a self-employed individual who became unemployed or underemployed as a result of the disaster. The team at SC Works Pee Dee will determine eligibility.

2016 Photos of flooding in the Pee Dee following Hurricane Matthew. A NDWG was used to assist with cleanup.


The SC Emergency Management Division (SCEMD) approved the Pee Dee Regional Council of Governments' Hazard Mitigation Plan in February 2024. A total of 29 jurisdictions in the Pee Dee participated in the Plan. As of May 2024, about half of the participating jurisdictions submitted adoption resolutions and those have been approved by SCEMD. Please note that approved jurisdictions are eligible applicants through the State for the following mitigation grant programs administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA):

  • Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP)
  • Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA)
  • Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC)

Although all funding requests will be evaluated individually according to the program's specific eligibility requirements, only approved applicants will be considered.

If you have any questions concerning your locality's status, it is imperative that you contact Mr. Tyler Spires, State Hazard Mitigation Officer, SCEMD at as soon as possible.

Grant Opportunities

On behalf of our local governments, Pee Dee COG partners with numerous federal and state agencies, obtaining and administering grants for a variety of community-based programs and economic development initiatives. Most of our grants are recurring and operate on pre-determined cycles, with applications due at certain times of each calendar year.

For more information regarding the funding cycles for grants we typically administer, along with deadlines, purposes, and the planning that should occur in anticipation of submitting a grant application, click here. To view the one-pager regarding Community Development Block Grant opportunities, click here.

Coffee with the COG was established to provide networking opportunities to key individuals serving our communities and to keep our communities informed. If you are not on the mailing list to receive notification of these events and would like to be, please email Haley Andersen at

Additionally, if you have suggestions for topics or speakers for future meetings, please email Haley at the aforementioned email address.

We look forward to seeing you at our next gathering!

Upcoming Meetings

Pee Dee Region County Administrators' Meeting

Pee Dee Regional Council of Governments Administrative Building

June 25, 2024

10:30 a.m.

Coffee With the COG

Pee Dee Regional Council of Governments Administrative Building

June 27, 2024

9:00 a.m.

Our Mission

The mission of the Pee Dee Regional Council of Governments is to assist local governments and organizations in a wide variety of planning, economic development, workforce investment and other technical services that will help meet the human and physical development needs of the region.

In support of our mission, we employ a dedicated team of professionals. To learn more about our organization and/or to access our staff directory, visit