CNS News | October 2018
In the world of education, fall is the time for new beginnings. CNS is excited to start the 2018-19 year with five new board members and a revised mission statement:

Citizens for Needham Schools (CNS) connects families, schools and communities to help foster exchanges of information and ideas about Needham Schools to provide the best possible education for children.

We will be focusing on making school-related news and information available to you both quickly and easily through our website and social media, as well as providing more opportunities for you to engage with School Committee members and school leadership.

Please let us know what you think!

Hilary Bruel & Liz Lee
Co-Chairs, Citizens for Needham Schools
School Committee News
Full-Day Kindergarten
The implementation of Full-Day Kindergarten in 2019-20 continues to be a main focus for School Committee this year. So far all of the pieces are falling into place: construction of Sunita Williams is on schedule, needed modulars for Mitchell have been approved by Town Meeting, and a robust Kindergarten curriculum is in development. There will also be a significant impact on the school operating budget — so stay tuned as budget season kicks into full swing in early January!
Portrait of a Needham Graduate
Since spring of 2018, a group of  53 community members and NPS staff  have met for several full-day workshops to develop a vision for education in Needham. The group has developed a draft framework, and are seeking community input prior to their last session on November 16. More information and links can be found on the CNS website. Learn more
Equity and the REAL Coalition
The district continues to work towards increased equity and inclusion in Needham Schools in response to last year's Equity Audit. The REAL (Race, Equity, Access, Leadership) Coalition was formed to provided leadership and guidance on eliminating barriers to racial equity and supporting the advancement of all learners in the Needham Public Schools. In addition to administrators, the REAL Coalition has now been expanded to include parents, teachers, students, and school committee members. More information about the initial audit and the REAL Coalition's progress can be found on the CNS website. Learn more
SAVE THE DATE: Open House 11/17!
School Committee will host an open house at Needham High School on Saturday, November 17, from 9-10:30am. Students will lead tours of the new classrooms, renovated spaces, and gym. This is a great opportunity to talk with SC members and see the new space!
CNS News
Welcome New Board Members
CNS is pleased to welcome Anna Giraldo-Kerr, Melanie Guarrera, Jess Kadar, Ann-Marie McDonnell, and Emma Navales to the CNS Board . They join current members Liz Lee, Hilary Bruel, Sara Federow, Alisa Skatrud, and Sally Theran.
Resources at Your Fingertips
If you haven't visited the CNS website recently, we recommend you take a look! We've added new content and new features to make information easily accessible for you:

  • Calendar - You can now find both the school calendar and the dates for this year's school committee meetings.
  • Helpful Links - The NPS website is vast, to say the least. We've collected some of links we think are most useful all in one place.
  • SC Meeting Highlights - We have brief summaries of each SC meeting, with links to detailed information and the Needham Channel recording.
  • Updates and Recaps - We are also have recaps of Town Meeting and updates on on various district initiatives — and the whole website is searchable. So if there's some school-related information you are trying to find, start at the CNS website... we may be able to help you!
Stay Connected
CNS is committed to keeping you informed of all school related news. Follow us on social media to find out the latest news fast:

  • Facebook - Get updates right in your feed, including agendas for upcoming School Committee meetings
  • Twitter - We share and retweet school-related info