CNS News | May 2023

The 2023 Annual Town Meeting concluded on May 8 and funding for Needham Public Schools continues to be a priority for the town. A number of school-related articles were approved.

A new Needham town newspaper, The Needham Observer, has recently launched, providing clear, accurate communication of information and ideas pertinent to the Needham community.

As we do each spring, CNS is looking to bring on new board members for next year. If you are interested in helping keep the community informed about school-related issues, please visit our website and submit an application by June 15.

Joanie Daly, Co-Chair

Abigail Hays, Co-Chair

Amy Chan

April Crawford

Melanie Guarrera

Karen Hodys

Keith LaFace

Frederica Lalonde

Emma Navales

Annual Town Meeting

The 2023 Annual Town Meeting concluded on Monday, May 8. Among the over 40 articles voted on and approved by Town Meeting were several that impact Needham schools and students:

  • FY '24 Operating Budget
  • HVAC Rooftop Unit Replacement at Broadmeadow and Eliot Schools
  • School Copiers, Technology, and Furniture Replacement

Other articles that may be of particular interest to children and families contained appropriations for:

  • DeFazio “Tot Lot” Playground Design
  • Action Sports Park Feasibility Study

A summary of the approved articles can be found on our website, along with links to more detailed information.

New Town Newspaper

CNS believes in the importance of clear, accurate communication of information and ideas. A new source for information in town is being developed by local residents. Here is some information from the founders of The Needham Observer:

“Like many other towns across the country, Needham has been affected by the decline of local newspapers, and has been without an independent news source reporting on our community. In response, a group of residents has joined a growing movement to restore local news and has come together to create The Needham Observer, a free, non-profit, independent online news service focused on our town. 

With a mission to provide timely information along with interesting features and a variety of perspectives that represent the breadth of our community, the Needham Observer envisions reflecting Needham back to itself in a way that fosters and expands connections across all segments of town.

The Needham Observer launched last week, offering a weekly newsletter of story highlights. Those interested in receiving the newsletter or more information can subscribe now.”

School Committee Updates

In the most recent town election, incumbents Michael Greis and Matthew Spengler were reelected to their seats.

Andrea Longo Carter took over as School Committee Chair in April, and Liz Lee is Vice Chair.

Apply to be a CNS Board Member

Has CNS been a useful resource for you during the past year? You can help us keep families informed by joining the CNS Board!

Being a CNS board member allows you to make a big impact without a large time commitment. We are seeking new board members who are civically engaged with an interest in issues related to education and the Needham Public Schools.

CNS board members serve a three-year term and responsibilities include attending 5-6 CNS board meetings, watching and writing summaries of 2-3 School Committee meetings, and engaging with and providing school-related information to the community on an ongoing basis via social media, school meetings, and your personal network.

If you are interested in learning more, please visit the CNS website and fill out an application by June 15.

Learn More & Apply
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