CNS News | May 2022
The 2022 Annual Town Meeting concluded on Monday night, and funding for Needham Public Schools continues to be a priority for the town. A number of school-related articles were approved, most notably the funding for the renovation of Emery Grover, which houses NPS administration.

In the April town election, CNS Co-Chair Alisa Skatrud was elected to the Needham School Committee alongside incumbents Connie Barr and Andrea Longo Carter. We thank Alisa for her many years of service to CNS, and welcome Joanie Daly as our new Co-Chair.

As we do each spring, CNS is looking to bring on new board members for next year. If you are interested in helping keep the community informed about school-related issues, please visit our website and submit an application by June 5.
Hilary Bruel, Co-Chair
Joanie Daly, Co-Chair
Amy Chan
Peter Cohenno
Melanie Guarrera
Abigail Hays
Frederica Lalonde
Emma Navales
Annual Town Meeting
The 2022 Annual Town Meeting concluded on Monday, May 9. Among the over 40 articles voted on and approved by Town Meeting were several that impact Needham schools and students:
  • FY '23 Operating Budget
  • Emery Grover Renovation
  • Hillside School Heating Repairs
  • High School Tennis Court Design
  • Roof Top Unit Replacement at Broadmeadow and Eliot Schools
  • School Copiers, Technology, Furniture & Musical Equipment
  • Pollard School Locker Room Retrofit
  • Library Space Utilization Study

A summary of the approved articles can be found on our website, along with links to more detailed information and videos.
District Leadership Changes
School Administration:

At the April 5 School Committee meeting, Dr. Gutekanst introduced Kiana Brunson, who will replace retiring Michael Kascak as SWES principal. Ms. Brunson has worked for over 14 years in the Boston Public Schools.

Assistant Superintendent for Student Learning Terry Duggan is retiring at the end of this school year. NPS is currently interviewing finalists for the position, which is now called Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and Innovation.

School Committee:

After nine years of service, SC member Aaron Pressman did not seek re-election in the most recent town election. Alisa Skatrud was elected to the open seat alongside incumbents Connie Barr and Andrea Longo Carter.

Matt Spengler took over as School Committee Chair in April, and Andrea Longo Carter is Vice Chair.
Apply to be a CNS Board Member
CNS is seeking new board members who are civically engaged with an interest in issues related to education and Needham Public Schools. The board engages in robust conversation and welcomes diverse viewpoints. 

CNS board members serve a three-year term and responsibilities include attending 5-6 CNS board meetings, watching and writing summaries of 2-3 School Committee meetings, and engaging with and providing school-related information to the community on an ongoing basis via social media, school meetings, and your personal network.

If you are interested in learning more, please visit the CNS website and fill out an application by Sunday, June 5.