Online Group Survey

This survey aims to gather information on the representation needs of CMA online groups that operate entirely online, without any geographic location ties other than the time zone where it is based. Currently, most CMA service structures are based on geographic areas, which may not fully address the needs of online groups. Your input will help the GSC and Board of Trustees better serve these groups.

Please have one person, ideally a GSR, complete this form with input from your group. Note that we are only seeking responses from groups that meet entirely online, not hybrid or location-based groups.

If you have any questions, contact We prefer to have more data than miss any group, so if unsure, please fill it out.

Thank you for your participation. Once all surveys are collected, a Town Hall will be held to discuss the results and gather further insights.

Yours in Service,

The Vision Workgroup


For more information email

CMA General Services

1920 Hillhurst Ave #1315

Los Angeles CA 90027


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