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CLMA 2016 Annual Meeting
November 9 - 10, 2016
Madison, Wisconsin
John Ferraro
Executive Director
John Woestman
Codes & Standards Director
Jared Rothstein
Staff Associate
CLMA President
Peter Kotiadis
Fiberon LLC
CLMA Vice President
Steve Russell
TAMKO Building Products, Inc.
CLMA Treasurer
Bruce Stanhope
CPG Building Products
CLMA Board of Director
Gary Hobbs
AERT, Inc.
Aurora Plastics |
Executive Director Update
John Ferraro, CLMA
CLMA Members,
As your Executive Director, It's my pleasure to communicate with you in CLMA's first e-newsletter. Over the years, I've seen first-hand the work CLMA does, our commitment to member services, our influence with regulatory bodies, and our advancement of the composite lumber industry.
We've kicked off 2016 with new and expanded programming to implement the objectives of last year's strategic plan. S
ome great initiatives that have been underway include the (completed) redesign of the CLMA website, the development of quarterly technical bulletins, expanded communications activities, regular Association meetings, and increased regulatory monitoring and engagement.
Looking forward, we are very excited about our Annual Meeting: this year November 9-10th in Madison, WI. We have a full agenda that includes a tour of the research facilities at Forest Products Lab. We are
working on some terrific networking opportunities for the meeting as well, we hope you can join us this fall!
If you have ideas as to how CLMA can better serve the needs of you and your company, please feel free to let us know how we can be of assistance.
Best Regards,
John Ferraro
CLMA Executive Director
Codes & Standards Committee
ernational Code Council:
CLMA staff attended the ICC Committee Action Hearings in Louisville, KY. The hearings dealt with over 2,000 code change proposals for the 2018 I-Codes.
Many of the code change proposals supported by CLMA for the International Residential Code (IBC) and International Residential Code (IRC)
were successfully approved by the ICC Committee. However, CLMA's proposal for the International Wildland-Urban Interface Code (IWUIC) was not supported by the Committee.
ICC Public comments are due on July 22, 2016, and will be deliberated during ICC Public Comment Hearings scheduled for October 16-25, 2016, in Kansas City, MO.
This month, CLMA hosted a Deck Codes Coalition meeting to develop public comment strategies on pending ICC proposals. The focus of the group's efforts will be dealing with a proposal affecting guard live load requirements, and a proposal affecting guard post attachment/deck structure strengthening code requirements.
California OSFM:
CLMA is scheduled to participate in the Wildfire Protection Building Construction Task Force, organized by the California Office of the State Fire Marshall.
The group will develop regulatory recommendations for the State Fire Marshal for consideration and/or implementation, including review of 2018 International Wildland-Urban Interface Code proposals.
Communications Committee
CLMA Technical Bulletins:
Read the latest CLMA quarterly technical bulletins:
CLMA Website Redesign:
CLMA's redesigned website is now live, and features new and regularly updated communications, meetings, and technical content. Tour CLMA's website below:
CLMA E-Newsletters:
Have any company news
or information on upcoming product offerings? Let CLMA staff know to have your company news featured in future newsletters!