Client Alert 

March 4, 2024

CDC Drops 5-Day COVID Isolation Guidelines

On March 1, 2024, the Centers for Disease Control (“CDC”) updated its guidelines for individuals infected with COVID-19, unifying its isolation recommendations for those with the flu, RSV and COVID-19, and recommending affected individuals isolate until (1) they have been fever-free for 24 hours without the assistance of medication and (2) their symptoms are improving. 


Upon resuming normal activities, individuals are still encouraged to do what they can to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including enhancing hygiene practices, wearing a mask, and engaging in social distancing. However, if an individual’s symptoms worsen or they develop a fever after returning to normal activities, they should return to isolation for at least 24 hours until their symptoms once again improve, and they are fever free without medication for 24 hours.


Given the shift in the isolation recommendations, employers should revisit their existing COVID-19 policies to determine whether they are compliant with best practices and if they would like to make any revisions.

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If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact our Labor & Employment attorneys or the primary EGS attorney with whom you work.

This memorandum is published solely for the informational interest of friends and clients of Ellenoff Grossman & Schole LLP and should in no way be relied upon or construed as legal advice.