MTOS revisions taking effect on October 1, 2022

September 26, 2022

To: Users of Georgia Ports Authority’s (“GPA”) Marine Terminal Operator Schedule (“MTOS”) No 5-A, No 10-A and No 11

Effective October 1, 2022, the GPA will implement the following changes to the MTOS:

No 5-A General Charges

Rule 34-175  Dockage Charges

  • Increase of 4% to Container Vessel (0-650ft), RoRo/Vehicle Vessel (0-650ft), Vessels/Barges (0-525ft)
  • Increase minimum dockage from $900 to $950, per day
  • Increase of 6% to RoRo/Vehicle Vessel (651ft – Over) and Vessels/Barges (526ft – Over)


Rule 34-177 Fresh Water

  • Increase from $7.06 to $7.50, per short ton
  • Minimum charge adjusted from $310 to $325


Rule 34-180 Minimum Charges

  • Crane lift charge from $612 to $650, per lift
  • Forklift handling charge from $65 to $70, per lift
  • Storage from $65 to $70, per unit
  • Toplift charge from $544 to $582 per lift
  • Not Otherwise Specified (“NOS”) from $84 to $90


Rule 34-185 Passengers Embarking or Debarking

  • Increase from $40 to $80, per passenger

Rule 34-189 Terminal Security Surcharge

  • Increase from $7.89 to $8.45, per container, (Fully cellular container vessels)
  • Increase from $4.06 to $4.35, per linear foot, (Noncellular and all other vessels, including barges)


Rule 34-190 U.S. Military Deployments or Exercises

  • Increase 5.8%, per measurement ton


Rule 34-191 TWIC Escort Service Charges

  • For each hour exceeding 2 hours from $100.00 to $125.00, per port police officer

Rule 34-192 Fuel Surcharge (FSC) For Throughput and Breakbulk Cargo

  • Incorporating Restows and Non-Vessel Containers into the FSC title
  • Revised title to Fuel Surcharge (FSC) For Throughput / Restow / Non-Vessel Container, Breakbulk, ShipSide Delivery and Transshipment Cargo

No 5-A General Rules

Rule 34-106  Vessel To Vacate Berth

  • Failure to comply with an order to vacate will result in a charge to the vessel of $5,000, per hour, for non-compliance (up from $2,500)


Rule 34-110  Responsibilities For Cleaning Facilities

  • If facilities are not returned to a suitable condition, the Authority will take the necessary steps to make the facilities suitable for further use,

including the assessment of a minimum charge of $1,000 (up from $700)

No 5-A Breakbulk/RoRo Cargo Rules

New Rule: 34-206 Earliest Receiving Date for Non-Containerized Cargo

  • Non-Containerized cargo delivered to the Authority’s Ocean Terminal or Mayor’s Point Terminal more than thirty (30) days from the current vessel’s estimated time of arrival will generally not be accepted.

Rule 34-210 Free Time

  • Cargo, Not Otherwise Specified (NOS) and linerboard, paperboard, pulpboard, carton stock, newsprint, printing or wrapping paper, woodpulp from

20 to 15 consecutive calendar days (outside or inside storage). Reduced storage from

20 to 15 consecutive calendar days (applies to both outside and inside storage locations).

New provision: If an ocean carrier is 1% to 29% above their allowable empty container terminal inventory a charge of $10.00, per container, will be assessed to the ocean carrier. If an ocean carrier is 30% to 49% above their allowable empty container terminal inventory a charge of $15.00, per container, will be assessed to the ocean carrier. If an ocean carrier is 50% to 99% above their allowable empty container terminal inventory a charge of $20.00, per container, will be assessed to the ocean carrier and when exceeding the allowable empty container terminal inventory by 100% or more, the ocean carrier will be charged $25.00, per container. In summary, 1%-29% = $10.00, per container, 30%-49% = $15.00, per container, 50%-99% = $20.00, per container, 100% or more = $25.00, per container.


No 5-A Breakbulk/RoRo Cargo and General/Miscellaneous Charges

Rule 34-280 Stevedore Use Charge on Breakbulk and RoRo Cargo

  • Increase of 3% applied from/to point of rest and direct shipside from .67¢ to .69¢, per short ton

Rule 34-285 Wharfage Charges on Breakbulk and RoRo Cargo - Brunswick and Savannah

  • Cargo weighing less than 150k lbs., adjusted from $5.35 to $5.62, per short ton
  • Cargo weighing more than 150k lbs., adjusted from $8.12 to $8.53, per short ton
  • Lumber from $4.47 to $4.70, per short ton
  • Automobile, new manufacturers, from $6.21/unit to $6.52/unit
  • Automobile, privately owned, from $10.36/unit to $10.88/unit

Rule 34-290 Miscellaneous Services

  • Increase of 3% for selected miscellaneous service events

No 5-A Breakbulk/RoRo Cargo Handling Charges

Rule 34-300 Articles, NOS

  • Increase of 3%


Rule 34-305 Boats, Yachts and/or Hulls and Related Accessories

  • Increase of 3%
  • Arches, cradles, fly bridges, keels, or masts, not lifted with boat/yacht from $218 to $225, per unit
  • Trailers, not lifted with boat/yacht from $151 to $156, per unit
  • Boat cradle disposal charge from $925 to $953, per cradle

Rule 34-310 Clay, Sand

  • From $10.00 to $11.00, per short ton


Rule 34-315 Granite, Marble, Stone

  • From $8.00 to $9.00, per short ton


Rule 34-320 Household Goods and Personal Effects

  • From $36.00 to $37.00, per short ton


Rule 34-325 Lumber and Related Articles

  • Category “A” (plywood, veneer, dowels) from $10.00 to $11.00, per short ton
  • Category “B” (lumber, timber) from $13.00 to $14.00, per short ton. In strapped bundles from $9.00 to $10.00, per short ton
  • Category “C” (logs, pilings, poles) from $13.00 to $14.00, per short ton (strapped) and from $16.00 to $17.00, per short ton (loose)

Rule 34-330 Machinery and Parts

  • Increase of 5%


Rule 34-335 Metal Articles

  • Category “A” (iron, steel) from $10.00 to $11.00, per short ton
  • Category “B” (grates, flanges) from $13.00 to $14.00, per short ton
  • Category “C” (bands, bolts, clamps) from $18.00 to $19.00, per short ton
  • Category “D” (cylinders, silos, tanks) increase is $1.00, per weight tier
  • Category “E” – Nonferrous (aluminum, brass, bronze) from $11.00 to $12.00, per short ton


Rule 34-340 Military Ordinance

  • Vehicles, tracked or wheeled, self-propelled from $169 to $177, per unit
  • Not self-propelled from $19 to $20, per short ton
  • Cargo, NOS from $19 to $20, per short ton


Rule 34-345 Modular Housing and Mobile Homes

  • Set up and on wheels (not requiring tow) from $169 to $177, per unit
  • Set up and not on wheels (requiring tow) from $21 to $22, per short ton


Rule 34-350 Paper or Paper Articles

  • Category “A” (linerboard, pulpboard) from $8.00 to $9.00, per short ton
  • Category “B” (newsprint, wrapping paper) from $10.00 to $11.00, per short ton
  • Category “C” (tissue, waste paper) from $16.00 to $17.00, per short ton


Rule 34-351 Rubber

  • Crated from $12.00 to $13.00, per unit
  • Loose from $22.00 to $23.00, per unit
  • Palletized from $15.00 to $16.00, per unit

Rule 34-352 Shipper-Owned Containers

  • From $250.00 to $350.00, per container


Rule 34-355 Vehicles, Aircraft and Parts

  • Vehicles not exceeding 10,000 lbs., each from $79.00 to $81.00, per unit
  • Vehicles exceeding 10,000 lbs., each from $169.00 to $177.00, per unit
  • Trailers (flatbed, dolly, drop / step-decks) from $169.00 to $177.00, per unit
  • Aircraft from $800.00 to $1,600.00, per unit
  • Parts for aircraft and vehicles from $19.00 to $20.00, per short ton


Rule 34-360 Woodpulp

  • Loose bales/rolls from $8.00 to $9.00, per short ton
  • Unitized bales/rolls from $7.00 to $8.00, per short ton


No 5-A Breakbulk/RoRo Cargo Storage Charges

Rules 34-365 thru 34-425 

  • Increase of 5%

No 5-A Bulk Cargo Charges

Rule 34-465 Stevedore Use Charge on Bulk Cargo

  • Dry Bulk from .34¢ to .36¢, per short ton and Liquid Bulk from .40¢ to .42¢, per short ton

Rule 34-470 Wharfage Charges On Bulk Cargo

  • Dry Commodities, NOS from $2.39 to $2.59, per short ton
  • Liquid Commodities, NOS (includes petro chemicals) from $2.49 to $2.70, per short ton
  • Biofuels from 0.19¢ / BBL to 0.21¢ / BBL
  • Fertilizer, Liquid from $1.54 to $1.67, per short ton
  • Oils (other than petroleum or pulpmill liquids) from $1.32 to $1.43, per short ton
  • Petroleum and Petroleum products (crude or refined oil, fuel, fuel oils, gas and lubricating additives) from 0.19¢ / BBL to 0.21¢ / BBL
  • Stumps from $3.42 to $3.71, per short ton

No 5-A Container Rules

Rule 34-502 Storage on Empty Containers

  • Revision is noted in blue text:

Empty containers marshaled on Authority terminals will be assessed an excess empty container storage charge. The charge is applicable for each empty container exceeding the Allowable Empty Container inventory for the monthly reporting period. Computation of the Allowable Empty Container inventory for the monthly reporting period:


Step 1: The Export Throughput Leg, which comprises the loaded and empty containers for the last three (3) months prior to the current monthly billing period is used to calculate the weekly average.


Step 2: Multiply the weekly average of the Export Throughput Leg by a factor of .75%.


Step 3: The weekly average as calculated in Step 2 is multiplied by the number of days in the current billable month. The number of empty containers allowed will be compared to the actual cumulative empty containers on terminal for that month. If for the reporting period the actual cumulative empty container inventory exceeds the Allowable Empty Container inventory, the difference will be assessed the empty container terminal storage charge in Rule 34-520. This will be calculated and invoiced on a monthly basis to the ocean carrier or its agent.

Note: The Authority reserves the right to require ocean carriers to remove empty containers from the Authority’s terminals, at their expense (Rule 34-520), and/or to deny entry of empty containers into the Authority’s terminals.

No 5-A Container Charges

Rule 34-510 Stevedore Use Charge on Containerized Cargo

  • From .67¢ to .69¢, per short ton

Rule 34-512  Out of Gauge Surcharge

  • From $579.00, per container, flatrack or platform, per use to the following:

Out of Gauge Specifications:

Length criteria = Greater than >40 feet

Width criteria = Greater than >8 feet (exception: Pallet Wide Container)

Height criteria = Exceeds normal dimensions of standard container, high-cube container, flatrack or platform

Stowage limitation = Tank Container (loaded or empty) transporting liquids, gases and powders as bulk cargo

Out of Gauge Surcharge, per container, flatrack, platform or tank, per use:

Overheight = $2,100.00 (1 tier, 6 slots)

Overheight + Overwidth = $4,200.00 (2 tiers, 12 slots)

Overwidth = $4,200.00 (2 tiers, 12 slots)

Overlength = $6,300.00 (4 tiers, 24 slots – will occupy 2 bays)

Overheight + Overlength = $6,300.00 (4 tiers, 24 slots – will occupy 2 bays)

Overwidth + Overlength = $6,300.00 (8 tiers, 48 slots – will occupy 2 bays)

Tank Container (loaded or empty) = $1,050.00

Rule 34-513 Vessel Restow

  • From $46.35 to $48.00, per container – Applies to Cell-To-Cell and Cell-To-Dock-To-Cell
  • New Fee – Cell-To-Yard Restow $95.00, per container
  • New Fee – Safety Restow $95.00, per container

Note: A Safety Restow fee will be assessed when the restowed container is removed from a stack that exceeds five containers in height.


Rule 34-515 Wharfage Charges on Containerized Cargo

  • From $5.35 to $5.66, per short ton

Rule 34-520  Container Yard Services

  • Non-Vessel Move Terminal Use Fee (import and export) via truck or rail from $225.00 to $250.00, per container
  • Terminal Storage – Chassis or containers for sale, out of service or major damaged status from $85.00 to $86.00, per day
  • Terminal Storage - Excess chassis land use from $4.00 to $5.00, per chassis
  • Terminal Storage - Non-married tri-axle, genset and company / trucker owned chassis from $85.00 to $86.00, per chassis, per day
  • Terminal Storage - Empty container from $4.00 to $25.00, per container, per day

New provision: If an ocean carrier is 1% to 29% above their allowable empty container terminal inventory a charge of $10.00 (1st tier), per container, will be assessed to the ocean carrier. If an ocean carrier is 30% to 49% above their allowable empty container terminal inventory a charge of $15.00 (2nd tier), per container, will be assessed to the ocean carrier. If an ocean carrier is 50% to 99% above their allowable empty container terminal inventory a charge of $20.00 (3rd tier), per container, will be assessed to the ocean carrier and when exceeding the allowable empty container terminal inventory by 100% or more, the ocean carrier will be charged $25.00 (4th tier), per container. In summary, 1%-29% = $10.00, per container, 30%-49% = $15.00, per container, 50%-99% = $20.00, per container, 100% or more = $25.00, per container.

  • Terminal Storage - International loaded container after free time expires:

Days 1-3 from $15.00 to $17.00, per teu, per day

Days 4-6 from $28.00 to $30.00, per teu, per day

Days 7-20 from $41.00 to $43.00, per teu, per day

Each additional day from, $82.00 to $86.00, per teu, per day

  • Terminal Storage – Out of Gauge containerized cargo after free time expires:

Days 1-3 from $25.00 to $45.00, per teu, per day

Each Additional day from, $60.00 to $90.00, per teu, per day

  • Terminal Storage – ISO Tank Container (loaded or empty) after free time expires:

Days 1-3 $35.00, per teu, per day

Each Additional day, $90.00, per teu, per day

  • Refrigerated Container Services, providing electrical for empty and loaded container from $52.50 to $54.00, per container, per 24hr period

Refrigerated Container Facilitation Fee from $50.00 to $52.00, per container

  • Digging from $50.00 to $75.00, per container
  • Early Rail Arrival from $80.00 to $82.00, per container
  • Equipment bundling / unbundling from $80.00 to $82.00 per unit and for terminal efficiency from $80.00 to $82.00, per bundle
  • Flip – from $91.00 to $125.00, per container
  • Hazard Class Terminal Use Fee from $75.00 to $80.00, from container to per teu
  • Hazard Class Surcharge from $1,000.00 to $2,100.00, from container to per teu. Applied to Hazard Class 1.1, 1.2, 1.4 and 7.
  • Providing / applying hazardous placards from $30.00 to $35.00, per placard
  • Seal change from $16.00 to $17.00, per container
  • Segregation - ground or mounting container to chassis for inspection from $60.00 to $62.00, per container, per move
  • Supplemental Rail Lift from $80.00 to $82.00, per container
  • New Note #13 – The Authority reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to immediately remove empty containers from the Authority’s facilities and relocate them to an off-terminal Authority or Third-Party storage facility at the expense and risk of the ocean carrier when the ocean carrier’s Allowable Empty Container inventory exceeds twenty-nine percent (29%). An off-terminal truck relocation charge of $675.00, per container, to a local (within 10 miles) storage facility or a rail relocation charge of $900.00, per container, to an inland rail facility and, if applicable, a second rail relocation charge of $450.00, per container, to return the same container back to Garden City Terminal will be assessed to the ocean carrier. Applicable off-terminal empty container storage fees will be assessed to the ocean carrier on a per container basis and documented in a separate rate quote. For operating efficiencies, the Authority will not be required to dig for a specific container number stored at the off-terminal storage facilities. The first available container will be provided for subsequent removal from the storage facility. The Authority, at its sole discretion, will select the off-terminal storage facility. The Authority shall not be responsible for any charges, fines, citations, or other liabilities as a result of hauling empty containers.
  • Note 14 – Billing Empty Container Storage Rates – If the empty container inventory does not exceed twenty-nine percent (29%) of the allowable empty container inventory (“AECI”), the ocean carrier will be charged the first-tier empty container storage rate for the month. If the empty container inventory exceeds the ACEI by thirty percent (30%) or more, the ocean carrier will be charged the tiered empty container storage rate that directly corresponds to the allocation overage. This charge will be assessed on the first day of the second consecutive month that the monthly allocation is exceeded. The Authority is not required to notify ocean carriers when their empty container inventory approaches or exceeds the ACEI.

Rule 34-521 U.S. Coast Guard Regulated Cargo Escort

  • From $500.00 to $530.00, per container

No 5-A Equipment Leasing Charges

Rule 34-625 Equipment Leasing Rates

  • Increase of 5%
  • Note 4 – container or mobile crane equipment lease charge to handle import or export breakbulk cargo via a container ship will increase

from $490.00 to $590.00, per 6-minute increment

  • Note 5 – Boat Lift Surcharge for Garden City Terminal and Ocean Terminal: On lifts to or from a cellular vessel where the boat exceeds

35 feet in length, the applicable per six (6) minute increment (from $490.00 to $590.00), per lift, will be assessed, as well as a $69.00, per foot,

Surcharge for each foot exceeding 35 feet.       

Rule 34-626 Ship-To-Shore Container Crane and Mobile Harbor Handling Surcharge

  • When steel wires, ropes, slings, etc., are used in conjunction with the ship to shore container crane or mobile harbor crane to safely discharge,

or load, out of gauge cargo onto flatracks, open top, loaded or empty containers to or from a vessel, the handling surcharge will increase from

$490.00 to $590.00, per 6-minute increment.

No 5-A Labor Charges

Rule 34-630 Labor Rates

  • Increase of 5%

No 10-A Mason MegaRail Terminal Charges

Rule 34-200 Lift / Drayage Charge

  • Supplemental lift from $80.00 to $82.00, per container
  • Other authorized / required lifts from $80.00 to $82.00, per container


Rule 34-210 Early Rail Arrival

  • From $80.00 to $82.00, per container


Rule 34-220 Facility Storage For International Loaded Containers

  • Terminal Storage - International loaded containers after free time expires:

Days 1-3 from $15.00 to $17.00, per teu, per day

Days 4-6 from $28.00 to $30.00, per teu, per day

Days 7-20 from $41.00 to $43.00, per teu, per day

Each additional day $86.00, per teu, per day

No 11 Appalachian Regional Port

Rule 34-205 Facility Storage For International Loaded Containers

  • Terminal Storage - International loaded containers after free time expires:

Days 1-3 from $15.00 to $17.00, per teu, per day

Days 4-6 from $28.00 to $30.00, per teu, per day

Days 7-20 from $41.00 to $43.00, per teu, per day

Each additional day $86.00, per teu, per day

Rule 34-210 Facility Storage Rate On Empty Containers

  • Terminal Storage - Empty container from $4.00 to $10.00, per container, per day

New provision: If an ocean carrier is 1% to 29% above their allowable empty container terminal inventory a charge of $10.00, per container, will be assessed to the ocean carrier. If an ocean carrier is 30% to 49% above their allowable empty container terminal inventory a charge of $15.00, per container, will be assessed to the ocean carrier. If an ocean carrier is 50% to 99% above their allowable empty container terminal inventory a charge of $20.00, per container, will be assessed to the ocean carrier and when exceeding the allowable empty container terminal inventory by 100% or more, the ocean carrier will be charged $25.00, per container. In summary, 1%-29% = $10.00, per container, 30%-49% = $15.00, per container, 50%-99% = $20.00, per container, 100% or more = $25.00, per container.

Rule 34-220  Non-Rail Container Rate

  • From $225.00 to $250.00, per container

These charges will be available for viewing at under MTOS Schedules on October 1, 2022.

Questions may be addressed to your GPA account representative.

**For text alerts providing updates for weather, road, port operations etc.: Text GPAUSER to 888-777**

Paul Yarborough
General Manager Contracts, Grants, Pricing and MTOS 
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