CLI Community News
March 2022
Norwegian Limerick
(In honor of St. Patrick's Day)
There once was an arguing couple
Who divorced without any trouble.
Their Collaborative Plan 
Was so simple and grand
They got married again on the double.
~Gregory R. Solum,
Attorney at Law
Get to Know the CLI 2022 Co-Presidents
Allison Maxim & Rebecca Randen
I was on my way to becoming a clinical psychologist in the Psy.D. program at the Minnesota School of Professional Psychology when I decided to pivot. I completed my Master's in Clinical Psychology and applied to law school knowing I would practice divorce and family law...READ MORE
During undergraduate studies, I started working at American Cancer Society as a supervisor at the Rochester Hope Lodge. After graduating with a major in Spanish Language I continued working at ACS as a Patient Navigator and Community Health Educator in the Spanish community...READ MORE
Did you know this about board member
Brian Burns?
I was 26 years old when I completed grad school and I have been doing mental health therapy full time since then, so almost 23 years. You can’t afford to be too adventurous or unfocused when supporting a family of 6 on a therapist income...READ MORE
Yeti & Flat Bike World -
Did you know this about board member
Greg Solum?
I began working in the Office of the Clerk of Hennepin County District Court in 1968 and was mesmerized by the fine prose found in the common law pleadings. I also learned a great deal about the practice of law by “socializing” with lawyers after work...READ MORE
And he writes limericks too!
Practice Tip

I am so honored to be invited by this year’s CLI Leadership group to contribute to our community’s practice tip ideas. Like most of you, there is no shortage of words or ideas with me.  So, I’ll just have to do my best to edit myself as I go along.
Here is my first thought, and it comes from a party we had for Stu (birthday? “retirement”?) several years ago.  In his words of wisdom on that occasion Stu told the party goers that he has often been asked about the collaborative paradigm shift and where it comes from.  Very simply, he said it could be summarized in one word – love.
My understanding is that he meant that word broadly: love for our clients and their families; love for one another. Love for our work, love for life.
Membership Season
Ron Ousky

We have a great year coming up in our local Collaborative community and we want to kick off the year by getting some great new members on board.  We are hoping you will all help out by reaching out to professionals in our community to help them consider joining the Collaborative Law Institute.
One of the central goals is to recruit up to 14 new members who can be part of our future. We are looking for colleagues in our community, (attorneys, mental health professionals, financial neutrals, and mediators) that are interested in learning more about Collaborative Practice and, ultimately willing to commit to doing this work.
The next 45 days (before May 1st) present our best opportunity to strengthen our organization to bring new people into our organization. 
Why should they join now?
1.     We are offering an incredible discount that allows prospective members can get membership and our three-day introductory Collaborative training (up to 18 CLE credits) for only $50 more than our basic membership fees, so the training is almost free...READ MORE
Attachments from Ron's article:
SOCIAL | New Member Welcome and Recruitment | Join us and connect!
Date: Thursday, April 14, 2022
Time: 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Location: Collaborative Alliance | First Floor Training Room, 3300 Edinborough Way, Edina, MN 55436
Fee: No fee to attend!
Registration: No need to register, just mark your calendar and attend!
What: An in-person social event with a variety of delicious, delightful, and tempting snacks and beverages (as is tradition for any CLI social!) to welcome CLI new and potential new members to CLI!
Who: Long-time CLI Members, CLI’s Newest Members, and interested professionals wanting to learn more about Collaborative Practice.
INVITE: Please spread the word and invite colleagues you know who might be interested in adding Collaborative Practice to their professional work.
New Members | 2021- 2022

Barb Seibel | Mediator
AJW Financial, Inc. | 952.405.2000
Joined: 1/7/2022 | Member Category: Professional

Bridget Leschinsky | Divorce Coach
The Bridging Coach LLC
Joined: 1/6/2022 | Newly Licensed Professional

Tara Smith | Attorney
Maxim Smith Family Law PLLC
Joined: 1/3/2022 | Member Category: Professional

Kristen Bolanos | Attorney
Baker Vicchiollo Law | 952.405.2050
Joined: 1/1/2022 | Newly Licensed Professional

Ana Carolina Ortolani Sorgenfrei | Lawyer - LLM Student
University of St Thomas
Joined: 11/3/2021 | Member Category: Student

Shaina Praska | Attorney
Rogness & Field, P.A. | 651.705.0276
Joined: 10/26/2021 | Member Category: Professional

Cassandra Suchomel | Attorney
Joined: 10/25/2021 | Member Category: Professional

Erin Guyette | PhD student and family therapist
Guyette Family Guidance
Joined: 10/14/2021 | Member Category: Student

Brittany Pearson | Attorney
Barnes & Thornburg LLP | 612.367.8751
Joined: 9/24/21 | Member Category: Professional

Joshua Clapp | Attorney
Twin Cities Legal Service, PLLC
Joined: 9/1/21 | Member Category: Newly Licensed Professional

Jane Van Valkenburg | Attorney
Van Valkenburg Law, LLC
Joined: 5/17/21 | Member Category: Professional

Kirby MacLean | Attorney, Mediator
MacLean Family Law & Mediation | 952.767.3330
Joined: 4/19/21 | Member Category: Newly Licensed Professional

Amanda Pikala | Child Specialist, Family Specialist, Coach | 651.216.5309
Joined: 4/9/21 | Member Category: Newly Licensed Professional

Alexis Rohach | Attorney
Baker Vicchiollo Law LLC | 952.405.2057
Joined: 4/6/21 | Member Category: Newly Licensed Professional

Marta Musolf | Mediator
Musolf Mediation | 612.910.9972
Joined: 2/18/21| Member Category: Newly Licensed Professional
FORUM 2021 | Wrap
I can speak for all of us at AJW – we all had a really good time connecting with all of you again! Everyone that put time into planning this forum did an amazing job lining up great speakers and unique locations for the event. ~Kari McGuire

Stillwater and the Crosby Hotel ended up being a popular location and most of the feedback we’ve gotten so far indicates this is where folks want to go again next year, with a few tweaks. I suspect the axe throwing will be back for sure… a big thank you to the lumberjacks at AJW for treating us to this fun event. ~Brian Burns
Training & Opportunities to Connect
Training Committee | 2022 Calendar

The CLI Training and Membership Committees are planning some seriously educational and seriously fun events in the coming months.
Mark your calendar and watch for registration details!
April 14 | New Membership Social
4:00 PM – 6:00 PM
CA First Floor Conference Room, Edina
No Fee
May 12, 13, 20 & September 9 | New Collaborative Experience Training
Consider the great refresher price for trained members!
New(er) members who still need this training, contact the CLI office for your code to attend under the New Member special!
Full Day
CA First Floor Conference Room, Edina
June 14 | Responding to an Affair in Marriage or Divorce
11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Midland Hills Country Club, Roseville
Speaker: Brian Burns, LMFT, MN Relationship Repair
July 14 | Mortgage Issues in Divorce and Drafting
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM
Location TBD
Speaker: Dave Jamison, Rainbow Mortgage
July 21, 2022 | Summer Member Social
Late Afternoon (Specific time to be determined)
Location – stay tuned!

Questions, or to suggest or present a training, please contact either Trainng Committee Co-chair ,
Louise Livesay-Al at or
Rebecca Randen at
Sunshine Committee
Member Concerns | In The News | Annual Awards

CLI Volunteer of the Year 2021 | Gay Rosenthal
CLI Stu Webb Award 2022 | Carl Arnold

An Update on Becca Wong ~ Many of you know that Becca Wong is experiencing some significant health challenges. In her indomitable style, she persists in working toward her recovery. She and Peter appreciate cards and some visits and are enjoying the meal train contributions. For those of you who would like to follow her journey, see Caring Bridge:

Ousky + Yates have partnered! Join the celebration and congratulate Ron & Megan during their Open House on Thursday, June 2, from 4:00 – 7:00 PM at 3300 Edinborough Way, Edina, MN 55435 | Cocktails and appetizers will be served.

To share member news contact Gay Rosenthal
Email: | Phone: 612-237-6547
Thank you once again to our 
Forum 2021 Sponsors
Speaker Sponsor
Social Sponsor
AJW Financial, Inc.
Amy Wolff
Packet Sponsor
Our Family Wizard
Racheal Howitz
Forum General Sponsors
Alerus Mortgage
Randi Livon
Nancy Fraasch Consulting
Nancy Fraasch
Hildi Corporation/USI
Jill Urdahl &
Beth Johnson
Lear Appraisals, LLC Bob Lear
Meier Schack, LLC
Lisa Meier
The Bridging Center Lori Thibodeau &
Joe Noble
Value Consulting Group
Jennifer Loeffler
952.495.2800 |
CLI Annual Platinum Partners
Dave Jamison
Rainbow Mortgage, Inc.
CLI Annual Gold Partners
Racheal  Howitz
Our Family Wizard
Professional Liaison

Brett Leschinsky
Supreme Lending
Divorce Mortgage Specialist
Cell/Text: 612.590.7896 | 
CLI Partners | Use their Expertise!
Our CLI Supporting Partners are a ready resources to help clients with the myriad of tasks and issues they may be facing in their personal transitions. And not only are these known professionals ready with experienced help, their commitment to partnering with CLI helps defer the costs of doing CLI business, including administrative costs, covering overhead, and funding special projects. Without CLI partners the cost to each individual member would be much higher. So when you have an opportunity to chat with a CLI Partner, please take the time to thank them and consider connecting with them for business!
2022 Leadership Circle
Carl Arnold ~ Louise Livesay–Al ~ Gay Rosenthal ~Becca Wong
Contributions to Leadership Circle 2022
are still being accepted
Contributions equivalent of one or two of your billable hours help support the initiatives of CLI, including trainings, continuing education offerings, video recording & webcasting of trainings, Public Education Committee materials creation and outreach and participation in booths and sponsorships in the greater family law community, continuing upgrades to the CLI website, plus ongoing and increasing overhead costs of running an efficient and responsible organization on behalf of CLI members.
To contribute, login to your CLI member website account and