CLI Community News July 2020
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter."
~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
A Message from
Co-President Brian Burns

Remember when the conversation in the world revolved around a virus, whose presence suddenly and unexpectedly changed the way we live our lives? 
Remember life before that, only a little more than 3 months ago?  
For me, it’s ‘yes’ to the first question, and ‘just barely’ to the second.  Now what dominates my thoughts, and likely many of yours, is the pain of institutional racism, social unrest... Read More
Training | Going Virtual!

Let’s Talk About It: Topics That Impact YOU!
The 1 st and 3 rd Wednesdays through the summer and beyond, the Collaborative Law Institute will hold Member Zoom sessions on various subjects of interest. No registration is required and the sessions are free! 
The login link is located at the CLI website calendar.
  • July 1: 3:30 – 4:30. Keeping the Kids Safe
  • July 15: 12:00 – 1:00. Top Ten Ways to Build Your Collaborative Practice
Sins of Omission
Deb Clemmensen

I have been thinking a lot in recent days about the impact of things not done, the sins of omission. Today the FedEx delivery guy arrived at our door with a heavy package and said he had twisted his ankle... Read More
A Visit to George Floyd's Memorial
Tonda Mattie

Being frustrated and saddened that I could not join the peaceful folks protesting George Floyd’s recent death at the hand of a Minneapolis police officer, I decided to visit... Read More
What we were sharing during
Shelter in Place | COVID19

Let's Iginite the Blog!
Louise Livesay-Al

In today’s world, with changes in how we are doing business. Things have become even more technology based. I have found that more clients seem to be seeking education and information online. And this has prompted CLI to work on re-infusing some energy into the CLI Blog... Read More
2020 CLI Forum - Update & Requests
Carl Arnold

I am tasked with organizing the 2020 CLI Annual Forum. As I work on brainstorming and planning for the event, I wanted to pass along some information and ask for your feedback and advice ... Read More
A Personal History
Stu Webb

I started practicing law in Minneapolis, MN in 1964 and retired in 2014 after 50 years of practice. Specialized in divorce work. Awful stressful stuff. Ready to quit law practice in 1990, but instead developed a new way to practice law: Collaborative Law (now also called Collaborative Practice)... Read More
Sunshine Committee
Member Concerns | In The News | Annual Awards

CLI Volunteer of the Year | Brett Jensen | 2019
CLI Stu Webb Award | Jennifer Morris & Dave Jamison | 2019

To share member news contact Angela Heart
Email: | Phone: 651.337.1333
IACP Whole Group Membership
Megan Yates

We have a unique opportunity, perhaps even responsibility, to support and encourage the continued growth of Collaborative Practice on the global level ... Read More
Membership Directory
To download in PDF for your personal use - click here
Membership | New Members Since January

Shannon Bixby-Pankratz , Attorney, Wolf, Rohr, Gemberling & Allen, PA

Amanda Mason-Sekula , Attorney, Sekula Law Offices, PLLC

Steven Schechtman , Attorney, Law offices of Steven L. Schechtman
New Members Save 25% on 2020 Membership!

Professionals : $147.50
NOW: $110.63

New Professionals (practicing for three years or less): $87.50
NOW: $65.63

To take advantage of this membership special, new members will visit the CLI website at , click “For Professionals” on the home page and then click “Membership” and enter the code: FLI2021
CLI Website - A New Look!
Help to spread the word about CLI's new website... Click here
CLI Annual Platinum Partners
Jennifer Morris
Edina Realty
Dave Jamison
Rainbow Mortgage, Inc.
CLI Annual Gold Partner
Brett Leschinsky
Supreme Lending
Divorce Mortgage Specialist
Cell: 612.590.7896 |  
CLI Partners | Use their Expertise!
Our CLI Supporting Partners are a ready resources to help clients with the myriad of tasks and issues they may be facing in their personal transitions. And not only are these known professionals ready with experienced help, their commitment to partnering with CLI helps defer the costs of doing CLI business, including administrative costs, covering overhead, and funding special projects. Without CLI partners the cost to each individual member would be much higher. So when you have an opportunity to chat with a CLI Partner, please take the time to thank them and consider connecting with them for business!
2020 Leadership Circle
Carl Arnold ~ Brian Burns ~ Deb Clemmensen ~ Angela Heart
Brett Jensen ~ Leslie Kimes ~ Louise Livesay–Al ~ Jennifer Loeffler Tonda Mattie ~ Allison Maxim ~ Kellie McConahay ~ Kimberly Miller Jennifer Nixon ~ Chad Olson ~ Ron Ousky ~ Gay Rosenthal ~ Stu Webb Linda Wray ~ Amy Wolff ~ Becca Wong ~ Megan Yates