CLI Community News
December 2020
For the work of this day, may we
  Stay grounded in our shared humanity,
  Be ever rooted in dignity and respect,
  Be always mindful of the impact of our words,
  Seek our inner courage, humility and wisdom,
  And share a vision of all our children living in peace.
~Deborah Clemmensen
A Message from
President Elect 2021 Megan Yates

Well, here we are—the homestretch of 2020. I don’t know about you, but this was the longest shortest year of my life. Who knew quarantining and social distancing could create the longest days but the shortest year?!? As someone with small children at home, I feel that in my bones. I’m sure many of you can relate.
Despite these…well, just plain weird and puzzling times, it is reassuring to know that CLI, as a community of like-minded professionals, was able to find ways to remain connected throughout 2020. Thank you to everyone who organized, moderated, and attended the “Let’s Talk” Zoom series... Read More
A Message from
Co-President 2020 Brian Burns
Woah… 2020 has not been the year we predicted it would be! For any of us!! Starting the year last January—meeting together (in live 3D) for the annual Board Retreat at Hamline-Mitchell—eating a catered lunch together—everything seemed quite… normal.
But like the rest of the world, in the space of 5 days we transitioned to virtual meetings, set up our home offices and, well, we did it. We responded to the needs of clients. We responded to the protests and increased awareness around racial injustice and police brutality with important conversations. We strengthened our connection and collaboration with IACP. We are now... Read More
CLI Board of Directors | Getting it done virtually

Board members, and guests like Rex Fox, actively listened and continued to accomplish assigned tasks during the 2020 transition from in-person to virtual meetings.
Thank You 2020
Board of Directors

Past President, Carl Arnold
Co-President, Brian Burns
Director, Meagan Fox
Co-President, Angela Heart
Director, Audra Holbeck
Treasurer, Brett Jensen
Director, Tonda Mattie
Director, Allison Maxim-Carlson
Director, Ron Ousky
Director, Linda Wray
Director, Megan Yates
2020 Retiring
Board Members
Carl Arnold
Tonda Mattie
Linda Wray
Thank you for your dedication
and work for CLI!
2021 Board Retreat
January 15, 2021 | Virtual
Please join us! Preregistration requested to receive Zoom login. No fee to attend. Review Full Agenda
To Register

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Business Meeting - Board Only

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Brainstorming Session - Full CLI Membership

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
Lunch / Social - Full CLI Membership

1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Annual Planning Session - Board Only
Welcome New Board Members
Rebecca Randen
Gay Rosenthal
George Zaske
Let's Talk About It Member Zooms 2021
3rd Wednesdays | 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM |
Join: | Meeting ID: 881 5154 6206

The member Zooms are a great opportunity to connect with our community.
No registration is required for members and the sessions are free! 

Mark your calendar for the next Let's Talk About It
on January 20, 2021
Forum 2020
While everyone missed seeing each other in-person and the opportunity to get-away to Oakridge with the atmosphere, wonderful food and fun social time, all agreed the 2020 Forum was a Zooming success! Special thanks to Forum Chair Carl Arnold for great planning and execution!
A holiday mystery the night before the Forum was solved, (thank goodness!) by teams of tenacious puzzle solvers.
Thank you to our Forum 2020 Sponsors | Click here for a contact list
We are Blogging!
Louise Livesay-Al
We are now posting more consistently with great content from our CLI members. To add your voice and write an article for the CLI Blog, please sign-up at our Sign-up Genius:

Build awareness for CLI by sharing the CLI Blog posts to your Social Medial Community!

In case you missed them, here are recently posted CLI Blog articles:
  • Unbundling in a Collaborative World:... | Louise Livesay-Al & Ron Ousky
  • Divorcing During COVID | Angela Heart
  • Take a Deep Breath: The Children are Listening | Deb Clemmensen
  • Politics, Divorce, and "the other side" | Ron Ousky
  • A Little History: Sandy Keith | Tonda Mattie
  • Collaborative Divorce Expands | PE Committee
  • Pro Se Divorce... | Rebecca Randen
  • I Can be Collaborative, but... Greg Solum

Visit the CLI Blog to read the articles at:
Sunshine Committee
Member Concerns | In The News | Annual Awards

CLI Volunteer of the Year | Käri McGuire | 2020
CLI Stu Webb Award | Audra Holbeck | 2020

To share member news contact Angela Heart
Email: | Phone: 651.337.1333
CLI Annual Platinum Partners
Jennifer Morris
Edina Realty
Dave Jamison
Rainbow Mortgage, Inc.
CLI Annual Gold Partner
Brett Leschinsky
Supreme Lending
Divorce Mortgage Specialist
Cell/Text: 612.590.7896 | 
CLI Partners | Use their Expertise!
Our CLI Supporting Partners are a ready resources to help clients with the myriad of tasks and issues they may be facing in their personal transitions. And not only are these known professionals ready with experienced help, their commitment to partnering with CLI helps defer the costs of doing CLI business, including administrative costs, covering overhead, and funding special projects. Without CLI partners the cost to each individual member would be much higher. So when you have an opportunity to chat with a CLI Partner, please take the time to thank them and consider connecting with them for business!
Leadership Circle
The CLI Board of Directors and all members acknowledge that participation in the Leadership Circle goes above and beyond, is genuinely appreciated, and will also be acknowledged in several ways throughout the year. Suggested donation of one or two billable hours, deadline for 2021 Leadership Circle is 12/31/20. To contribute:
Pay by credit card online - login to your online account and then click Leadership Circle
2020 Leadership Circle
Carl Arnold ~ Brian Burns ~ Deb Clemmensen ~ Angela Heart
Brett Jensen ~ Leslie Kimes ~ Louise Livesay–Al ~ Jennifer Loeffler Tonda Mattie ~ Allison Maxim ~ Kellie McConahay ~ Kimberly Miller Jennifer Nixon ~ Chad Olson ~ Ron Ousky ~ Gay Rosenthal ~ Stu Webb Linda Wray ~ Amy Wolff ~ Becca Wong ~ Megan Yates
2021 Leadership Circle
Carl Arnold ~ Brian Burns ~ Deb Clemmensen ~ Angela Heart
Brett Jensen ~ Leslie Kimes ~ Louise Livesay–Al ~ Tonda Mattie
Kellie McConahay ~ Kimberly Miller ~ Chad Olson ~ Ron Ousky
Gay Rosenthal ~ Stu Webb ~ Amy Wolff ~ Becca Wong
Linda Wray ~ Megan Yates