MAY 2020

Staying resourceful and having hope.
Latinx Brillante
Pilar M. Valtierra
Interviewed by Elizabeth Valtierra
"Let's teach our children the games from back home, let's be more interactive with them, let's play with them more, and let's pass on a little bit of our childhood to them. "

Read Pilar's full interview on our website! Stay up to date with what's happening at CJ an in our community! Sign up to receive monthly updates about community events, resources and more! Do you have ...

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Recently, it’s been a hard battle for a lot of community members to adjust to the new life after COVID-19. Especially when it’s unstable, always changing, and it never seems to end. However, Creciendo Juntos has acknowledged many leaders brillante that have demonstrated resilience and resourcefulness that many can look upon to. Our leader for this month is Pilar Magdalena Valtierra, a member in our Education Workgroup and leader of De Raíces a Risas.

So we’re going to open this interview up with a quick introduction. 

My name is Pilar Magdalena Valtierra. I am 27 years old and was currently working in Mountain View Elementary School (formally known as Cale Elementary) as a teacher assistant. I also help run a small remodeling/housekeeping company [as a part-time job].

Where did you grow up? What was it like growing up there?

I was raised in Deland, Florida for the majority of my life. Deland is a small city which has a warm and diverse inviting community. I grew up with my entire family around, both maternal and paternal, which made it easier for me to always have someone to reach out to. My family was always out and about- some days after school you could find us swimming in a nearby spring by my grandma’s house, other days we ended our nights walking on the Daytona Beach's boardwalk, or we’re just simply visiting grandma's house playing ‘Loteria’ [ Mexican bingo ] among other things. There was always family around.   

What brought you to Charlottesville, Virginia?

The 2008 recession hurt Florida excessively badly. It took a few years to finally begin to show hopes of recovering but by then [my family and I] had already moved to Virginia. During that time, Charlottesville was growing and my in-laws along with my husband decided that the smart thing to do was to re-start their business company here all over again. The process was slow but we had bigger hopes here. The community was very warm and I loved...

Resources for All
Please take a moment to look over our SHARED FOLDER that is full with categorized resources! As things are changing everyday, we're not always up to date with new resources, so please reach out to use if you don't see something that needs to be added.

Here is a PDF that we are currently working on with local Charlottesville resources.

Thank you so much for your help and stay safe!

Education - Stay Informed!
In case you haven't heard...
Support our efforts!
We are in need of volunteers to help with our De Raíces a Risas 
Play Packages
Service de Alimentos para Estudiantes de Escuelas Publicas del Condado de Albemarle:

* Durante el cierre de la escuela y hasta el viernes por, 5 de junio de, las escuelas públicas del condado de Albemarle estudiantes y hermanos mayores de 18 y menores pueden llegar a cualquiera de los lugares indicados a continuación para recibir un desayuno y el almuerzo.
* Las comidas están disponibles de lunes a viernes , de forma gratuita
* Las comidas pueden ser recogidos por un representante para el estudiante.
* Fechas importantes: el servicio de comidas se pueden proporcionar la semana de vacaciones de primavera (abril 6-10). Servicio de comida no se proporcionará en el Memorial Day, Lunes, 25 de mayo.
* Nota: Si no puede llegar a cualquiera de nuestros sitios de servicio de alimentos de los estudiantes, por favor llame al Nutrición Infantil al 434-295-0566. La división escolar continúa a considerar opciones de entrega alternativos basados en la demanda
* Tenga en cuenta los tiempos indicados para cada lugar:…/Pa…/Student-Meal-Service.aspx

School Meal Services for ACPS Students

* During the school closure and continuing through Friday, June 5, Albemarle County Public Schools students and siblings ages 18 and under may come to any of the locations listed to receive breakfast and lunch.
* Meals are available Monday through Friday, free of charge.
* Meals can be picked up by a representative for the student.
* Important Dates: Meal service will be provided the week of spring break (April 6-10). Meal service will not be provided on Memorial Day, Monday, May 25.
* Please take note of the times for each location:…/Pa…/Student-Meal-Service.aspx
Creciendo Juntos is presenting a creative outlet for Students and Youth of Color that are quarantined!

We are publishing an art zine for students of color!
Submit your artwork to be published online and in print! 

Guidelines for submissions:
  • Our first issue's theme revolves around identity. So please submit any artwork that relates to your identity. 
  • One submission per person
  • Maximum of 600 words for written pieces.
  • Please upload your visual art to this form AND email a high quality image to:
  • Make sure to include your name and contact information in the email.
  • Written pieces may be submitted in any language. 


Mentorship Network for Latinx Student
We know that now more then ever, our Latinx students are facing even more barriers in their educational pursuits! 

That is why we are organizing to create a group mentoring network of Latinx high school and college students! 

Share your story, connect with others, and support your peers!

Sign up to be a mentor or a mentee and we will coordinate regular zoom meetups to connect everyone! 
Local Community Resources
The Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Undocumented and Mixed-Status Families & How Allies Can Help

"The current Covid-19 pandemic has severely compounded the issues affecting undocumented and mixed-status families including concerns about finances, employment, access to health care, and the threat of deportation.

In this post, we detail some of the main challenges that immigrant families are currently experiencing and key steps that allies can take to provide support."


 Cultivate Charlottesville will start publishing weekly schedules of resources, opportunities, and healthcare benefits in response to COVID-19 on their Facebook page .

Click on the flyer to see in detail of upcoming schedules that can benefit you or someone you know of.

Legal Aid Justice Center are working to help advise those attempting to claim unemployment benefits!

They will try to make Virginia’s unemployment insurance system work better for workers. 

Visit and let them know if you have had any problems during the COVID-19 crisis with VA's unemployment insurance system.

Flyer Community Support from Cville
Resources for COVID-19

For Financial Assistance:
Monday - Friday, 9 am-5 pm

For Food / Supplies / Medicine deliveries:
434-214-0454 or request online

COVID-19 line for Health Department:
Monday - Friday, 9 am-5 pm

Emergency AID Hostel: 
If you are insecure in your home 434-293-8509

Region 10 Emergency Line:
If you have emotional difficulties or a mental health crisis
434-972-1800 or text 741741

More resources at:
Join our network:
Contribute donations:
For more information:


  • Interviews will be via phone call!
  • Compensation will be $40 - Walmart/Food Lion gift card or Cash!

Seeking young adults who have migrated to the U.S. from Latin America about their experiences with school, work, and living in Central Virginia!
Special Mentions:
 La Conejita, Dr. Irène Mathieu, Veronica Espinosa, Alexandra Maldonado y Hazel Franco
¿Como le esta afectando el COVID-19 a nuestros niños y la juventud Latina? Xochilt Diaz entrevista a Dr. Irène Mathieu, Promotora de Salud y Lider Latinx,  Veronica Espinosa , y dos estudiantes, Hazel y Alexandra sobre el COVID-19.

How has COVID-19 affected our children and the Latinx youth of Charlottesville? Xochilt Diaz (La Conejita) interviews Dr. Iréne Mathieu, Veronica Espinosa, and two students, Hazel and Alexandra about the issue around COVID-19.

Mental Health - Take Care of Yourself


The Women’s Initiative goal continues to be to provide as much support as we safely can during the coronavirus outbreak. Following the direction of Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam, they will be keeping the offices closed through at least Wednesday, June 10. But please know that their vital mental health services are still available:
  • The therapists are seeing clients through telehealth (phone and video chat)
  • The Call-in Clinics are available—click here to learn more
COVID-19 Healthcare Option for People without a Primary Care Physician
COVID-19 Healthcare Option for People without a Primary Care Physician:

Visits are based on referral from a medical provider, or if you do not have one, call the UVA COVID-19 Hotline.

Click on the flyer for detailed information on resources within the Healthcare community if you do NOT have a primary care physician or know someone that does not.

Listed in the flyer are:

  • UVA Health
  • Charlottesville Free Clinic
  • Blue Ridge Medical Center 
  • Senator Martha Jefferson
  • Thomas Jefferson Health District
  • Central Virginia Health Service
  • Med Express
  • Private Medical Practices

Note that the UVA COVID hotline is for people who don't have a PCP and have medical questions, COVID or otherwise. They can also just call 98-COVID.

Seasonal Distribution Help - Crutchfield

Crutchfield are looking for reliable, hard-working individuals with a positive attitude to work at our distribution center.

This is your opportunity to work with a friendly, hardworking group that plays an important role in getting the gear quickly and efficiently to our customers.

Their distribution center is climate controlled, both in terms of temperature and in terms of management.

International / Bilingual Advisor - Crutchfield

Crutchfield are looking for someone with sales experience to serve our customers via phone, chat and email who can multitask in an energetic environment and desires to grow in a prosperous career.

They will provide extensive training and the tools to be successful in a challenging and rewarding environment. This is a full time position with responsibilities that include (but are not limited to) all aspects of customer service, sales and support (before, during and after the sale).

Customer Services/Sales - Virginia Teen Division

For the past 30 years, The Virginia Titan Division has offered both full-time, part-time work, and internships for students across Virginia.

The position is entry level customer service and sales. Meeting with customers through online appts, explaining products, answering questions and helping them place orders. They have scholarships and internships available to our students as well.

The positions are extremely flexible, allowing students to work around classes or previous commitments (other jobs, family vacations, etc). 

Therapist - SARA (Sexual Assault Resource Agency)

The Sexual Assault Resource Agency (SARA) provides services to men, women and children affected by sexual violence.

SARA is seeking a full-time therapist to join our direct services team and provide trauma informed therapy services to individuals impacted by sexual violence. Ideal candidate would have training or interest in learning modalities informed by the neurobiological impact of trauma, as well as comfort in working with diverse populations, genders, and age groups.

The position requires regular on-call rotation for hospital accompaniment and staffing the hotline during business hours. A Master’s Degree in Social Work, Counseling, or related field with license-eligibility is required. Experience in other sexual violence programs is preferred.

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