Vol 38, 21 MAY 2014


The Official Website of SMCR 2014 Launched.


We are pleased to announce that the 4th Summit Meeting on  Chemical Regulations in China, Korea and Japan (SMCR 2014)  will take place on 15-16 October in Shanghai and focus on chemical regulations and chemical safety management in Asia pacific. 

Some of the features of SMCR 2014 include:


* The outlook, opportunities and challenges of global chemical industry in 2014;

* Updates and latest chemical registration requirements of K-REACH, CSCL, TCSCA, China MEP order No.7, etc;

* Latest chemical management information about India and Malaysia;

* Supervision of hazardous chemicals in Shanghai Free Trade Zone.


To view the full programme of SMCR 2014, please click here

We look forward to your participation. 


best regards,


CIRS Regulatory Team

On behalf of the summit organization committee


Chemical Inspection and Regulation Service Group (CIRS)
Korea Testing & Research Institute(KTR)
Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry (JEMAI)



Taiwan's Second Supplementary ECN starts on 1 June 2014 


7 May 2014, Taiwan's second supplementary existing chemical substance nomination starts on 1 June 2014 and will last two months. CIRS is ready here to help you submit the second supplementary existing chemical substance nominations (ECN) for the substances that were imported, manufactured, handled, used, sold in Taiwan prior to 31 Dec 2011. Please do not miss this great opportunity. 


To find out more info about the second ECN, please click here here.



Summary of FAQs about Registration of Imported Hazardous Chemicals in China Available


The Workshop on Registration of Imported Hazardous Chemicals in China, organized by CIRS, was successfully held in Shanghai on 24th April 2014. Mr Zongzhou Guo from the National Registration Centre of Chemicals (NRCC) of the State Administration of Work Safety (SAWS) shared the latest updates of imported hazardous chemicals registration and answered many questions brought up by delegates at this workshop. 
To access the FAQs, please click here.


CIRS to Acquire 4 New Substance Registration Certificates in One Week


24 April 2014, China MEP has issued the 5th batch of China new chemical substance notifications to be approved in 2014 for public consultations. This batch includes 8 high-tonnage new chemical substances, among which 4 have been prepared and submitted by CIRS. Up to date, approximately 20% of typical notifications of new substances (>1t/y) approved in China have been prepared by CIRS since MEP Order No.7 came into force in Oct 2010, making CIRS a true global leader of China REACH services. 


More info about new substances approved in China can be found at CIRS's China new substance registration watch.

The English List of PHCs Incorporated into CCISS.
The English Edition of the Catalog of Priority Hazardous Chemicals for Environment Management (PHCs) has been incorporated into CIRS's well-known Chinese chemical inventory search system (CCISS). Companies now can search this list and other Chinese chemical regulatory lists through CCISS free of charge. 

To try it, please click  here.

Ms April Guo from CIRS to Speak at Skincare Ingredients Conference and Expo 2014

Ms April Guo, head of cosmetic regulatory affairs team at CIRS, has been invited to give a presentation about the updates of Chinese cosmetic regulations and the current situation of animal test in China. 

To register for the event free of charge, please click here.



The Future of Export-only Pesticides Registration in China?  


The registration for export-only pesticides was suspended by ICAMA (The Institute for the Control of Agrochemicals of the Ministry of Agriculture) in China at the end of 2013. Mr David Wan, the head of pesticide and biocides team in CIRS China explains the background of suspension and shares his views about the future of export-only pesticide registrations on his article which was published in Farm Chemicals International. 


To read the full article, please click here. 



 Case Study: Why Were Your Prepackaged Food Products (Biscuits) Rejected by China?


According to the information published by China customs' website and compiled by CIRS's food regulatory team, more than 140 tons of imported biscuits have been rejected by China Customs between March 2012 and February 2014. Do you know why they were rejected? 


To read more, please click here.



Resources Available Upon Request   


- NRCC's Presentation on the Registration of  Imported Hazardous Chemicals in China (in Chinese) is available free of charge upon request.  Please contact service@cirs-reach.com if you are interested.



Upcoming Events

Helsinki Chemicals Forum

22-23 May 2014, Helsinki  



CHCS Seminar on Chemical Control Laws & GHS in Asia

11 June 2014, London

Last call to register.


The 4th Summit Meeting on Chemical Regulations in China, Korea and Japan - SMCR 2014

15-16 Oct 2014, Shanghai