Course in Miracles Society
Spring-Summer 2014 eMAGAZINE
Guiding Us Home

19 The Atonement and the separation began at the same time. When man made the ego, God placed in him the call to joy. This call is so strong that the ego always dissolves at its sound. That is why you can choose to listen to two voices within you. One you made yourself and that one is not of God. But the other is given you by God Who asks you only to listen to it. The Holy Spirit is in you in a very literal sense. His is the Voice that calls you back to where you were before and will be again."  


A Course in Miracles ~ Original Edition CH 5   

"Healing and Wholeness ~ III.The Mind of the Atonement "    

Inside this Issue

The Course in Miracles Society [CIMS] eMagazine is made possible by you. These issues are filled with the collaborative efforts of students of A Course in Miracles, like yourself, who share book reviews, articles, artwork, movies, poems, music, products, Questions & Answers, as well as Guidance.   

The kick-off for this 'Spring/Summer Issue' is an article from George Krestik titled: "First Day of Innocence in 60 years" George shares how his study of ACIM OE has helped him to release his past and experience innocence for the first time in many decades.

As we all know, Near-Death Experiences, or NDEs, are being shared everywhere, including in one of our newest regular sections - Beyond the Veil. The first submission is, "UPHILL", a poem written by Christina Rossetti (1830-1894) and referred to in a very rare book titled: "The Dissolving Veil" by Helen Greaves. Helen began scribing the after-life of Sister Francis Banks in the same year Helen Schucman began to scribe A Course in Miracles. More informational links are in the article.   
The "Spiritually Minded Video" section 
contains a video you most likely have not heard of called:  "Outrageous Dreams ~ Outrageous Reality". The film features the channeling of PATAAH by Jani King. Jani, along with Peter Erbe [see eMagazine book review] held channeling sessions  in Australia, which were attended by many Course in Miracles students. Some of these were transcribed into books. This one is on camera. More informational links are in this  article.

Another new regular section is called "ACIM Teleconference Family", and is a place where Course students, who gather every morning on a Teleconference call to study the ACIM OE Text and Lessons, can share their experiences. Rhett Billings, a regular member on the calls, has eloquently written the first article called: "My Experience of Finding My ACIM Teleconference Family".

The Question and Answer category addresses questions asked within the Course community. Recently the question was asked, "How do I know when I am actually hearing Guidance from my Right Mind, a.k.a. "Holy Spirit", and not the ego?"  One answer is offered by the editor, Rev Reja Joy Green.


Elder Brother, scribed by Sun~Rose, also has Guidance on distinguishing between the ego and the Holy Spirit. In this issue, He is gently urging us to choose the affirmation, " Thy Will Be Done."
About CIMS
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Course in Miracles Society (CIMS) is an international group of Course students and teachers organized to discover, authenticate and propagate the Divine Teachings of
A Course in Miracles.


As students, we seek to increase our knowledge of Jesus' words and to deepen our experience of His teachings.


As teachers, we work to circulate the message of
A Course in Miracles throughout the world by our words, by our deeds, and by the example of our lives.
This eMagazine is freely provided as a courtesy to everyone, including fellow Course students, customers, and business associates. To make a donation to support these efforts,  please see below. 


All submissions for this eMagazine should be sent to our editor:
Rev Reja Joy Green

Translation Project is continuing to make A Course in Miracles ~ Original Edition available to students around the world, in their own language. Donations are gratefully accepted Here.     


The Spirit Light Outreach program receives A Course in Miracles Original Edition books, donated by CIMS, and sends them to prisoners who have sent a request. Postage for this project, however, is always needed. If you feel inspired to give to this worthy endeavor, please click here 

First Day of Innocence in 60 years  ...article
By George Krestik
Crystal Clear Radiance

"It has finally, finally come! Over the decades of the 80's and 90's I was an avid student of the New Testament. However, I just kept beating my head against a wall. "There's more here," I would say to myself. Something is missing! "I am the Bread of Life, whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst." (John 6:35) If this is true, then why am I so hungry all the time? I have all these cravings and appetites - in abundance! Something more has got to be here. Then, after this past year of engagement with ACIM the Light has dawned. It is simply and truly ALL here Now - in Oneness. More and more I want the Oneness. Each Day I ask the Holy Spirit to Decide for God for me. The miracles unite me with my One Self. The process, the journey goes on with quiet peaceful assurance!"

Beyond the Veil  ...series
UPHILL   ...poem
UpHill By Christina Rossetti (1830-1894)

Supplemented with quotes from A Course in Miracles ~ Original Edition


This poem, in the meter of "iambic pentameter with trimeter variants" according to analysis by, seems to have several layers of meaning. Why not take a journey 'uphill' and see what message your heart receives.




Spiritually Minded
Outrageous Dreams ~ Outrageous Reality
Ptaah Tools to Transform Your Life with Jani King & P'taah (2006) 100 mins

"P'taah is a band of energy existing in every where and every when. Channeled through Australian Jani King, in this DVD P'taah reminds us of our awesome power and gives us some 'little recipes' to create more love and more joy in our lives." 
                       ~ short review from Amazon

ACIM Teleconference  ...series
My Experience of Finding my ACIM Teleconference Family
ACIM Teleconference by RHETT BILLINGS 

"For many years, the almost overwhelming love and wisdom contained within the pages of A COURSE IN MIRACLES were more than I could take in. I sensed there was something there I REALLY wanted, but I resisted it strongly, without knowing why. Periodically, I'd pick it up and put it down again, like so many others have... until now!"

[Rhett goes on to share how he came to be aware of these calls and then about the amazing transformation to his spiritual journey which is occurring just by sharing with other Course students.]


By Rev Reja Joy Green

One QUESTION, often asked by ACIM students, is:


"How do I know when I am actually hearing Guidance from my Right Mind, a.k.a. 'Holy Spirit', and not the ego?"

The ANSWER might surprise you.


Scribed by Sun~Rose

SunRise of Innocence  

Thy Will Not Mine 

"He needs only your willingness to share His perspective
to give it to you completely.
And your willingness need not be complete
because His is perfect.
It is His task to atone for your unwillingness
by His perfect faith,
and it is His faith you share with Him there.

Out of your recognition
of your unwillingness for your release,
His perfect willingness is given you.
Call upon Him, for Heaven is at His call.
And let Him call on Heaven for you." 

~ACIM OE CH 16, 69

ELDER BROTHER: "You now have a sincere desire to listen for Guidance from the Holy Spirit, and so You are beginning to pause before You speak, or make a decision. How can You be sure that it's not the ego jumping in to tell You what to do?


My answer may surprise You; yet attend to its rationale, and see its wisdom.


Listen anyway, and trust, and follow.


How can I say this? What if  ...


Continue to Article  

Presently all CIMS projects are wholly supported by free will gifts of time, talent, and money. If you would like to support any of the activities of the Society in any way, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Because of the international character of CIMS, the internet is our primary means of communicating and collaborating.


CIMS is a section 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, and donations are
Tax Deductible



 [Add note: Where is donation to go? CIMS, Postage to send to Prisoners, or Translations]





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