
The Cornell Institute for Healthy Future has had a busy spring semster! 


Graduating Healthy Futures Minors

Reimagining+ the Mall for Health and Community

Summer 2024 Course Offering

Our 2023 symposium notes are here! Read about the insightful discussions and innovative ideas shared by students, faculty, industry leaders and experts.

Stay tuned for future updates, events, and opportunities to engage with us as we continue our mission to create a healthy future!

All the best,

CIHF Leadership Team

CIHF Events & Announcements

Congratulations Graduating Healthy Futures Minors!

Madelyn Hill

Madelyn is graduating from the Nolan Hotel School this May. She came to Cornell with a passion for senior housing and an interest in the intersection of healthcare and hospitality, which led her to CIHF. Upon graduation, she will move to Sarasota, FL to work with Grace Management, as a senior living operator. There, she will continue to deepen her expertise and passion in the senior housing sector.

Jordan Amoako

Jordan is graduating from the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences with a degree in Biology and Society and a concentration in public health and sustainable design. Additionally, she is obtaining minors in Global Health and Healthy Futures. Following graduation, Jordan will be pursuing a Masters of Public Health at Milken Institute School of Public Health at George Washington University.

Mielle Emouna

Mielle is a Nolan School senior graduating with minors in Healthy Futures & Healthcare Policy. On campus, she is involved in the Professional Development of Women [PDOW] Club, Cornell Finance Club, the Cornell Healthcare Review, Ye Hosts Honorary Society, and a Peer Career Coach with Nolan Hotel School Career Services. After graduation, she will return to Morgan Stanley as a Wealth Management Rotational Analyst in New York.  

End of Semester Gathering and Photography Exhibit Opening in the MVR Gallery

Tomorrow! Thursday, May 9, noon-1:30 PM

We are excited to exhibit the top 10 entries from our Fall 2023 photography contest, "Freedom of Expression," at our Opening and End-of-Semester Celebration on Thursday, May 9!

Location: 1250 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall 

Opening event: May 9, noon-1:30 PM

Exhibit dates: May 8-May 17, 2024


Missed our webinar?

Trauma Informed Design Interventions that can Serve Environments for Older Adults

Catch the recorded session through eCornell!


Sponsored by the Cornell Institute for Healthy Futures, the discussion featured insight from licensed NYS interior designer and CIHF Industry Scholar Christine Foster along with trauma-informed care specialist Christine Cowart and Janet Roche, co-founders of the Trauma-informed Design Society.

What participants learned:

  • How to define trauma according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
  • The physical impacts of trauma on various systems of the body.
  • How living with dementia or providing care to someone with the diagnosis may have felt traumatic and resulted in similar symptoms.
  • How to identify opportunities to include TiD principles in the design of built environments.
  • Ways to discuss the importance of population-specific approaches when including TiD.
  • How to review a conceptual model being developed for collaborative housing that considered TiD.

CIHF Sponsored Summer Session Course

DEA 1112 Change-making: Designing Healthy and Hospitable Environments

Have you ever been interested in exploring some different areas when you don’t have conflicts with other courses?

Take DEA 1112 Change-making: Designing Healthy and Hospitable Environments discover ways of applying design thinking, hospitality customer service and facility planning/design to impact personal and work environments. This introductory course is open to designers and non-designers alike. No artistic abilities are required. You'll emerge with new skills and a fresh perspective on how design can elevate our moods, extend our lifespans, and help affect positive change.

June 24 – July 12, 2024

3-week summer session

M-F 9:30 am – 12:30 pm ONLINE

3 credits


Design Charrette

Cornell University and Johns Hopkins University

Cornell and Johns Hopkins University students engaged in a design charrette on May 3-4, 2024, at JHU centered on design safety for older adults. During this event, students targeted specific injuries, proposing modifications to objects, or environments aimed at prevention of these injuries.

This event, Safety by Design, was supported by Johns Hopkins renowned researcher Sue Baker ‘51. Five teams developed safety-sensitive designs for an outdoor space for older adults.

Student pictured: Abigail Brown, Madeline Lei, Glendedora Dolce and Simon Obi

Saleh Kalantari, CIHF Faculty Fellow and Assistant Professor, Human Centered Design Receives the

NSF Faculty Early Career Development Award

Saleh Kalantari was one of six assistant professors at Cornell who were awarded the National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Award for their research in large-scale artificial intelligence, microbial biomanufacturing, and causal inference methods. Each recipient will receive a minimum of $400,000 over a five-year period from the program, which supports early-career faculty “who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education and to lead advances in the mission of their department or organization.”

Read more here.

Re-cap: Reimagining+ the Mall for Health and Community

April 12-13, 2024

CIHF, along with Cayuga Health, Brooks School for Public Policy, College of Human Ecology, and Nolan School of Hotel Administration hosted a dynamic event aimed at transforming empty mall storefronts into a wellness hub for the local community.

Exciting discussions, interactive planning, and innovative ideas were shared over two engaging days, shaping the future of this space to enhance the well-being of Ithaca residents.

Curious to learn more? Read the Cornell Chronicle article "Collaboration reimagines shopping mall as wellness hub" for all the highlights from this event!

Re-cap: CIHF Roundtable

Design for Mental Health: Exploring the Future of Tech, Place, and Programs

In March our roundtable Design for Mental Health: Exploring the Future of Tech, Place, and Programs, convened at the Statler Hotel in Ithaca, NY. The event aimed to foster discussions on the future of mental health design, focusing on programs, place, and technology.

The gathering commenced with a warm welcome reception at the Regent Lounge in the Statler Hotel on Thursday evening, from 5:30 – 7:00 p.m. The following day, Friday, March 22, featured a full day of roundtable discussions. Each segment was facilitated by industry practitioners and research academics, guiding participants towards envisioning the future of mental health design.

Our speakers included Evengelia Chrysikou, Associate Professor, The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction, Erin Peavey, AIA, WELL AP, LSSYB, EDAC, LEED AP BD+C, Health & Well‑being Design Leader, Community, Vice President, HKS, Inc., Annie Levy, Founder,, Don Rakow, Retired Faculty, School of Integrative Plant Science Horticulture Section, Cornell University, Cindy Kao, Assistant Professor, Human Centered Design, Cornell University and Serena Dang, Founder & CEO, Teacup Inc.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our event!

Welcome New CIHF Industry Scholar!

Peyton Fort, Health and Wellness Strategy Consultant, Grinsven Hospitality Group

Peyton Fort is a healthcare design research strategist who cultivates a holistic and inclusive approach to wellbeing, blending living-centered design, service-minded hospitality, and sustainable lifestyle medicine to promote the health of all people and the planet.

Read more about Peyton here.

What's New in Research?

CIHF Grants Funding to Yuexing Hao's Research Paper

Yuexing Hao is the President, Graduate Student Association (HCD) 23' and PhD Research Fellow at Cornell University studying Human-Computer Interaction, Health Intelligence.

Shared decision-making (SDM) plays a vital role in clinical practice guidelines, fostering enduring therapeutic communication and patient-clinician relationships. Previous research indicates that active patient participation in decision-making improves satisfaction and treatment outcomes. However, medical decision-making can be intricate and multifaceted. To help make SDM more accessible, Hao et al. designed a patient-centered Artificial Intelligence (AI) SDM system for older adult cancer patients who lack high health literacy to become more involved in the clinical decision-making process and to improve comprehension toward treatment outcomes. In their upcoming ACM CHI 2024 paper, they conducted a pilot feasibility and usability study, showing promise in the AI system's ability to improve SDM and provide personalized healthcare experiences and education for cancer patients. This paper collaborates with Cornell Community Cancer Partnership and Dr. Saleh Kalantari, a CIHF faculty fellow, serves as the advisor and senior author of this paper.

Sensory-friendly fashion exhibit brings awareness and empathy

This exhibit, held March 2024 in the Jill Stuart Gallery in the Human Ecology Building, was a collaboration between Florencia Ardon, neurodivergent student support program manager in Cornell’s Learning Strategies Center, and Catherine Blumenkamp and Mardelle Shepley of the Department of Human Centered Design

Read the full article here.

Image by Carrie Chalmers, Cornell College of Human Ecology, News and Announcements.

Mardelle Shepley, CIHF Academic Director and Professor in the Department of Human Centered Design Presents 2 Topics at the Graven's Conference

As a pioneer in healthcare design, Professor Shepley continues to inspire with her commitment to innovation and human-centered solutions.

Read more about the conference here.

Postoperative cognitive dysfunction: spotlight on light, circadian rhythms, and sleep

Co-authored by Mariana Figueiro, Light and Health Program Director at the Lighting Research Center (LRC) and a Professor of Population Health Science and Policy at Mount Sinai Icahn School of Medicine

Postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) is a neurological disorder characterized by the emergence of cognitive impairment after surgery. A growing body of literature suggests that the onset of POCD is closely tied to circadian rhythm disruption (CRD). Circadian rhythms are patterns of behavioral and physiological change that repeat themselves at approximately, but not exactly, every 24 h. They are entrained to the 24 h day by the daily light–dark cycle. Postoperative CRD affects cognitive function likely by disrupting sleep architecture, which in turn provokes a host of pathological processes including neuroinflammation, blood–brain barrier disturbances, and glymphatic pathway dysfunction. Therefore, to address the pathogenesis of POCD it is first necessary to correct the dysregulated circadian rhythms that often occur in surgical patients. This narrative review summarizes the evidence for CRD as a key contributor to POCD and concludes with a brief discussion of how circadian-effective hospital lighting can be employed to re-entrain stable and robust circadian rhythms in surgical patients.

Read the full article here.

CIHF Minor and eCornell Certificate Programs

Minor in Healthy Futures

The Cornell Institute for Healthy Futures and the Department of Human Centered Design (HCD) offers a minor in Healthy Futures open to all undergraduate students. This minor provides a high caliber, transdisciplinary education in the fields of health, hospitality, and design. This innovative transdisciplinary focus has the potential to change industry practices and professional attitudes by breaking down the silos that often undermine creative solutions. This minor may be of particular interest to students enrolled in design, health, wellness, policy, and hospitality related majors, or students interested in applying their education to problem-solving in the population health and wellness space.

Explore the Minor

Healthcare Facilities Planning & Design @eCornell 

Faculty authors: Mardelle Shepley, Rohit Verma, Robert Newman, and Nick Frabrizio

This six-course certificate program provides you with in-depth instruction in effectively using evidence-based research to improve a healthcare environment. Core courses cover the critical components of healthcare facilities design planning. Learn excellence in change leadership, stakeholder management, and strategic alignment with organizational goals. Create your strategic plan and execute and assess it by using data to gauge impact. Learn some of the critical skills you need to lead your project to success or dive deeper to interpret technical facility design plans.

Find out more about this certificate HERE.

Senior Living Management @eCornell 

Faculty authors: Mardelle Shepley, Rohit Verma, Judi Brownell, and Alex Susskind

In this certificate program, you’ll explore best practices for service excellence at senior living facilities. Through examination of case studies and industry regulations, you will gain an in-depth understanding of the current senior living landscape. You'll have the opportunity to utilize the principles of environmental psychology to plan senior living facilities that support health and wellness through informed design. You’ll implement the PPO (product, people, and operational conditions) framework to assess the needs of an organization and apply industry trends to create food service operations that align with the needs of a senior living facility. Throughout the courses, you’ll explore how process thinking can improve your senior living facility by creating a process flow document and formalizing an action plan for decision-making. Finally, you will practice assessing the quality of a senior living organization, identifying areas for improvement through research and applying quality management approaches.

Find out more about this certificate HERE.

Design Considerations for Healthcare Facilities @eCornell 

Faculty author: Mardelle Shepley

Effectively applying environmental psychology principles and theories to the design of health care settings can powerfully enhance the quality of life for residents. Whether you're working as a designer of a new health care facility, an administrator of an existing facility, or within the healthcare field, you can use the research to inform decisions about design choices for the space. This relatively new science addresses not only how human beings perceive their surroundings, but also the ways in which good design can optimize people's interactions with the physical world.

In this course, you will explore how to access and analyze design research to evaluate the world around you in order to create environments that support health and wellness.

Find out more about this certificate HERE.

Cornell University Healthy Futures (CUHF)

Are you a student interested in becoming a member of the Cornell University Healthy Futures Chapter?

We’d love to have you join us!

If you are interested in joining, please fill out the registration form on the CIHF website. For any questions, please contact the chapter representative, Elizabeth Madamidola ( 

Who Has News?

Have you attended a fascinating virtual conference? Do you know of any webinars coming up that our community would be interested in? Published a paper? Earned a research grant?

If you have news to share - and we hope you do! - please email CIHF at:

Follow CIHF on Social Media!

At CIHF we are dedicated to building and expanding our community.

Social Media is an opportunity to reach audiences that may not come across the organization otherwise.

Follow us on Facebook, X (Twitter), LinkedIn, and Instagram.

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Faculty Fellows, Academic, Industry, and

Visiting Scholars

CIHF affiliates with Faculty Fellows from various Cornell colleges and departments, Industry Scholars from corporations and nonprofits, and Visiting Scholars and Academic Scholars from other academic institutions. Affiliates participate in collaborative activities, lead research or curriculum projects, provide feedback on strategic priorities, and create industry-focused deliverables that link hospitality, health, and design.

CIHF Advisory Board

Composed of senior-level leaders in industry from around the globe, Advisory Board members are representatives from Corporate Members. This diverse network collaborates with CIHF academics on projects and initiatives with a focus on integrating the fields of hospitality, health management, policy, and design. Advisory Board members participate in bi-annual meetings and conferences, as guest lecturers, speakers, and mentors to students, and as collaborators with Cornell faculty, researchers, and student groups. Membership provides a platform for industry professionals to connect, build lasting relationships, and collaborate across academia and business.

Learn about the benefits of becoming a Corporate Member

Cornell Institute for Healthy Futures | 3250 Martha Van Rensselaer Hall | Ithaca, NY 14853

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