CIF E-Newsletter

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Volume 18                Issue #07         July 2024

Chair's Message

Let Us Put Canadian Values Above All Our Differences

Hello friends,

Recently, we celebrated the 157th anniversary of the birth of Canada. A century and a half later, the citizens of Canada continue to draw inspiration and benefits from the foresight of the leaders of the day who knitted a country together from four different provinces (Ontario, Quebec. Nova Scotia and New Brunswick), under one umbrella. Since then, Canada has come to occupy a vast land, stretching from coast to coast to coast. Today, we are the proud sons and daughters of a tradition that goes back to the middle of 19th century updated by the universally envied Charter of Rights and Freedoms signed into law in 1982.

In modern times, Canada is often held up as a shining example of a functioning democracy where the people come first. They have the maximum freedoms to choose or reject the kind of governments that they prefer. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees the rights and freedoms set out in it subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.

These have stood the test of time and continue to serve the citizens to this day. Well almost. Unfortunately, in the very recent years, groups of ill-informed and misguided people within Canada have managed to twist and re-interpretation of the law to create a less than harmonious atmosphere. These are testing times for those of us who wholeheartedly embraced the values and responsibilities as laid down in our Charter in the interest of the whole of Canada. Every time a headline screams of an act of hatred against a community, religion or people of a particular origin, we are genuinely surprised – why is this happening in one of the politest and welcoming countries in the world?

Who wants to light this fuse of division and create social chaos in the name of fighting for causes that are oceans away and that have nothing to do with the welfare of Canada?

Compared to most older immigrants, my own journey to and in Canada is a recent one. But I have come to love the place that we now call home, and our children and the coming generations will call their home. I was fortunate to bring in the most recent Canada Day at our High Commission in New Delhi, and despite the current stress in the bilateral situation, I could only sense happiness and hope among the guests. On arrival back here, I was also happy to participate in a few delayed Canada Day celebrations. My friends called it my Red Eye Canada Day, celebrating the occasion on different continents! (Read more)

Upcoming Events

CIF's 9th Annual Charity Golf Tournament 2024

Helicopter Ball Drop Raffle

Exciting New Updates For This Year’s Golf Tournament!


Helicopter Ball Drop Raffle: Prepare for thrills as a helicopter releases 500 numbered golf balls over a designated hole. Purchase a ball for your chance to win big! The ball closest to the hole claims the prize. Visit our website for details.


Secure your numbered ball now and get ready for an adrenaline-fueled spectacle as upto 500 numbered golf balls are dropped from a HELICOPTER over a designated hole from 150 feet up at the CIF Charity Golf Tournament 2024.


80% balls sold, about 100 balls left...Pick yours today...


The first ball that lands in the hole or closest to the designated hole will win the Grand Prize.




  • First Prize: Two Business Class Round Trip Tickets to India on Turkish Airlines
  • Second Prize: Two Economy Class Round Trip Tickets to India on Turkish Airlines


More prizes to be announced


Last year, your generosity enabled us to achieve remarkable milestones, including the establishment of a permanent education fund exceeding $180,000.00. This fund aids the higher education of children of fallen soldiers and Frontline workers and significantly contributes to the Toronto RCASC Associate Fund, supporting families of fallen soldiers across Canada.


Thanks to your unwavering support & cooperation, this prestigious event has flourished, becoming a beacon of generosity and solidarity. 


We are requesting you to purchase balls to support the great cause and simultaneously have an opportunity to win the prize. You can donate to CIF Charitable foundation and get a tax receipt if you are buying more than 10 balls.


One doesn’t need to be there to win the prize/s.


Contact us to secure your numbered ball:



CIF Reception Held in Honour of Order of Canada recipient Dr. Budhendranauth Doobay

Canada India Foundation felicitated Dr. Budhendranauth Doobay, the most recent inductee into the Order of Canada rolls, at a well-attended event in Toronto on July 23, 2024. A visionary community leader and a Cardiac surgeon, Dr. Doobay has been a pillar of the Hindu community of Toronto for over four decades. In his welcome address, Ritesh Malik, Chair, CIF, observed: “Dr. Doobay is far from finished with his life mission. He remains a strong and inspiring presence for all of us. In the coming months and years, we will continue to look up to him for encouragement, guidance and wisdom to lead us into further growth and success in our mission.”

Dr. Doobay during a one-on-one conversation with Malik took the audience through the days of struggles back in his home country of Guyana and then in Canada when he arrived here as a qualified doctor. Talking about his youth spent in Guyana, he noted that there were times the community couldn’t celebrate its historic festivals till their white overseers had gone to sleep. There was tremendous pressure on the community who hailed mostly from UP in India. But the family of purohits (priests) kept the faith and young Doobay became not only a cardiac surgeon, but a well-known interpreter of Vedic scriptures and traditions. (Read more)

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India Adds 47 Million Jobs in One Year

India added nearly forty-seven million jobs during 2023-24, taking the total number of employed people to 640 million spread over 27 sectors covering the entire economy, according to Reserve Bank of India data. Construction, trade, and transport and storage were among the leading employment provider segments in 2022-23. (Read more.)

Indian Scientists Develop Explosive More Powerful Than TNT

Indian scientists have independently developed a unique explosive that is claimed to be two and a half times more potent than TNT. The compound will likely be used in the warheads of India future missiles. (Read more.)

‘US and India Love Each Other’ – US Ambassador

US ambassador to India, Eric Garcetti, in a recent interaction with media described the ties between India and the US as "multiplicative" and said the world's largest and the oldest democracies are moving forward because they "love each other." Stating that in his 16-17 months as the US ambassador to India, he has visited 23 states and Union territories and stitched together the marvelous view of a country that is rising in the world and of an economy that is the strongest in the developing world. (Read more.)

Modi Becomes the Most followed World Leader

India’s Prime Minister, Narendra Modi might have lost absolute majority, but his personal popularity is at an all-time high. Recently he chalked up the unique record by becoming the first world leader with the biggest following. His account on X platform currently has a following of 100 million. (Read more.) 

UK MP Takes Oath of Office on Bhagavad Gita

UK Conservative MP Bob Blackman has taken the oath of office, swearing allegiance to King Charles on both the Bible and the Bhagavad Gita. He was seen holding both the Bhagavad Gita and the Bible in his hands during the event. (Read more.)

Why Dalai Lama Wants to Die in India

Dalai Lama the spiritual leader of the Tibetan community has said that he would prefer to die in India rather than in China. Dalai Lama became a refugee in India in 1959 following the Chinese annexation of Tibet.

India On Track to Become AI Superpower

According to many domain experts, India could be on track to become an AI Superpower, leaving behind the US and China. Backing up these claims are the billions of dollars committed by international tech giants to be invested in the AI sector in the country.

India’s Transshipment Port Welcomes First Ship

A massive cargo ship called 'San Fernando' from China arrived at Kerala's newly built Vizhinjam International Sea Port recently, marking the first container ship arrival at India's largest transshipment port. This marks India’s entry into the lucrative and strategically important field of transshipment services. (Read more.)


Dr. Budhendranauth Doobay Conferred with Order of Canada

Dr. Budhendranauth Doobay, C.M., O. Ont., conferred with the Order of Canada by Governor General Right Honorable Mary Simon. This recognition is truly deserving, and recognizes his exceptional contributions to Canada. As a dedicated surgeon, philanthropist, and mentor, he has positively impacted the community for decades, and provided a role model to the next generation of immigrants on how to retain your cultural roots while being a proud Canadian.

The commendation aptly describes him: "Budhendranauth Doobay, A retired surgeon, religious leader and mentor, Budhendranauth Doobay is a pillar of the Indo-Canadian community. Founder of the Vishnu Mandir temple and the Gandhi Memorial Peace Garden, he shares the tenets of Hinduism with different communities in Canada by advocating unity in diversity. He is also a philanthropist, humanitarian and the founder of Guyana’s Doobay Medical Centre, which provides free dialysis to patients in need and promotes preventative care.”

Dr. Bibudhendra Sarkar Conferred with Order of Canada

Dr. Bibudhendra Sarkar conferred with the Order of Canada by Governor General Right Honorable Mary Simon. This recognition is truly well-deserved, recognizing his exceptional contributions to Canada and its people in the field of healthcare. As a dedicated bioinorganic chemist, his work in biochemistry, structural biology and genetic diseases has positively impacted several communities, bringing relief and hope to countless families, not just in Canada but to mitigate serious health challenges in South and Southeast Asia.

The commendation explicitly acknowledges his breakthrough research in Menkes disease, and the problems posed by toxic metals in water supply in Asia: "Bibudhendra Sarkar is a celebrated bioinorganic chemist whose achievements have advanced medical research in Canada and abroad. During his distinguished 60-year career at SickKids Research Institute, he discovered a novel treatment for patients with Menkes disease, a rare genetic condition. After identifying toxic metals in local water sources in south and southeast Asia, he and an international team of scientists have led efforts to mitigate the resulting health crisis.”

CIF Urges Community Members to Donate Blood

Canada India Foundation continued its efforts to help create awareness in the community to donate to the Canadian Blood Services. Blood is always a critical element in healthcare with the power to save lives. CIF is encouraging members of the Indo Canadian community to be proactive and help in this crucial program. 

Annual Sponsors
We sincerely appreciate any comments, feedback and suggestions from our readers and supporters. Please write to us at
Contact Us
Ritesh Malik
Sunita Vyas
National Convener
Chetan Handa
National Co-convener
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Canada India Foundation
2939 Portland Drive, Suite #300
Oakville ON L6H 5S4, Ph: 289-291-0277
Disclaimer: This monthly e-newsletter is produced by the Canada India Foundation (CIF), a registered not-for-profit organisation with an aim to provide meaningful communication between its own board of governors and with a larger audience of policy makers and industry leaders. Views expressed by writers are their own and the CIF does not necessarily agree with them. We do not claim to provide any advice on any subject. Similarly, we are not liable for any misrepresentation or misleading claims made by an advertiser. Content provided in this newsletter is for general information purposes only.