September 2020

CIE End of Fiscal Year Report
The focus for FY 19-20 was growing the network through utilization and initiatives and moving from Outputs to Outcomes
  • New initiatives drove increased utilization
  • Marrying consent process with HMIS, Connect Well, San Diego Food Bank to bring in more clients into the network
  • Enhanced records with more data sharing through integration projects including HEAP, MAAC, COVID Food Delivery
  • 50% client network growth
  • More users engaging with records
  • More partners accepting and sending direct referrals

  • Lessons learned from each initiative – data collection, processing referrals
  • Measure outcomes; define, collect and demonstrate the value

The graphs below provide more insight into the impact of initiatives, data integration, growth of the network, how the populations that CIE serves is shifting and the impact of direct referrals on Social Determinants of Health.
Initiatives and Integrations
50% Growth in Client Network
More CIE Users are Engaging with Clients
Populations Served Across the Network
Interactions with different Populations
Direct Referral Impact on SDoH

CIE Update
North County Health Services changes name to TrueCare
After nearly 50 years of serving the community, North County Health Services (NCHS) is changing our name to TrueCare™. Our new name better reflects our growing capabilities and services while maintaining the high-level of healthcare services on which we have built our reputation. TrueCare represents a promise to the community for a bright rewarding future where we guide our patients and their families throughout their journey to greater health. The name TrueCare™ is a commitment that we provide extraordinary care with a heart, and can remain a partner for everyday wellness. We’re more than a health center. We’re family.

Health Inside. Welcome In.
Opportunities with CIE
Lyft Rides Opportunity
The lyft ride opportunity is a partnership between CIE, Lyft, United Way Worldwide, and AT&T. This opportunity offers free lyft rides to CIE clients with eligible transportation needs. 

If your agency is interested in being able to refer clients to the Lyft Scheduled Ride or Lyft Flexible Ride please complete the interest form below.
Essential Goods Opportunity
Does your organization offer essential goods including food pantries, food boxes, or material goods your clients? Ask us how to participate in the Essential Goods Delivery Program!

This program offers free deliveries to your clients for the essential.

To participate, complete the interest form below.

Legal Aid Society Monthly Webinars and Training Events
Legal Aid offers monthly webinars and training events for topics including Fair Housing Rights, Housing Discrimination, Source of Income and more! Visit their website or click on the link below to learn more.
New CIE Partners
Welcome to CIE, Bayside Community Center!
Welcome to CIE, National Conflict Resolution Center!
Welcome to CIE, Telecare Corporation!
Welcome to CIE, Think Dignity
Join our Community Voice
We Need Your Input!
We are still actively seeking individuals who are interested in participating to share their input and recommendations on the CIE.

Please encourage your team and clients to sign up to participate!
CIE in the News
Keys To Cross-Sector Collaboration: Learning From The Implementation of a Comprehensive Social Continuum Assessment
Nonprofits and foundations frequently discuss the idea of capturing comprehensive needs and tracking change over time as individuals receive multiple services across different providers. When done collectively, these shared measurements have the potential to not only demonstrate the individual impact but also to assess whether interventions are advancing equity over time at a population health level.

211 San Diego created and continues to develop the Comprehensive Social Continuum Assessment (CSCA), which was designed as a common language to understand the complexity of social influences on individuals and which serves as a standard measurement tool shared across Community Information Exchange (CIE) network partners. The CSCA helps to capture the impact of an intervention, its value, and its ROI.

To outline the purpose and impact of the CSCA, 211 San Diego co-authored a report with Health Leads called "Keys To Cross-Sector Collaboration: Learning From The Implementation Of A Comprehensive Social Continuum Assessment". This article is a reflection of what the CIE and all of its partners are doing locally and offers other communities the information they need to replicate it nationally. Read the report here.
Upcoming Meeting and Events
Monthly CIE Partner Network Meeting - September 24,2020 from 9:00 am-10:00 am via Zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 964 2049 3897    Password: 717049
One tap mobile: +16699009128

CIE Network Partners
Any questions? Contact us:
211 San Diego/Imperial | Community Information Exchange