Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church is a congregation that
values a diversity of belief. Whether you're full of faith or full of doubt,
you'll find people who have been there and accept you for where you are.
We welcome all people to worship, pray, eat, seek spiritual answers and enjoy life within this community of faith. All are welcome!
Last Thursday, August 17, 2023, the Day School Board gathered in the Café for their monthly meeting. Sort of….we actually gathered that evening to celebrate Lisa Robinette, our CHPC Day School Director!
For those of you who have not met Lisa, we will say that you are missing out on getting to know a very special person. We took this occasion to celebrate Lisa’s 20 year anniversary of employment at the Day School. Lisa began her career with us as a teacher in the part-time program. She taught in the 3 year old, 4 year old, and Pre-K classes for a total of 11 years before becoming Director in 2014.
Lisa has a huge heart for the children. She enjoys watching them grow and learn throughout the years. As a former teacher in the program, she is acutely aware of the importance of a supportive work environment for her staff and has succeeded in creating just that. As director, Lisa has enjoyed getting to know and work with several members of the church. She believes in and strives to foster a good relationship between the Day School and the Church.
Lisa, with the support of her staff, successfully brought the Day School through the “Covid Days”. Those were difficult weeks but she handled all that came her way with professionalism and a lot of prayer! In addition, Lisa worked tirelessly to apply for and receive several grants which have benefitted both the Day School and the Church. Take a look at that playground!
CHPC Day School has a very good reputation in the community. It is a place where the staff, the students and the parents all want to be. The Day School Board wants to thank Lisa for all of her hard work and hope that she continues to be with us for many more years to come!
With Thanksgiving,
The Day School Board
Ashley Campbell, Barbara Chase, Brenda Clark, Doris Fields, Bronwen Huff, Elaine Lawson, Miller Lyons, Janelle Machen, Katherine Randolph, and Anne Webb (Chair)
This Sunday in Worship: August 27, 2023
Come share the Peace of Christ with coffee and fellowship before worship beginning at 9:30 in the Parlor! All are welcome; hope to see you there!
Sunday's Scripture (NRSV):
Romans 10:5-15
Matthew 14:22-33
Sermon Title:
"Take Heart"
Wish to worship with us again or during the week?
Click below to view last week's worship service.
Do you or your household still need a Cents-Ability Collection jar?
The children and youth will be creating more soon,
so please contact Tyler if you need one.
Holston Habitat for Humanity
The Habitat for Humanity Faith Build is reaching the final stages of the project! The interior work on the house is 100% completed and the exterior work will conclude very soon. Thank you to everyone who has put time and effort into this build and for all the ongoing prayers as work continues to make this house a home for Marquetta and her family.
We are also excited to welcome Laura Kelly, Executive Director of Holston Habitat, in worship as she shares how Habitat makes an impact in our community. All are welcome to speak with Laura in the parlor after worship to learn more about this meaningful mission work.
The Youth Group will be going to First Presbyterian Church Johnson City this Sunday afternoon for a Holston Presbytery Youth Event. The van will leave at 2:30, pickup back at the church is at 6:30. Dinner is included and there will be water games, so bring a towel!
Your Session met on Monday evening, August 21, for its stated monthly meeting. Items of interest included Approval on Second Reading of an updated CHPC Facilities Policy. A copy of this policy is available in the office and will soon be posted on our updated website. Cents-Ability (the updated version of 5¢ a Meal) will begin this Sunday, August 27th and will be conducted on the last Sunday of each following month. Trunk of Treat will be held on October 28th. The next Stated Session meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 18 at 5:30 pm.
In Christ,
David (Moderator) and Clark (Clerk of Session)
The 2023 Officer Nominating Committee (ONC) is authorized by the Session to accept suggestions from church members to serve as Elders for the class of 2026, Trustees for the class of 2026, and members of the 2024 Officer Nominating Committee.
From the names you suggest, and dependent upon the work of the Holy Spirit, the ONC will move a slate of five individuals for your approval as Elders, two individuals as Trustees, as well as three individuals to serve on next year’s ONC. In accordance with the Book of Order, a congregational meeting to elect officers has been called by the Session after worship on Sunday, October 22. The deadline for returning your suggestions is Sunday, September 3. You may offer your submissions by completing a nomination form and returning it to the church office or emailing it to Mary directly
You won't want to miss these four special bible studies about the book of James each Sunday night in September! Every gathering will include a shared meal before this intergenerational event. The children will have their own fun, music, and learning while the Adults and Youth study scripture together. All are welcome!
All items for the weekly online newsletter should be emailed to Mary at by end of business on Tuesday.
Thank you to all who stayed for last week's New Member Class! It was wonderful to gather with such a large group to hear how God is at work in each of our lives and collectively within the life of Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church. If you were unable to attend but are considering joining the church as well, please contact David Randolph directly.
Troop 48 hosts a yard sale at the church on Saturday, September 9. Donated items in good condition may be donated the morning of for the scouts to sell. All proceeds will fund travel expenses for a trip to Sea Base in Islamorada, FL.
Troop 48 hosts their annual CPR Training at the church on Monday, September 18 from 6-8 pm in the gym. Additional spaces are available for this class for interested youth (14 and up) and adults. A registration fee is $25. Please contact Mary in the office to sign up if interested.
Support UKirk ETSU by feeding students each week during their Monday Night Worship gatherings throughout the fall semester. If you or someone you know would be interested in signing up for one of these opportunities, please click here to sign up using the google spreadsheet. Meals are an integral part of UKirk ETSU's culture and outreach. Contact the office if you have any specific questions about how you can help support this important ministry of our presbytery.
The Missions Ministry Team is asking for help supporting the Blessing Box during the month of September. Volunteers are needed to restock the box twice a week and to identify when various supplies run low. If you are able to help, please contact Allen Booth by email or Mary in the office.
First Presbyterian Church Kingsport is hosting a free viewing of the documentary "At the River" on Sunday September 10 at 12pm. From the director's website: "Crowder travelled throughout the Southeast interviewing ministers, now in their 80’s and 90’s, about their experiences and what it took to go against the racist currents during those hard days within their local communities and congregations." The event includes lunch and discussion afterward with the director, Carolyn Crowder. Follow the link below to sign up for a seat and free meal.
Prayer Requests
Leon Boyd, Emily Bowman, Joyce Callahan, Susan Fernandez,
Ramona Gothard, Barbara Holt, Beverly Shelton, Ginny Snow, Lee Walker, Bonnie Cole, Boyd Holder, Janice Mullins, Clara and Charles Hasbrouck, Tony Bennett, Carolyn Neal, Family of Robert Honey (Rick's Culbertson's son in-law), Family of Martha Cooper, Family and Friends of Libby Sampson, Shamme Granda Palacios, Dusty Newman
Health Care/ Assisted Living Facilities
Anne Hertel, Evelyn Hill, Sue Fortney, Charles and Linda Gibson,
Betty McMillin, Wayne & Millie Pruett, Jean Faries
213 Colonial Heights Rd,
Kingsport, TN 37663