Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church is a congregation that
values a diversity of belief. Whether you're full of faith or full of doubt,
you'll find people who have been there and accept you for where you are.
We welcome all people to worship, pray, eat, seek spiritual answers,
and enjoy life within this community of faith. All are welcome!
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"I Lift My Eyes to the Hills" | |
"I lift up my eyes to the hills - from where will my help come?
My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth."
- Psalm 121:1-2, NRSV
Last month, it was my pleasure to serve as Camp Pastor for a week at Holston Camp and Retreat Center. Many of you know the joy of being in the mountains of Banner Elk and many children of all ages have been getting to experience that joy firsthand throughout the summer. The work of Christian camps, like Holston, is so important. I am so grateful that our church supported this ministry by allowing me to spend time serving in such a meaningful way. Thank you!
Our theme for the week was "Linked by Love" and our daily worship focused on various aspects of God's love, such as being hospitable, compassionate, sacrificial, righteous, and gracious. On Thursday evening, the overnight campers and I hiked to the top of Rock of Ages for a vespers service. As we sat on this rock face overlooking the beautiful mountains of North Carolina, the words of Psalm 121 echoed in my mind, "God will not let your foot be moved... The Lord is your keeper...The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time on and forever more."
It was such a comfort to sit in that special space and to give thanks for all that God is doing, not just at Holston Camp, but at Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church, and beyond! The same Creator who made the mountains is the same God who made you and me. The same Redeemer who makes all things new is the same God who reconciles us with God and all creation that we are blessed to enjoy in community like the church. The same Sustainer who protects us and cares for us like the psalter says is the same God who nourishes our bodies, minds, and souls in love. This Triune God who loves us so much sent God's only Son to take on flesh and live in the Lord's creation alongside you and me: to comfort us when we feel made low, to raise us up to new heights, and to sit with us on the mountain tops while we marvel at the glory of God on display! It was and is the most hospitable, compassionate, sacrificial, righteous, and gracious act of love there ever has been and ever will be. You don't have to be in the mountains to feel the gift of God's love. You don't even have to be at summer camp to know it, because no matter where we might be, each and everyone of us is linked together by God's love. It is a source of strength that comes from the Lord, the one who made heaven and earth, and is the same one who shall always keep our life, all because of the hospitable, compassionate, sacrificial, righteous, and gracious act of love of Jesus Christ.
In Jesus we see the true understanding of love, one that both inspires and challenges us to live like Christ for the world. No matter what vista may occupy our view, may we see the outpouring of God's love and may we be willing to take the time to share it with someone else who may need to be reminded that God loves them too.
- David
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This Sunday in Worship: July 7, 2024
Seventh Sunday After Pentecost
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Our Summer Sermon Series continues this week as we
take a closer look at the substance of Jesus' teaching during his time traveling through Galilee. Come and hear one of the parables Jesus shared while sitting in a boat upon the Sea of Galilee itself!
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Sunday's Scripture:
Jeremiah 29:4-9, NRSV
Mark 4:1-9, NRSV
Sermon Title:
"Seed and Soil"
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Wish to worship with us again or during the week?
Click below to view last week's worship service.
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Thank you for your Centsability Offering! | |
Youth Group Baseball Trip | |
Join us as we take a Youth Group outing to the ballpark! On Sunday July 7th, we will be going to Hunter Wright Stadium to see the Kingsport Axmen play ball. We will take the bus to the game, drop off will be at 5pm, pick up at 8pm back at the church. The game and dinner is on us, but bring extra money if you would like to get your own extra concessions! | |
Prayers for the 226th General Assembly
of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A
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| | The 226th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A, our denomination's highest council of the church, has been gathering this week in Salt Lake City. Commissioners from each presbytery come together every two years to worship and work through the business of our church. Approved overtures from this gathering then filters back down to the local presbytery to discuss and vote upon before any action is taken on behalf of the greater church. While the aim is to always keep things decent and in order, prayers are most appreciated for those who labor on our behalf in this meaningful way. Please keep our commissioners, Kathi Carey, Rev. Maggie Rust, Maggie Jacobs (Young Adult Advisory Delegate) and Rev. Karen Russell (Transitional Executive Presbyter) in your prayers as they complete their important work. Should you have any questions about what happens during the 226th General Assembly, please feel free to ask David and he would be happy to share with you all the good news happening in our connectional church.
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All Church Picnic this July | |
The entire church is invited on July 28 to enjoy a picnic and field day at Warriors’ Path State Park. We meet for food, fun, and games at 4pm under the big Pavilion on Duck Island. Spread the word and see you there! | |
Prepare for the Church Yard Sale | |
Many thanks to all my church family members who have helped me and continue to help following my recent recovery from knee replacement surgery. Your notes, calls, meals, and visits have made my recovery much easier. I'd like to especially thank my special angels who stayed with me during my early recovery. Thanks you so much--Steve, Jonathan, Arnold, Larry, Clyde, Jud, Guy, and Dave!
The Holy Spirit is alive and well at CHPC! God's Blessings to you all,
-Dusty Newman
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A Service of Witness to the Resurrection in celebration of the life of Evelyn Hill will be held at 1pm this Saturday, July 6. The family will receive guests during a visitation in the sanctuary starting at 12:00pm. Please hold Evelyn's family in prayer as we prepare to give thanks for Evelyn's life.
Adult Sunday School Classes continue this Sunday. The Disciples Class will meet in room 218 and the Remnant will meet in room 221. Contact David to learn more about participating in either class.
The Wednesday Afternoon Bible Study continues reading passages from the Book of Mark in connection with CHPC's summer's sermon series. All are welcome to study God's Word within this lively group each Wednesday at 3pm in the parlor. Contact Lisa Pecorini if you would like to participate.
The Spirit continues to move each Wednesday evening at CHPC with a special time for prayer at 6:30pm. This weekly prayer gathering meets for a 30 minute intentional time of communal prayer and contemplation. All are welcome to come by and drop in as we turn to the Lord and listen for the movement of God's Holy Spirit.
All children and teachers are invited to participate in a Blessing of the Backpacks celebration during a special Rally Day worship service on August 4. Please let Tyler know if you, or someone in your family, plans to attend.
Don’t forget about our annual August Splash Down on Saturday, August 10, from 6:30- 8:30pm at the Kingsport Aquatic Center. All are welcome and please invite friends! This will be the perfect way for the entire congregation to celebrate the end of the first week of school!
All items for the weekly online newsletter should be emailed to Mary at by noon on Wednesday.
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Prayer Requests
Emily Bowman, Joyce Callahan, Ramona Gothard, Barbara Holt,
Beverly Shelton, Ginny Snow, Boyd Holder,, Bethany Thompson,
Shirley Hurst, Family of Sue Anderson (Donna Weinman's Mother), Family of Lois Carter (Bronwen Huff's Mother), Family of Kirk Cole, Family of Angela Kelly (Bill Kelly's Wife), Family of Evelyn Hill, Vickie Laek, Mary Ann Smith, Dusty Newman, Joy Weber (Marissa Paulsen's grandmother), Teresa Strickler
Health Care/Assisted Living Facilities
Anne Hertel, Sue Fortney, Charles and Linda Gibson,
Betty McMillin, Wayne & Millie Pruett
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213 Colonial Heights Rd,
Kingsport, TN 37663
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