Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church is a congregation that 
values a diversity of belief. Whether you're full of faith or full of doubt, 
you'll find people who have been there and accept you for where you are.

We welcome all people to worship, pray, eat, seek spiritual answers and enjoy life within this community of faith. All are welcome!
Save the Date for Something Special!
Our church family is so excited for our annual Rally Day celebration on August 6! That morning during 10am worship, we will be having a Blessing of the Backpack during the time with children. All students and educators are invited to come and receive a blessing as they kick off the new school year! Please let Tyler know if you plan to attend.

And don't forget that the Rally Day celebration continue later that night for the annual August Splash Down at the Kingsport Aquatic Center! All are welcome to enjoy this time of fellowship from 6:30-8:30 filled with ice cream, snacks, games, water fun, and more. Invite your friends and hope to see you there!
This Sunday in Worship: July 30, 2023
All are welcome to share the Peace of Christ in the Parlor with coffee and fellowship before worship, beginning at 9:30am.
Sunday's Scripture (NRSV):
Luke 15:3-10
Romans 8:26-39

Sermon Title:
“The Source of God's Joy”
Wish to worship with us again or during the week?

Click below to view last week's worship service.
A Financial Update From FAP
As good stewards of God’s gifts, your Session and FAP committee reviewed our finances mid-way through the year. At the end of June, the church had spent roughly $27,700 more than it took in in contributions. This is $4,000 more than was predicted in the 2023 budget. After examining the contribution and spending patterns, the following are the projections for the end of the year:

                                    Year End 2023            Budget 2023               Difference
Income                             $425,794                  $429,869                      -$4,000
Expenses                          $475,000                  $476,468                       $1,500
Outcome                           -$49,206                   -$46,599                      -$2,700

We have returned to regular spending patterns which we saw before the pandemic as the church responds to Christ’s call to minister in our community. Contributions are up significantly from last year due to the faithful support of our membership, however, we still need everyone to prayerfully discern what God continues to ask us to give in gratitude for the remainder of the year, not just to minimize the deficit but in thanksgiving for all God has done for us and our church family. We currently have $71,000 in reserves which can be tapped to make up the deficit.

Your Session is starting the budgeting process for 2024 and our Stewardship campaign will begin in early October. Once the results of the Stewardship campaign are known, your Session will finalize the budget based upon predicted contributions. We thank you for your continued faithfulness and joyfully look forward to celebrating the dedication of God’s good gifts in worship on Stewardship Sunday, October 29. Sarah Johnson remains available in the front office to answer any questions you might have about your contributions or the various ways to give.

Your FAP Committee
Putt Putt Pros!
The Youth Group had a great time this past Sunday playing putt-putt at Paradise Acres! Special thanks to Jonathan and Brenda Hutchins for joining this great group and hauling all of us around in the bus!

Check out the link below to see more photos on Facebook from this fun fellowship event!
Congregational News
The flowers in the Sanctuary are given to the glory of God in loving memory of Otis Thornton given by Amylyn, Lillybeth and Elly Rose.

Condolences are offered to the family of Martha Cooper who passed away on Wednesday morning. Information about a service will be shared once arrangements have been made. Please pray for the entire Cooper family as we collectively give thanks for Martha's life.

The Church Office will close on Thursday July 27, at 12pm. Regular office hours will resume on Monday, July 31.

Sunday school classes meet after worship at 11:05am to keep the conversation going. The Remnant class will discuss these passages from worship in room 221 and the Disciples class continues their study in Room 219. Contact David to learn more about these or other bible study opportunities.

The Youth Group will be meeting this Sunday for bible study! We'll have dinner, fun, discussion, and fellowship from 5-6:30pm.
Support is needed to feed our youth ministry. A Meal Train is available to provide dinner for our Sunday night youth gatherings. Contact Tyler for more details or click here to sign up to serve!

A New Member Class will be held on Sunday, April 20 at 11:30am. Open to all interested in joining the church and those just curious about how to become active in the life of this church family. Lunch will be provided so please let David know if you plan to attend.

The Pop Up Bible study announced last week about Baptism and Communion will be rescheduled for later this year.

Mark your calendars for four special bible studies about the book of James each Sunday night in September. Each gathering will include a shared meal before this intergenerational event. All are welcome!

All items for the weekly Newsletter should be emailed to Mary at by noon on Wednesday.
Prayer Requests 
Leon Boyd, Emily Bowman, Joyce Callahan, Susan Fernandez,
Ramona Gothard, Barbara Holt, Beverly Shelton, Ginny Snow,
Lee Walker, Bonnie Cole, Libby Sampson, Boyd Holder, Janice Mullins, Clara Hasbrouk, Tony Bennett, Carolyn Neal, Bonnie Parker, Family of Robert Honey (Rick's Culbertson's son in-law), Family of Martha Cooper

Health Care/ Assisted Living Facilities
Anne Hertel, Evelyn Hill, Sue Fortney, Charles and Linda Gibson,
Betty McMillin, Wayne & Millie Pruett, Jean Faries
213 Colonial Heights Rd,
Kingsport, TN 37663