Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church is a congregation that values a diversity of belief. Whether you're full of faith or full of doubt, you'll find people who have been there and accept you for where you are.
We welcome all people to worship, pray, eat, seek spiritual answers and enjoy life within this community of faith. All are welcome!
Montreat Youth Conference
As I reflect on the Youth's recent trip to the Montreat Youth Conference, words cannot fully capture the joy that has filled my heart from this experience. It was truly the privilege of a lifetime to take a group of our young people on this conference. The youth of our church family were able to experience so many new things and make impactful, long lasting friendships with Presbyterian youth from all over the country! There were over a thousand other young people who came together for this week at Montreat, and we all shared in worship together during some awesome, thoughtful, and spirit-filled programming.
All I can say is thank you. Thank you for making the faith journey of our youth a priority. Thank you for lifting up and supporting them and making opportunities like Montreat possible. Investing in their lives with chances like Montreat makes a larger impact that you know, and so from the bottom of my heart, I am deeply grateful.
Grace and peace,
-Tyler P
And I would be remiss to not give a special thanks to Gretchen Bentley! This trip would not have been possible without her willingness to come and spend time investing in our youth. And our kids absolutely loved having Gretchen with us! Thanks for coming, Gretchen!
The Youth Group and I had a little bet going about Sunday worship after Montreat, and to these young ladies credit, they showed up! Now it's time for me to follow through with our wager and wear the comfy clothes the youth don't think I own.
It's a perfect fit for this week's passage about David and his followers after the destruction of Ziklag, as we discuss the never ending love of God given to us all. This unconditional love, or "Agape" in Greek, is like the comfiest of clothes that warmly wrap around us wherever we go.
So in this joy-filled spirit of Montreat, this Sunday I'm asking the church family to join me by wearing your most comfy clothes in worship. I'll be doing the same and I can't wait to worship with you!
In Joy,
- David
Sunday's Scripture:
1 Corinthians 13:1-13, NRSV
1 Samuel 30:1-10, 18-25, CEB
Sermon Title:
"Leading in Love"
Wish to worship with us again or during the week?
Click below to view last week's worship service.
All are welcome to share the Peace of Christ in the Parlor with coffee and fellowship before worship, beginning at 9:30am. Don't forget that Sunday's school meet after worship at 11:05am to keep the conversation going as well. The Remnant class discusses the passages from worship each week after service in room 221 and the Disciples class meets in Room 219.
Thank You for Supporting Habitat!
The work continues throughout the next few weeks, so please continue to pray for everyone who works to help make this house a home. Be on the look out as pictures and updates continued to be shared! Thank you for your support!
Vacation Bible School is almost here! CHPC partners again with our friends from Colonial Heights United Methodist Church for a joint VBS from July 9-11. All pre-K through fifth grade children are welcome to come to CHPC and enjoy a time of fun and fellowship together from 6-8pm each night. We explore the ways we are called by Jesus to be bringers of peace in our community and in the world! To register a participant, click here.
Additionally, we will hold a special celebration and worship service on Wednesday July 12th at 6pm. This is an evening where friends and family can come together at the table to practice the peace that we preach. Please note: children will be sitting with their families throughout Wednesday's worship.
Volunteers are needed to help make this meaningful ministry happen. To register as a volunteer, click here. A special lunch and learn will be held this Sunday, June 25 at 12:30 in the gym for all volunteers to learn more about their roles. Please contact Tyler with any questions.
Your Session met Monday evening June 19 for its stated monthly meeting. Rev. Randolph shared an article regarding a church’s potential to reach individuals may depend on our ability to focus on relationship building over programs/events. The congregation may view the article here as discussion continues in future session meetings.
Security system upgrades are almost complete, including both internal and external camera systems. Elder Gretchen Bentley spent the week at Montreat with the youth and said it was a great week for everyone! The youth are already excited about planning next year's trip as the church prepares to raise money to support them through the October pumpkin patch.
Committees will be working on policies this summer including updating our building use policy, funeral policy, and operations manual. Rev. Ann H. Kelly will be invited to lead worship on October 15 and she will also baptize baby Andrew. Stewardship Sunday will be October 29, 2023 with new officer elections on October 22.
The next Stated Session Meeting will be July 17 at 5:30.
In Christ,
Sharon Pugh, Acting Clerk and David Randolph, Moderator
The Flowers in the sanctuary are given to the Glory of God in memory of William and Mary Helen Savage's given by KC Savage and Blaine Cornett.
Condolences are offered to the family of Howard Cooper who passed away last Thursday. A service will be offered at Eastlawn Funeral Home on Saturday, June 17, at 1pm. A visitation will be held beforehand at Noon. Please pray for Martha and their entire family as we collectively give thanks for Howard's life.
The Youth Group will meet this Sunday from 5-6:30 for bible study and dinner. Hope to see you there!
Support is needed to feed our youth ministry. A Meal Train is available to provide dinner for our Sunday night gatherings. Contact Tyler for more details or click here to sign up to serve!
A VBS Volunteer lunch and learn will be held this Sunday June 25, at 12:30 in the gym. All are welcome to attend this lunch to learn more about how you can help! Volunteers are asked to register on our website to know more about how to serve during this meaningful ministry. Contact Tyler with any questions.
Updated Giving Statements for contributions through the end of May 2023 will be mailed this week to all regular givers. Please contact Sarah Johnson by email at or by phone at 423.239.9194 if you have any questions. Thank you for generously supporting the ministry of your church family!
Mark your calendars for CHPC's annual Rally Day celebration and August Splash Down on Sunday, August 6. All are welcome to join the fun!
The Women’s Ministry partners with First Presbyterian Church of Kingsport to attend this year’s Women’s Conference at Montreat on August 11-13. There is still time to sign up for $247 and lodging is included. Contact Alda Smith directly for more details.
All items for the weekly online newsletter should be emailed to Mary at by noon on Wednesday.
Prayer Requests
Leon Boyd, Emily Bowman, Joyce Callahan, Susan Fernandez,
Ramona Gothard, Barbara Holt, Beverly Shelton, Ginny Snow,
Lee Walker, Bonnie Cole, Libby Sampson, Boyd Holder,
Janice Mullins, Clara Hasbrouk, Tony Bennett,
Carolyn Neal, Bonnie Parker, Family of Howard Cooper,
Family of Robert Honey (Rick's Culbertson's son in-law)
Health Care/ Assisted Living Facilities
Anne Hertel, Evelyn Hill, Sue Fortney, Charles and Linda Gibson,
Betty McMillin, Wayne & Millie Pruett, Jean Faries
213 Colonial Heights Rd,
Kingsport, TN 37663