The Day School board recently contracted for and completed some much needed renovations to the playground! This project had been on the drawing board for some time and we are very happy with the results!

The existing fence was entirely replaced with black vinyl coated chain link fencing. A terraced lower level was created with a retaining wall to provide a level, separately fenced and much larger play area for our youngest students. This new lower area includes a fenced-in holding area where teachers and parents can gather children together before crossing the parking lot. While two parking spaces were needed to create this area, a new concrete curb was installed to properly separate the pavement from the playground area. Old mulch was removed and new, playground grade mulch was installed. In addition, salt treated wooden boards were installed at the base of the new fence to prevent mulch erosion.

This renovation was paid for entirely from funds received by the Day School from a grant under the American Rescue Plan Act. The total cost of the renovations was $43,750 and the Day School intends to add some shade features to the playground for those hot summer days very soon!