Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church is a congregation that 

values a diversity of belief. Whether you're full of faith or full of doubt, 

you'll find people who have been there and accept you for where you are.

We welcome all people to worship, pray, eat, seek spiritual answers, and enjoy life within this community of faith. All are welcome!

Pentecost Weekend Celebrations

The Holy Spirit was present and active at CHPC this weekend! Friday night's May Day Fun Night was a fantastic evening. We had a total of 25 children and youth comprising of church members, friends, Day School kids, and visitors in attendance. Special thanks to the Faith Formation committee for planning and working to make sure this event was a success. And thanks to the volunteers who came to help out and ensure that our children had a safe and fun evening at the church!

Then on Pentecost Sunday, we celebrated the gift of the Holy Spirit in worship. It's around the table of the Last Supper that Jesus tells the Disciples about "The Paraclete", the "one who will come alongside" them. We are grateful that same Spirit comes alongside us to connect us with Christ and to empower us to love like he did. After worship, we gathered for a wonderful fellowship lunch in the gym. Thanks to everyone who stayed and enjoyed this moment of fun and communion. It was the perfect way for us as a church family to celebrate the birth of the Church! Special thanks to our Christian Family Life committee for hosting and ensuring that we got to enjoy such a delicious meal.

This Sunday in Worship:

May 26, 2024 - Trinity Sunday

Join us this Sunday as we kick off a new Summer Sermon Series where we will accompany Jesus throughout the region of Galilee. Mark's Gospel begins in Galilee and it concludes by telling Jesus' followers they will see him again in Galilee. Come and see how the simple message of an itinerant religious teacher from a small fishing community sparked a spiritual fire that set our world ablaze!

Sunday's Scripture:

Deuteronomy 5:1, 12-15, NRSV

Mark 2:23-3:6, NRSV

Sermon Title:

“Lord of the Sabbath”

Wish to worship with us again?

Click below to view last week's worship service.

Click Here

Come share the Peace of Christ with coffee and fellowship before worship beginning at 9:30am in the Parlor!

Pentecost Special Offering

It is not too late to give! The gifts that go to the Presbyterian Special Offerings builds a foundation of faith for young people and help instills in them a heartfelt understanding of the ways God comes to them every single day. This is an opportunity for us to partner in nurturing the faith of our future generations by giving what we can. You can learn more about this meaningful special offering by visiting the Presbyterian Special Offerings website here and may give online here. When we all do a little, it adds up to a lot!

Mark your calendars for these Summer Events

Save the date for two more child-centered events coming up later this summer. On June 23, children and their families will participate in a putt-putt adventure to Paradise Acres. Then on July 28, the entire church will enjoy a picnic and field day in Warriors Path State Park. More details to follow as the events get closer, but if you have any questions, contact Tyler. Spread the word and see you there!

Prepare for the Church Yard Sale!

Summer Financial Office Schedule

CHPC's Financial Administrator, Sarah Johnson, will be working on a new weekly schedule this summer. Beginning Monday, May 20, she will be in the office on Mondays and Wednesday from 9am to 2pm. We ask that you please keep these office hours in mind if you ever need her assistance, and any check requests will need to be received by Wednesdays at 10am. Please contact her by phone at (423)239-9194 or by email at if she can be of any help to you. 

Office closed on Memorial Day

Make Holston Camp part of your summer plans!

Congregational News

The Youth Group will meet this Sunday night for Bible study from 5-6:30pm. Come and enjoy dinner, fellowship, study, and fun! 

Our Adult Sunday School Classes resume this Sunday. The Disciples Class will meet in room 218 and the Remnant will meet in room 221. Contact David to learn more about participating in either class.

The Wednesday Afternoon Bible Study will be following along with David's sermon series on the book of Mark. Join us as we take a sneak peak at the weekly sermon scriptures and discuss the passages in Mark's gospel, anticipating the hearing of the Word proclaimed on Sunday morning. Group meets each Wednesday at 3pm in the parlor for prayer, fellowship and lively discussion.

The Spirit continues to move each Wednesday evening at CHPC with a special time for prayer at 6:30pm. This weekly prayer gathering meets for a 30 minute intentional time of communal prayer and contemplation. Please contact Elder Donna Whitson if you would like to participate.

Save the Date for this CHPC's Annual August Splash Down on Saturday, August 10. This will be the perfect way for the entire congregation to celebrate the end of the first week of school!

Mark your calendars now for next year's Annual Churchwide Retreat at Holston Camp and Retreat Center from May 2 -4, 2025! We had such a wonderful time this year and we cannot wait to go back.

Do you know someone who desires to help the church make a joyful noise? As our own Carolyn Barry prepares to retire, CHPC is already looking for our next Choral Director. Please share this link here to the job ad to anyone you might know who should consider applying.

All items for the weekly online newsletter should be emailed to Mary at by end of business on Tuesday.

Prayer Requests 

Emily Bowman, Joyce Callahan, Ramona Gothard, Barbara Holt,

Beverly Shelton, Ginny Snow, Lee Walker, Boyd Holder,

Bobbie Cooper (Sharon Pugh's mother), Bethany Thompson, Shirley Hurst, Friends of Miller Lyons, Family of Leon Boyd, Family of Sue Anderson (Donna Weinman's Mother), Esther Favors (Tyler Paulsen's Grandmother), Family of Lois Carter (Bronwen Huff's Mother), Kirk Cole

Family of Angela Kelly (Bill Kelly's Wife)

Health Care/Assisted Living Facilities

Anne Hertel, Evelyn Hill, Sue Fortney, Charles and Linda Gibson,

Betty McMillin, Wayne & Millie Pruett

213 Colonial Heights Rd,
Kingsport, TN 37663
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