Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church is a congregation that
values a diversity of belief. Whether you're full of faith or full of doubt,
you'll find people who have been there and accept you for where you are.
We welcome all people to worship, pray, eat, seek spiritual answers, and enjoy life within this community of faith. All are welcome!
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Campus Improvement Committee Update | |
Have you ever been at the church and struggled to give someone directions for how to navigate our building? Or when worshiping in the sanctuary wondered “what would the chancel look like if it wasn’t so crowded”? And most importantly, “why are these bathrooms really tiny”? Over the next couple of months, the Campus Improvement Committee (CIC) will begin discussing questions like this as we review the current set up of our facilities. The CIC was set up recently by the Session to prayerfully discern recommendations for facility improvements to benefit the ministries of the church. Beyond ourselves as the co-chairs, this team includes: Gretchen Bentley, Tammy Cox, Jonathan Hutchins, Marissa Paulsen, and David Randolph as our Pastor. We are grateful for their help as each individual brings many gifts to this work and connects our committee with the various ministries of our church family.
Our mission is to share what information we gather with the Session to then help them decide what priorities God is calling us to pursue in the future. We don’t know how God will be leading us in this endeavor, but we know through prayer, and your support, the CIC will be able to faithfully bring back useful information to our church leadership for the creation of a long-term plan for our facilities. This could also lead to the completion of short-term improvements that could make a tremendous impact in our church’s ministry. Communal feedback will be an important aspect of our work. Committees and ministries partners have already received a simple survey to help us understand how each group utilizes our space and what improvements could help improve their ministry. A more personal survey will be available for congregants later this summer. We plan to present the information we gather to both the congregation and the session at various points throughout this project.
Right now, we ask for your prayers as we begin this journey. Please pray for this committee as we wrestle with this wonderful opportunity to love and serve the Lord by the way we utilize our facilities. It is a previous gift, one we are most grateful for, and one we want to preserve for generations to come. Thank you for your help, your prayers, and your willingness to support the ministry of Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church.
In Christ,
- Nathan Begue and Al Doty, Co-Chairs
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This Sunday in Worship:
May 19, 2024 - Day of Pentecost
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For the past two weeks during Sunday morning Worship, we have discussed passages from John 15 about what it means to "Abide in Christ and to "Abide in God". This week on Pentecost Sunday, a day we celebrate the gift of the Holy Sprit, we continue this conversation about God's love and what it means to "Abide in the Spirit of Truth". | |
Sunday's Scripture:
Acts 2:1-21, NRSV
John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15, NRSV
Sermon Title:
“Abide in the Spirit of Truth”
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Come share the Peace of Christ with coffee and fellowship before worship beginning at 9:30am in the Parlor!
Wish to worship with us again?
Click below to view last week's worship service.
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The Day of Pentecost is this Sunday, May 19 and CHPC will celebrate with a congregational lunch after worship under the pavilion. All are welcome to enjoy this catered meal by our friends on CFL as we break bread together! | |
Jesus's words, "I am coming to you," means Jesus will always be at our side. This is the hope and inspiration that carries us forward and is fundamental to our faith. Join us this Pentecost Sunday as we collect for this Special Offering. The gifts that go to the Presbyterian Special Offerings builds a foundation of faith for young people and help instills in them a heartfelt understanding of the ways God comes to them every single day. This is an opportunity for us to partner in nurturing the faith of our future generations by giving what we can. You can learn more about this meaningful special offering by visiting the Presbyterian Special Offerings website here and may give online here. When we all do a little, it adds up to a lot! | |
Can't wait to see our kids for a fun-filled evening tomorrow night! Children four and older will enjoy a movie and game night while their caregivers enjoy some rest! Pizza for dinner is included; drop off is at 5 in the gym, pickup at 8pm. Contact Tyler for further questions. | |
Upcoming Summer Sermon Series | |
Ever since Easter Sunday, I've been convicted by a heavenly messenger who sits at an empty tomb and tells the women who came to care for Christ's body, “Do not be alarmed; you are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has been raised; he is not here. Look, there is the place they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter that he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him, just as he told you.” (Mark 16:6-7)
Jesus begins his ministry in the Gospel of Mark in Galilee after his baptism, and after his resurrection, it is where the women and the disciples are told they will meet him again. By their story, it is as if Mark is inviting all of us to return with them to see Jesus again in the very beginning of this Gospel. We are to journey to Galilee, to read the Good News again, but now in light of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection.
Starting on Sunday, May 26, our church family will do as Mark says by meeting Jesus again at the beginning of his earthly ministry in Galilee. I hope you will join us on the adventure through scripture and I pray that with the help of God's Holy Spirit, we too would see how we can participate in the Good News of God's love being told throughout the world, again and again and again.
-David Randolph
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Summer Financial Office Schedule | |
CHPC's Financial Administrator, Sarah Johnson, will be working on a new weekly schedule this summer. Beginning Monday, May 20, she will be in the office on Mondays and Wednesday from 9am to 2pm. We ask that you please keep these office hours in mind if you ever need her assistance, and any check requests will need to be received by Wednesdays at 10am. Please contact her by phone at (423)239-9194 or by email at if she can be of any help to you. | |
The Youth Group will meet this Sunday night for Bible study from 5-6:30pm. Come and enjoy dinner, fellowship, study, and fun!
Home Communion will be offered to any members or friends of Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church this coming Sunday, May 19. Please contact David if you, or someone you know, would like to receive the sacrament.
Our Adult Sunday School Classes return in their respective rooms next week on Sunday, May 26. The Disciples Class will meet in room 218 and the Remnant will meet in room 221. Contact David to learn more about participating in either class.
The Spirit continues to move on Wednesdays at CHPC! The Wednesday Afternoon Bible Study gathers for a lively discussion at 3:30pm with Lisa Pecorini. And then at 6:30pm, the weekly prayer gathering meets for a 30 minute intentional time of prayer and contemplation. Please contact Elder Donna Whitson if you would like to participate.
Save the date for two more child led events coming up this summer. On June 23, children and their families will participate in a putt putt adventure. On July 28, the entire church will enjoy a picnic and field day in Warriors State Park. Spread the word and see you there!
Get ready because CHPC will host a yard sale on Friday, August 2nd and Saturday, 3rd. The goal is to purchase a new commercial dishwasher for the church kitchen to benefit the ministries of the congregation and Colonial Heights Presbyterian Day School. Donations of good sellable items may be dropped off at the church in the gym starting July 27 thru July 31. No clothes, shoes, or broken items will be accepted. Volunteers will be needed to staff both the sorting and sale of goods. Contact Elder Doris Fields for more information.
Mark your calendars now for next year's Annual Churchwide Retreat at Holston Camp and Retreat Center from May 2 -4, 2025! We had such a wonderful time this year and we cannot wait to go back.
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Do you know someone who desires to help the church make a joyful noise? As our own Carolyn Barry prepares to retire, CHPC is already looking for our next Choral Director. Please share this link here to the job ad to anyone you might know who should consider applying.
All items for the weekly online newsletter should be emailed to Mary at by end of business on Tuesday.
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Prayer Requests
Emily Bowman, Joyce Callahan, Ramona Gothard, Barbara Holt,
Beverly Shelton, Ginny Snow, Lee Walker, Boyd Holder,
Bobbie Cooper (Sharon Pugh's mother), Bethany Thompson, Shirley Hurst, Friends of Miller Lyons, Family of Leon Boyd, Family of Sue Anderson (Donna Weinman's Mother), Esther Favors (Tyler Paulsen's Grandmother), Family of Lois Carter (Bronwen Huff's Mother),
Family of Angela Kelly (Bill Kelly's Wife)
Health Care/Assisted Living Facilities
Anne Hertel, Evelyn Hill, Sue Fortney, Charles and Linda Gibson,
Betty McMillin, Wayne & Millie Pruett
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213 Colonial Heights Rd,
Kingsport, TN 37663
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