Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church is a congregation that
values a diversity of belief. Whether you're full of faith or full of doubt,
you'll find people who have been there and accept you for where you are.
We welcome all people to worship, pray, eat, seek spiritual answers and enjoy life within this community of faith. All are welcome!
All Are Welcome at Christ's Table
Join us tonight for our special Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service in the sanctuary at 7pm. All are welcome to enjoy this meaningful worship service filled with scripture, communion, and prayer as we walk with Christ from the Last Supper with his disciples, all the way to the tomb on Good Friday.
A nursery will be available for our littlest presbyterians.
Sunday's Scripture:
Isaiah 25:6-9, NRSV
Romans 6:3-11, NRSV
John 20:1-18, NRSV
Jeremiah 31:1-6, 31-34, NRSV
Matthew 28:1-10, NRSV
Wish to worship with us again or during the week?
Click below to view last week's worship service on Palm Sunday.
In event of rainy weather, the Easter Sunrise Service and Annual Egg Hunt will move indoors. Check our facebook page for up to date information about this weekend's events.
Children will not go down to children’s church after their special moment in service but will worship within the sanctuary today. A nursery will still be provided for our littlest Presbyterians.
The Sunday School classes will have a break this week for Easter and resume on Sunday, April 16.
The Youth Group will join in Sunday morning Easter services. Regular Bible Study will resume April 16th.
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) will be collected on Easter Sunday. This special offering has provided Presbyterians a way to share God’s love with our neighbors in need around the world for over 70 years. From initial disaster response to ongoing community development, the different programs supported by OGHS fits together to to serve individuals and communities by providing safety, sustenance, and hope. CHPC will celebrate this special offering on Easter Sunday, April 9, during worship. You may give online here or pick up a brochure in the narthex to see how you can help!
CHPC will once again be participating in the 2023 Habitat Faith Build to help Marquetta and her family build a new house which will become their home. Marquetta’s sister died tragically leaving behind a then 6 year-old son and 2 year-old daughter. In 2021, Marquetta became the caregiver of her niece and nephew and is looking forward to providing a safe, affordable home for them and her 3 year-old daughter. The groundbreaking ceremony will occur at the build site located at 2215 Friendship Circle in Kingsport on Friday, April 14 at 3:00 pm.
There are several ways you can support Habitat - with prayers, financial gifts, or service! We currently have $1,765 in our Habitat account and would like to raise an additional $3,235 (for a total of $5,000). We also need 8 volunteers each day on May 24-27 (week 2 of the schedule). More information regarding how to sign up online is coming soon! Contact Mary in the office if you wish to know more about how you can serve. Thank you for continuing to make an impact in our community by helping with this meaningful ministry!
Preparing For A Baby Boy!
As baby Randolph will be making his arrival soon (hopefully next week), I want to update our church family about my paternity leave plans. First of all, my family and I are most grateful to serve alongside a congregation like you that grants me the ability to care for my family in this meaningful way. Thank you for supporting me, not just as your pastor, but as both a father and husband to my family. Being physically present for the first few weeks of Cragon’s and Betsy’s life was a blessing for us all. It helped us to adjust to the joy of our new reality (or at least, try to adjust as best we can ha!). Now, as we prepare to do it all over again, I am in awe of the blessing it is to be able to step away for a few weeks. Thank you!
As a church, we give thanks for the birth of every child and celebrate anytime a new little one joins our family of faith. When we baptize those children (or any adults for that matter), we make promises as a congregation to care for them, to teach them, and to love them as our own. It gives me great comfort and joy to know that you, Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church, will be the family of faith that welcomes our son into the life of the church and baptizes him in Christ’s Holy Name.
While I am “away” for four weeks, you will be in such good hands. Guest preachers from the Presbytery will be joining us in worship while I am out of the pulpit. Tyler Paulsen, our Director of Christian Education, will be serving as our Acting Head of Staff while I am at out of the office. Your Session will continue to be the Spiritual Leaders of our church family as they faithfully lead us through this Easter season. Your staff will continue to support our shared ministry by assisting with ongoing projects. Both the Session and the staff will reach out to me in the event of a pastoral care emergency. Most importantly, you as a congregation will continue to faithfully share the love of Christ with each other and all our neighbors.
“We always give thanks to God for all of you and mention you in our prayers, constantly remembering before our God and Father your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Thess. 1:2-3, NRSV)
- David
The flowers in the Sanctuary are given to the Glory of God and placed in honor of Buddy and Ramona Gothard's 60th wedding anniversary by the Gothards.
Troop 48's Sea Base Crew is having a spirit night at Santa Fe Mexican Grill on Monday, April 10, from 3:30 to 8:30 pm. 10% of purchases made during these hours will go toward helping the youth of Troop 48 Sea Base crews to fund transportation and other travel fees to attend the scouting high adventure trip in December, 2023, to Isla Morada, Florida. Thank you for spreading the word!
Martha's Circle is meeting on April 11 at 10:30am for Bible study, Mission projects and conversation. For more information call Louis Bronson.
The church office will be closed on Thursday, April 13 in observance of Easter and return to normal operating hours on Monday.
The Women's Ministry travels to Bellafina Chocolates on Sunday, April 16 to tour their facility and hear about their ministry in our community. The bus will leave at 1:30pm from the church. Please contact Alda Smith to sign up.
CHPC partners again with the Marsh Regional Blood Centerby hosting a blood drive later this spring! On Sunday, May 7, the bloodmobile will set up in our parking lot and collect donations from 1-4pm. Nine spots are still available and you may sign up by calling Mary in the front office to select an appointment time. Please click here to view medical requirements for donating and thank you for serving in this special way!
Save the date for an intergenerational Bible study on May 21 about what it means to be called the Church! All are welcome to participate in this special pop up Bible study as we discuss different images of the church shared throughout scripture. More coming soon!
Mark your calendars for another great Vacation Bible School! CHPC partners again with our friends from Colonial Heights United Methodist Church from July 10-14 for a time of fun and fellowship open to all preK-fifth grade children in our community. This year's joint VBS will be held here at CHPC. Please be on the lookout for more information soon but do contact Tyler at if you are interested in volunteering!
The Women’s Ministry partners with First Presbyterian Church of Kingsport to attend this year’s Women’s Conference at Montreat on August 11-13. There is still time to sign up for $247 and lodging is included. Contact Alda Smith directly for more details.
All items for the weekly newsletter should be emailed to Mary at by end of business on Tuesday.
Prayer Requests
Leon Boyd, Emily Bowman, Joyce Callahan, Susan Fernandez, Buddy Gothard, Barbara Holt, Janice Mullins, Beverly Shelton, Ginny Snow,
Lee Walker, Dominique Neal, Bonnie Cole, Libby Sampson,
Boyd Holder, Clara Hasbrouk, Family of Jim Fortney, Dave Cohen (Director of Holston Camp)
Our prayers go to Mark Bland and his family following the passing of his mother, Gilly Bland, on Wednesday. A service will be scheduled at a later date to give thanks for Gilly's life.
Our prayers go to Tyler and Marissa Paulsen following the passing of Tyler's grandmother, Wanda Harris, last Saturday.
Health Care/ Assisted Living Facilities
Gilly Bland, Anne Hertel, Evelyn Hill, Sue Fortney, Charles and Linda Gibson, Betty McMillin, Wayne & Millie Pruett, Jean Faries
213 Colonial Heights Rd,
Kingsport, TN 37663