Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church is a congregation that 

values a diversity of belief. Whether you're full of faith or full of doubt, 

you'll find people who have been there and accept you for where you are.

We welcome all people to worship, pray, eat, seek spiritual answers, and enjoy life within this community of faith. All are welcome!

Celebrating Our Lenten Supper

& Bible Study Series

The Faith Formation Committee would like to thank everyone who participated in the Jonah Bible Study. If you prepared food with our friends from CFL, taught children, provided music, set up with Buildings & Facilities, rolled tables to clean up, or simply attended it was much appreciated!

I personally enjoyed the fellowship and fun as much as the study. It’s nice to sit with people who aren’t usually in your “pew crew”. Talking, sharing recipes, and learning about the Word of God helps us become a stronger congregation. Having the time to focus on one area of the Bible for a few weeks is refreshing. You’re never put on the spot to say anything; you can just listen as the Holy Spirit moves within our conversation. In the end, we decided it really didn’t matter if it was a whale or a fish. My takeaway was that God never gives up on you…and that’s a very reassuring thought! We look forward to continued opportunities for our church to have fun, fellowship, learn, and grow!

In Christ,

Chris Broadhead, Elder and co-chair of the Faith Formation Committee

This Sunday in Worship:

March 24, 2024 - Palm Sunday

All are welcome to share the Peace of Christ in the Parlor with coffee and fellowship before worship beginning at 9:30am. Hope to see you there!

Sunday's Scripture:

Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29, NRSV

Mark 11:1-11, NRSV

Sermon Title:

“Covenants & Promises:

The Palms"

Wish to worship with us again or during the week?

Click below to view last week's worship service.
Click Here

Special Offering for One Great Hour of Sharing

Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church partners with other congregations throughout the PC(USA) by collecting a special offering for One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS). These special gifts help to share God's love with our neighbors in need around the world. From initial disaster response to ongoing community development, the different programs supported by OGHS fit together to serve individuals and communities by providing safety, sustenance, and hope. CHPC celebrates a special offering this Sunday, March 24, during worship. You may give online here or pick up a brochure in the narthex to see how you can help. Thank you for your support!

A Lot Can Happen In Seven Days

This upcoming Holy Week presents us with a lot of opportunities to experience palm, passion, and resurrection! Join us for our Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service in the sanctuary on March 28 at 7pm. We will enjoy time filled with scripture, communion, and prayer as we walk with Christ from the Last Supper to the Tomb. Please note that this service will not be live streamed.

And things kick off on Easter Sunday with a time of fellowship and fun as we hold our annual Easter Egg Hunt. Absolutely everyone is invited to join us at 9am in the front courtyard under the big oak; kids can enjoy egg hunting and candy, and adults can enjoy coffee and donuts! Please bring your own egg basket.

We then move inside for our regular time of fellowship at 9:30. And our Easter Sunday worship service is in the Sanctuary at 10am. Spread the word and invite your family and friends as we give thanks for the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ!

Supporting Rise Against Hunger

CHPC has an opportunity to partner with Rise Against Hunger and do something about people around the world who are facing food shortages. Be sure to save the date on Sunday, August 25 to meet in the gym and package meals to help those in need. Our goal is to pack 16,750 meals in two hours.  This is an event that all ages can do together, adults and children alike.

The cost for this project is $7,000 in total and we need to raise another $4,000 to make this event happen. Please help us address hunger by giving a special donation to this project by Easter Sunday, March 31. You can write a check to the church and designate it for Rise Against Hunger. You may also give online via the website here. Let’s be the hands and feet of Jesus. Together, we can turn the tide against hunger and make a difference!

March Session Summary

Your Session met on Monday, March 18, for its monthly stated meeting. Items of interest include the approval to repair/upgrade the sound system in the Multi/Gymnasium and welcoming our Transitional Executive Presbyter Karen Russell to our pulpit on Sunday, June 2. These sound system upgrades in the gym will not only allow us to power down the speakers to stop unwanted feedback, but also to make that space more user friendly for congregational Bible studies and special events. The next Stated Session Meeting will be at 5:30pm on Monday, April 15.

In Christ, 

Clark Parker (Clerk) and David Randolph (Moderator)

All Church Spring Retreat

CHPC heads over to Holston Camp and Retreat Center in Banner Elk, NC from April 19 through 21 to pamper ourselves with moments of friendship, fellowship, and fun all weekend long! Things kick off on Friday night with a simple devotional and conclude on Sunday morning after worship. Overnight spots for adults cost between $100 to $150, depending upon accommodations and $50 for each child or youth. Day passes are available for $50 per adult and $25 per child to cover meals. Please contact the church office to sign up by April 14 if you are interested.

Congregational News

The Flowers in the sanctuary are given to the Glory of God in memory of Ada Newman's birthday given by Dusty Newman.

In celebration of Palm Sunday, we will have a Processional of Palms near the beginning of our service. Children, the choir, and the entire congregation are invited to participate! If you would like to join in, please meet in the Narthex during the Passing of the Peace portion of our service and be sure to grab a palm!

Sunday School classes continue after worship at 11:15am. Please reach out to any member of either adult classes to learn how you can participate.

The Youth Group resumes regular bible study tonight from 5-6:30pm in the Youth Center. The youth will take a one week break for Easter next week and meet again for Bible study on Sunday, April 7.

Last Week's Children's Ministry Interest Meeting was a great discussion about some exciting plans for our kids. We would like to keep the conversation going. To that end, Tyler will be hanging out in the Parlor after worship this Sunday and we invite all to join and continue to share thoughts about our kids ministry then.

The celebration of the Easter Season continues on Sunday, April 7th with a special Children's Sunday Service. This is an opportunity for us as a church family to experience what our kids are up to downstairs in Children's Church. You literally won't want to miss it!

All items for the weekly online newsletter should be emailed to Mary at by end of business on Tuesday.

Prayer Requests 

Leon Boyd, Emily Bowman, Joyce Callahan, Ramona Gothard, Barbara Holt, Beverly Shelton, Ginny Snow, Lee Walker, Boyd Holder, Bobbie Cooper (Sharon Pugh's mother), Family of Wayne Fortner (Lisa Robinette's in law),

Bethany Thompson, Wilma Bennett (Doug Bennett's mother),

Family of Jean Watson (Cari Parker's Aunt), Family of Charles Hasbrouck,

Shirlie Hurst, Family of Kyle Cooper (Sharon Pugh's Father),

Family of Janice Mullins, Miller Lyons

Health Care/ Assisted Living Facilities

Anne Hertel, Evelyn Hill, Sue Fortney, Charles and Linda Gibson,

Betty McMillin, Wayne & Millie Pruett, Lois Carter

213 Colonial Heights Rd,
Kingsport, TN 37663
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