Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church is a congregation that
values a diversity of belief. Whether you're full of faith or full of doubt,
you'll find people who have been there and accept you for where you are.
We welcome all people to worship, pray, eat, seek spiritual answers and enjoy life within this community of faith. All are welcome!
The English word “Lent” comes from an Anglo-Saxon word which means “to lengthen” and is associated with the lengthening of days in the Spring.
Dating back to the fourth century, Lent is a period of reflection and sacrifice following the example of Jesus Christ. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of this annual adventure, as we prepare our hearts and minds to walk through the wilderness again with Christ. We will journey with him towards Jerusalem, towards the cross--towards death itself--and towards the coming revelation of his Easter resurrection, which hangs on the horizon like a light of hope.
The season of Lent is filled with moments, both large and small, to intentionally renew ourselves in the great mystery that is our shared faith. It is the perfect time to pause and reflect about those same questions of identity we focused upon during our recent study of the book of Ruth: 1) who we are; 2) how God is at work within our lives; 3) and how are we to best respond?
It is my prayer that we may be strengthened by continued conversations surrounding these questions as God works within us and through us. May God's Spirit guide each of us, and this community of faith, as we strive to live more fully like Christ and to faithfully follow wherever he leads.
- David
All are welcome to share the Peace of Christ in the Parlor with coffee and fellowship before worship beginning at 9:30am. Hope to see you there!
Sunday's Scripture:
Genesis 2:15-17, NRSV
Romans 5:12-21, NRSV
Sermon Title:
“Keep Yourself from Going"
Wish to worship with us again or during the week?
Click below to view last week's worship service.
Don't forget about this Sunday's intergenerational education night about the Book of Ecclesiastes!
It's the perfect study to begin this season of Lent as we reflect about how we use our time in light of this thought-provoking text. All are welcome to participate in this special Bible study on Sunday afternoon in the gym at 4pm. Individuals are asked to please bring their Bibles and their calendars for one specific activity. Special thanks to the Women's ministry for sponsoring and for providing soup for everyone to enjoy afterwards. Please contact Alda Smith or David Randolph for more information.
Your Session met on Monday evening, February 20 for its regular monthly meeting. Business items included the ratification of CHPC’s Annual Statistics Report for 2022, including an increase over 2021 in both giving and membership totals. Holy Week Services will include a Maundy Thursday / Good Friday Tenebrae service at 7:00 pm on Thursday, April 6, an Easter Sunrise service at 8:15 am, an Easter egg hunt at 9:15 am and a full Easter Worship service at 10:00 am. Sunday School classes will not meet on Easter Sunday. Session unanimously reaffirmed a policy of no firearms inside CHPC buildings. A task force was empowered to spend up to $10,000 to address immediate audio needs in the Sanctuary. A new partnership supporting Cantemus Women's Choir by allowing them to use our facilities was also approved.
The next Stated Session meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 20 at 5:30 pm.
In Christ,
Clark Parker (Clerk) and David Randolph (Moderator)
The Youth Group will be meeting at 4pm this Sunday in the gym to join in the intergenerational education night about the Book of Ecclesiastes. Please contact Tyler for more details or to help sponsor a meal for our youth!
Thank You For Supporting the Blessing Box!
The Missions Ministry Team continues to ask for donations to support the Blessing Box and the meaningful ministry it provides. A full list of items may be found in the church office and any donations may be placed in basket for the Blessing Box in the Narthex. Your gifts will be a blessing to people in our community. Thank you for your willingness to help!
Mark your calendars for a special mission project with Sleep in Heavenly Peace on Sunday, March 12. All are welcome to enjoy a congregational lunch in the gym after worship before the build begins at noon. Please contact Allen Booth to learn more about this meaningful missional opportunity.
Save the Date for CHPC's Annual Churchwide Retreat at Holston Camp and Retreat Center the weekend of March 24 through the 26 in Banner Elk, NC. There will be plenty of fellowship and fun as we learn about a few lenten spiritual practices. With enough interest, the bus can be used to transport those who wish not to drive themselves. Four meals are included with our stay and pricing will vary upon our accommodations, up to $150 per adult and $50 per youth. Please contact the church office with any questions or to sign up today!
The CHPC Easter Memorial Gifts program is for those who wish to give a memorial gift to honor or remember those special people who have been a part of our life. You may choose to give an Easter Lily that will be used to decorate the church or a monetary contribution to our Renovation Fund. Lilies are $10 and forms are available on the information table in the narthex. Please return any orders to the office by Monday, March 20.
CHPC partner's again with the Marsh Regional Blood Center for a blood donor drive on May 7 in the afternoon. A donor appointment schedule is available to reserve your specific time slot. Please contact Mary in the front office to begin the registration process.
All items for the weekly newsletter should be emailed to Mary at by end of business on Tuesday.
Prayer Requests
Leon Boyd, Emily Bowman, Joyce Callahan, Susan Fernandez, Buddy Gothard, Jude Hawpe (Lois Bronson's grandson), Barbara Holt, Janice Mullins, Karen Mullins, Beverly Shelton, Ginny Snow, Lee Walker, Eric Moskala, Dominique Neal, Isaac Webb, Ben Coleman, Bonnie Cole,
Health Care/ Assisted Living Facilities
Gilly Bland, Anne Hertel, Evelyn Hill, Charles and Linda Gibson,
Betty McMillin, Wayne & Millie Pruett, Jean Faries, Jim and Sue Fortney
213 Colonial Heights Rd,
Kingsport, TN 37663