Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church is a congregation that 

values a diversity of belief. Whether you're full of faith or full of doubt, 

you'll find people who have been there and accept you for where you are.

We welcome all people to worship, pray, eat, seek spiritual answers, and enjoy life within this community of faith. All are welcome!

Lenten Prayers

The English word “Lent” comes from an Anglo-Saxon word which means “to lengthen” and is associated with the lengthening of days in the Spring. 

Dating back to the fourth century, Lent is a period of reflection and sacrifice following the example of Jesus Christ. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of this annual adventure, as we prepare our hearts and minds to walk through the wilderness again with Christ. We will journey with him towards Jerusalem, towards the cross–towards death itself–and towards the glorious revelation of his Easter resurrection.

The season of Lent is filled with moments to intentionally renew ourselves in the great mystery of our shared faith. It is the perfect time to pause and reflect, to listen and learn, to go and do, often by giving something up or adding something new! I've been praying about how our church family might participate in a meaningful way in worship during Lent and I want to ask for your help: Will you pray for your church family? Will you pray with your church family? Will you pray on behalf of your church family?

Throughout this Lenten season, I would like to invite members of our church family to lead the Prayers of the People each Sunday during worship. This is regular time of prayer we partake in each week after the sermon that concludes with the Lord's Prayer. It's an opportunity to collectively give thanks to God for all the gifts we've received and to acknowledge the concerns we carry for our community and the world. You don't have to be a professional pray-er to offer it, because it's called the Prayers of the People for a reason! Each of us are made in the image of God and all of us are able to turn to God in prayer. If you are interested in offering this prayer in worship, please let me know so we can find a Sunday for you to serve in this meaningful way.

It is my hope that we may continue to be collectively strengthened by the outpouring of God's Spirit moving throughout our church family. Thank you for the prayers you offer in so many ways and for how you seek to live out those prayers each and every day. Blessings as you begin this annual Lenten adventure!


- David

This Sunday in Worship:

February 18, 2024 - First Sunday in Lent

Anytime God makes a promise with God's people, the word used within the broader biblical narrative to describe this promise is called a covenant. It's used to describe the relationship between God and God's people, but what does this mean for us today?

All are welcome to join us in a Lenten sermon series on "Covenants & Promises" starting this Sunday in worship at 10am. It all begins with a familiar story about Noah and the fulfillment of God's promises made at creation.

Don't forget that this week's worship service will include the celebration of communion, as we gather together around the Lord's table at the beginning of this Lenten season to proclaim the Good News of God's promises.

Sunday's Scripture:

Mark 1:9-15, NRSV

Genesis 9:8-17, NRSV

Sermon Title:

“Covenants & Promises:

The Rainbow"

Wish to worship with us again or during the week?

Click below to view last week's worship service.
Click Here

Lenten Suppers & Jonah Bible Study

Lenten Suppers begin next week! From Sunday, February 25 through Sunday, March 17, CHPC will be hosting a congregational supper and intergenerational bible study about the book of Jonah. All are welcomed to study the four chapters of this epic story over four weeks from 5 to 6:30pm. Children will participate in a special music and bible study program as well.

Please note that on March 3rd, we will be having a Soup & Chili Pot Luck. That Sunday night, please bring a crock pot of chili or soup OR bread and dessert to share with everyone. Looking forward to seeing you there!

News from the Pews

Thank you to everyone who brought a card to celebrate Dorothy Rowland's 100 birthday!

Dorothy turns 100 on February 18 so please keep her in your prayers that day, and don't be shy - feel free to call and wish her a happy birthday!

And a few weeks ago we celebrated the birthday of Evelyn Hill! She celebrated a benchmark birthday of 90 on February 7. Thank you to those from our church family were able to drop by and celebrate earlier with her!

Volunteer Spotlight: Youth Group Volunteer

Service is a central part of the communal life of faith at CHPC. It takes a village of volunteers to help make the various ministries of our church family happen week in and week out. If you are already volunteering in a meaningful way, THANK YOU!!! If you are looking for a new way to serve, check out how below as we share various opportunities throughout February.

This week, we want to highlight serving with our wild and crazy Youth Group on Sunday nights alongside Tyler Paulsen. We have a fantastic crew of students that are fun, easy going, and excited to learn and grow! There is nothing more rewarding than investing in a group of young people, and the student ministry here at CHPC could use your help! Seize the opportunity of making a difference in the life of one of our young people.

If you are willing to volunteer with the youth group or simply volunteer to provide a meal for our Sunday evening gatherings, please contact Tyler by email. Thank you for prayerfully considering where God is calling you to serve!

Congregational News

A Service of Witness to the Resurrection in celebration of the life of Janice Mullins will be held at 2pm on Saturday, February 17 in the chapel of Oak Hill Funeral Home. The family will receive guests during a visitation from 1-2pm. Please hold Janice's entire family in your prayers as we prepare to give thanks to God for her life and witness.

Come share the Peace of Christ with coffee and fellowship before worship beginning at 9:30am in the Parlor! Sunday worship begins at 10:00am in the Sanctuary. Sunday School classes keep the conversation going after worship at 11:15am. All are welcome and hope to see you there!

The Youth Group will meet this Sunday night from 5-6:30pm for dinner and bible study. Reach out to Tyler if you have any questions and we hope to see you there!

Lenten Devotionals are available in the narthex for anyone that wishes to participate in this annual spiritual discipline. Written by Presbyterian Outlook editor Teri McDowell Ott and others, the theme is Local Pilgrims and include a scripture, reflection and prayer are included for each day.

The CHPC Easter Memorial Gifts program is for those who wish to give a memorial gift to honor or remember those special people who have been a part of our life. You may choose to give an Easter Lily that will be used to decorate the church or a monetary contribution to our Renovation Fund. Lilies are $15 and forms are available on the information table in the narthex. Please return any order to the office by Monday, March 4 and any monetary contributions to the Renovation Fund should be given by Tuesday, March 19.

Save the Date for CHPC's Annual Churchwide Retreat at Holston Camp and Retreat Center the weekend of April 19-21. Please contact the church office if you would like to sign up to enjoy this fun annual tradition. 

All items for the weekly online newsletter should be emailed to Mary at by end of business on Tuesday.

Prayer Requests 

Leon Boyd, Emily Bowman, Joyce Callahan, Ramona Gothard, Barbara Holt, Beverly Shelton, Ginny Snow, Lee Walker, Boyd Holder, Bobbie Cooper (Sharon Pugh's mother), Family of Wayne Fortner (Lisa Robinette's in law),

Bethany Thompson, Wilma Bennett (Doug Bennett's mother),

Family of Jean Watson (Cari Parker's Aunt), Family of Charles Hasbrouck,

Karen Randolph (Friend of KC Savage), Shirlie Hurst,

Family of Kyle Cooper (Sharon Pugh's Father), Family of Janice Mullins


Health Care/ Assisted Living Facilities

Anne Hertel, Evelyn Hill, Sue Fortney, Charles and Linda Gibson,

Betty McMillin, Wayne & Millie Pruett, Lois Carter

213 Colonial Heights Rd,
Kingsport, TN 37663
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