Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church is a congregation that 
values a diversity of belief. Whether you're full of faith or full of doubt, 
you'll find people who have been there and accept you for where you are.

We welcome all people to worship, pray, eat, seek spiritual answers and enjoy life within this community of faith. All are welcome!

Troop 48 Continuous Camp Fire and

Scout Sunday This Weekend

Join Troop 48 as they work to end hunger in our community with their annual Continuous Campfire and Food Drive! The event begins Friday, February 2 at 4pm and ends Sunday, February 4 at 10am. Troop 48 will set up camp in CHPC’s parking lot where they will be retiring flags and collecting food item donations to help restock CHPC’s Blessing Box and Second Harvest Food Bank. A special service will be held on Sunday as various scouts help to lead worship for our church family. Come and hear all the marvelous things God is doing through this important ministry!

Unable to attend that weekend, but still want to contribute? You can still support the event by mailing a check to CHPC. Just write “food drive” in the memo line. Thank you for supporting this dedicated group of youth, and we hope you join us in this wonderful opportunity to help our local community!

This Sunday in Worship: February 4, 2024

Come share the Peace of Christ with coffee and fellowship before worship beginning at 9:30am in the Parlor! Sunday worship begins at 10:00am in the Sanctuary. All are welcome and hope to see you there!

Sunday's Scripture:

Mark 1:21-28, NRSV

Mark 1:29-39 NRSV

Sermon Title:

“What is this?"

Wish to worship with us again or during the week?

Click below to view last week's worship service.
Click Here

Thank You for Supporting Cents-ability!

Thank you so much for bringing your donations and for participating in the ministry of feeding people in our community. Do you or your household need a Cents-Ability Collection jar? If so please contact Tyler.

Congregational Meeting Summary

The annual meeting of the congregation took place on Sunday, January 28, 2024 at the close of worship.  The congregation received both the financial results from 2023 and the unanimously Session-approved budget of $480K for 2024, including a cost of living increase for members of staff, as considered appropriate. Of particular note for 2023 was a final financial deficit of approximately $7K versus a projected shortfall of over $50K. Finally, the congregation unanimously approved a 3% cost of living increase in the “Terms of Call” for Pastor David Randolph.

In Christ,

Clark Parker (Clerk of Session) and David Randolph (Moderator)

Upcoming Events in the Life of the Church

As the season of Lent approaches, CHPC prepares to walk with Christ towards the cross on Easter with a few upcoming opportunities for worship, fellowship, and study. Things kick off on Shrove Tuesday (or Fat Tuesday depending on your geography) as we enjoy a Pancake Party! Dinner will be served at 5:30pm in the gym. Special thanks to our Men's Fellowship ministry for manning the kitchen!

The following day, we hold our annual Ash Wednesday Service in the Sanctuary at 6pm. Be sure to invite a friend to one or both of these meaningful gatherings!

Mark your calendars for a special intergenerational Bible study during Lent! From Sunday, February 25 through Sunday, March 17, CHPC will be hosting a congregational supper and bible study about the book of Jonah. All are welcome to study the four chapters of this epic story over four weeks from 5 to 6:30pm. Children will participate in a special music and bible study program as well. Contact David for more details! 

Symphony of the Mountains

The CHPC choir has been invited to sing in a mass choir with the Symphony of the Mountains on Saturday, February 10. Our choir will join many local church and school choral ensembles from throughout our community. The concert will be held in celebration of Black History Month. The event starts at 7:00pm at the Toy F. Reid Employee Center here in Kingsport and will be presented free of charge. For more information, visit their website below or contact Carolyn for more details.

Click Here ForMore Info

Volunteer Spotlight: Communion Preparers

Service is a central part of the communal life of faith at Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church. It takes a village of volunteers to help make the various ministries of our church family happen week in and week out. If you are already volunteering in during the week out in the community or here on Sundays at CHPC, THANK YOU!!! If you are looking for a new way to serve, check out the opportunity below as we share over the next month various ways to volunteer. This week, the worship committee is updating the yearlong list for communion preparers. It's a simple yet meaningful way to help serve the congregation as we come to Christ's table. Please contact Amanda Livingston by email if you are willing to help.

Congregational News

A Service of Witness to the Resurrection in celebration of the life of Charles Hasbrouck will be held at 11am on Saturday, February 3. The family will receive guests during a visitation in the sanctuary starting at 9:30am. Please hold Charlie's sons, Chuck, Bruce, and Keith, and each of their families in prayer as they prepare to give thanks for Charlie's life.

Sunday School classes resume this Sunday after worship at 11:15am. Please reach out to any member of either adult classes to learn how you can jump into the conversation each week!

The Youth Group will be meeting this Sunday for dinner and bible study from 5-6:30pm. Please contact Tyler Paulsen if you or someone you know wishes to get involved in this important ministry!

Birthday blessings to Evelyn Hill who celebrates a benchmark birthday of 90 on February 7! Her family is hosting a drop-in celebration for anyone that wishes to stop by on Saturday, February 3 from 1-2pm at Brookdale of Johnson City, Room 206.

Save the Date for CHPC's Annual Churchwide Retreat at Holston Camp and Retreat Center the weekend of April 19-21. Please contact the church office if you would like to sign up to enjoy this fun annual tradition. 

Thank you for your generous gifts that help to make our collective ministry possible in 2023! End of the year giving statements have been mailed this week. Please contact Sarah Johnson at or by calling the office if you have any questions.

All items for the weekly online newsletter should be emailed to Mary at by end of business on Tuesday.

Prayer Requests 

Leon Boyd, Emily Bowman, Joyce Callahan, Ramona Gothard, Barbara Holt, Beverly Shelton, Ginny Snow, Lee Walker, Boyd Holder, Janice Mullins, Bobbie and Kyle Cooper (Sharon Pugh's parents), Family of Wayne Fortner (Lisa Robinette's in law), Bethany Thompson, Wilma Bennett (Doug Bennett's mother), Family of Jean Watson (Cari Parker's Aunt), Family of Charles Hasbrouck, Karen Randolph (Friend of KC Savage)


Health Care/ Assisted Living Facilities

Anne Hertel, Evelyn Hill, Sue Fortney, Charles and Linda Gibson, Betty McMillin, Wayne & Millie Pruett, Lois Carter

213 Colonial Heights Rd,
Kingsport, TN 37663
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