Copies of "Christmas in the Four Gospel Homes" by Cynthia Campbell are still available in the Narthex for anyone that wishes to read along with David and the church through this year's Holiday Home Tour. All are welcome to discuss each gospel in either the Wednesday Bible Study (at 3pm) or in the Remnant Sunday school (after worship at 11am).
The Youth Group will go to Bristol Motor Speedway in Lights this Sunday evening! The bus leaves at 4:30pm and we will be back by 8pm. Ice skating is $15 per person and please bring extra money if you would like a snack in the Christmas Village.
Schedules for serving in the nursery and with the children's ministry are being made now for the new year. Volunteers are needed to help support this meaningful ministry as we have welcomed new children into the life of our church family. Please consider offering your time and talents to help share the love of Christ with the smallest members of our faith community. Contact Tyler to sign up to serve today!
The Women's Ministry hosts a Christmas Celebration this Sunday, December 10 at 2pm in the gym complete with a White Elephant gift exchange! Please bring a gift that is used, created, or new (10 dollars or less) to share. Let's add to the holiday cheer by bringing a favorite finger food or dessert. This gathering's missional support is for the Blessing Box and all are encouraged to bring an item to stock the box for those in need.
Martha's Circle would like to invite anyone to join us on Tuesday, December 12 at 10:30am in the parlor. We will discuss future mission projects and just socialize, too. Please contact Lois Bronson with any questions.
Thank you to all who ordered poinsettias as part of the CHPC Christmas Memorial Gifts program. All names will be printed in the bulletin on Sunday, December 17 and any poinsettias may be picked up after the Christmas Eve service. Monetary contributions may still be offered through December 12 and will go to the church's renovation fund.
Christmas Eve is on the way! We will worship on the Lord’s Day at 10am and celebrate our Christmas Eve candlelight service at 5:30 pm. All are welcome to both of these services!
Are you interested in serving during Sunday worship? A worship volunteer training is scheduled on Sunday, January 14 after Sunday School at noon for anyone interested in serving as a liturgist, usher, or communion preparer. Lunch will be provided for all those who attend. Please let David know you're interested in serving.
As 2023 comes to a close, we continue to prepare for Christ’s coming by generously giving of our tithes and offering. Thank you for your continued support of Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church and for the ministry you help to offer. Please make sure any final contributions are postmarked by December 31 to be included in this year's final giving statement. Please contact Sarah Johnson if you have any questions about your giving or to set up a pledge for 2024.
All items for the weekly online newsletter should be emailed to Mary at by end of business on Tuesday.