Greater Milford Community Health Network : CHNA 6
February 1, 2017

We would like to thank everyone who was able to attend the Bidders Conference and our January CHNA 6 Holiday meeting! 
We would like to especially thank those who donated gift cards to be donated to Catholic Charities, as part of our Holiday Celebration.

We would also like to thank those who volunteered to take part of our Grant Distribution Committee. We are still accepting volunteers who would like to take part of one or both review committees:
  • Level 1: ($5-$75K)
  • Level 2: (up to $5K)
  • If you would like to participate please email
Attached are the following documents from the previous two meetings:
1. Bidders Conference:
2. January 13th CHNA 6 Meeting:

Thank you to SCI AmeriCorps Member, Victoria Williams, serving with the Milford Youth Center and JAG, for sharing her powerful story at our January meeting!

For the PowerPoint presentation from the meeting, click here

Thank you also to  Amie Shei, Ph.D., Vice President for Programs at the Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts, for introducing herself to the group and sharing that the 2017 Activation Fund is now open for grant applications. For more information, click here. For any more questions, please contact Amie Shei at:
3.  For all those who sent in their Intent to Apply forms, please find all grant information at  

4. Click here for most recent CHNA 6 email distribution list. If there are any mistakes or additions, please email 
Our monthly newsletter will also help connect you to valuable resources and events in the area:
  • The Center For Adolescent Health: Check out
    • Add you organization or upcoming event by emailing: here.
  • United Way of Tri-County: Nominations due 2/17 for Volunteer and Youth Volunteer of the Year - Click here for more information!

February 16, 2017: Grant propsals due by 4 PM

  • March 10, 2017: 9-11am -  CHNA 6 meeting:

Meeting Location: Ruth Anne Bleakney Senior Center

60 North Bow Street

Milford, MA 01757 

  • March 31, 2017: Grant Award Announcement 

About CHNA 6:
Greater Milford Community Health Network (CHNA 6) is one of 27 Community Health Network Areas (CHNAs) across Massachusetts. We serve the 13 communities of: Bellingham, Blackstone, Douglas, Franklin, Hopedale, Medway, Mendon, Milford, Millville, Northbridge, Sutton, Upton and Uxbridge.  CHNA 6 is a partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, the Milford Regional Medical Center, local service agencies, schools, businesses, Boards of Health, community health centers and other health organizations, as well as other concerned citizens who are working together to build healthier communities.

For more information, visit our website: 

Chair:  Father William MacDonald "Mac" Murray at
Co-Chair: Rebecca Donham at