2. Was there a desire or need were you hoping to fulfill?
Our primary goal was to confirm that the conservation easement would not substantially impact our ability to build a home.
3. What is the most significant difference CHLT is making for you today?
Susan and I are newbies with respect to the mission of CHLT, but through our short time working with CHLT, we have developed a greater understanding and appreciation for the work being done by this nonprofit organization. We fully support the efforts of the CHLT team.
4. How would you describe CHLT to someone else?
I may not say it well, but I think it is all about preserving beautiful undeveloped lands in Grand County. CHLT is a nonprofit organization that can provide the resources necessary for land owners to, through legal contract, “carve out” land they wish to designate as conservation easement thereby protecting that land from ever being developed. And, landowners also get a tax benefit from establishing a conservation easement. Further, the land owner still owns the land and can continue to use it - just cannot develop it.
5. In your opinion, what is the single greatest benefit CHLT provides?
CHLT works to promote conservation and protect undeveloped land.
6. What do you wish you had known at the beginning/when you started?
Because we “inherited” the conservation easement through purchase of land with previously established easement, we learned what we needed to learn to close he deal. We will continue to work with CHLT as we solidify our building plans to ensure compliance and avoid surprises. And we have no concerns as CHLT has been very responsive to our calls and questions.