March 28, 2022
Mother Earth changes and celebrates with her four Seasons, as Club Members we do as well. Most clubs and districts celebrate the burgeoning of Winter and the new year with nominations and quiet planning for new Administrations, followed by Spring, the season filled with district Conventions, our State Convention, Summer months are a season of rest for the most part with leadership putting to paper the plans already made, and this followed with the Fall, where we all meet to share in meetings again.
Although in life I love the Fall, in Federation, I am a Spring lover. Many Districts are readying now for the month of April where they shall meet and enjoy the company and camaraderie of each other. Installations, Bylaws, vendors, the sharing of our efforts spent in volunteerism and recognition for same is an important part of what we do at our Conventions. This is a salutation for us and that is truly lovely. Meeting with those we see rarely but have such a strong connection with is a Joy!
I know of a few district Conventions already paid tribute to their many community efforts. Congratulations on praising your group achievements. For those districts who are meeting soon: I wish you the same. We each deserve a time to applaud ourselves and one another. This admiration of our efforts is an honor we extend to our club’s soul, and the soul of our districts. Since we often do not hear from those we help, what better congratulatory pat-on-the-back than one from our peers.
These eighteen lovely events are of course followed by the CFWC State Convention, where we do one in the same: recognize the efforts of all club and districts in California. I can tell you that the combined numbers on the State Statistical Sheet handed in to GFWC earlier this month by our CFWC 1st Vice President/Dean/President-elect, Barbara Briley-Beard were lovely. You have all worked hard at each level and I admire the dedication the clubs and districts showed to enhancing the lives of others all over the World!
Join us in May, for our State Convention, be there to see and hear of the efforts in love for our communities we have each shown. I know the Chairs, under the supervision of Barbara have a fabulous Awards Day planned. We shall share in the Achievements each category brings and cheer on our fellow club and district members. There are 10,615 members in the California Federation and each one plays a part in the delightful work we do for others. Let us join hands and hearts together in May. I hope to see you in Garden Grove. Happy Convention Season!
Luv, Pam
The CALL to the 2022 CFWC State Convention,
the Proposed Bylaw Amendments and the Proposed Resolutions
can be found on the CFWC Website

Please remember the following Registration deadlines:
Advance registration accepted if received on or before April 9, 2022. To avoid mistakes:
Mail Registration Fee and Registration Form with a check to cover the Registration and meals in time for them to arrive NO LATER THAN APRIL 9, 2022. Late registration fee is $30.
The DEADLINE for Convention Late Registration is set for April 23, 2022. Late Registration must be mailed on or before, and no later than April 23, 2022. This includes all Meals, Credential Forms and Fees to vote as a Delegate or attend Workshops. Late Registration Fees for Convention are $30.00 per person. All Registration deadlines will be strictly enforced.
Mary Sprague
5924 Arno Crescent
Anaheim, CA 92807
All checks should be made payable to CFWC CONVENTION FUND
Mail Credential Forms to:
Linda McNutt,
517 Crosby Drive
Lompoc, CA 93436
Section 13.3. Fees.
B.        All delegates and other members, regardless of the amount of time spent at 
            Convention, are required to pay the convention registration fee. 
CELEBRATION OF LIFE: Please submit the names of Members who served on the CFWC Executive Board to Peggy Baumann at the address below so they may be included in the Celebration of Life Ceremony being held at Convention on Friday, May 14th. Include those who would have been listed if the 2020 Convention had been held and anyone who passed away since May 2020. If you have any questions, please contact Peggy Baumann, 33056 Sotelo Drive, Temecula, CA 92592 or Email Send by April 1, 2022
CONVENTION ART SHOW - Mary Lou Benzel, Chair

I need a few volunteers to help with set up, check-in and take down for the Art Show. If you can help on Thursday morning for an hour or so between 8:00 am -12:00 on Thursday morning or 9:00-12:00 on Saturday morning, please send me your name, email and phone number. I will put together a schedule and let you know when I need you. Your main job will be to help place the arts and crafts items on the tables in a particular order. Easy job but you must be mobile!
Thanks for volunteering
Mary Lou Benzel, Chair, Convention Art Show
Environment - Jane Thomey

“Invest in our Planet” is the 2022 theme for Earth Day on April 22.   What started out as a single day’s effort to bring attention to the planet’s most pressing needs is now considered the largest secular observance in the world. More than a billion people every year celebrate it as a day of action to promote changes globally that will positively affect our environment. 
The first Earth Day took place 50 years ago. The movement has gained such momentum that the celebration has expanded to dedicate the entire month of April as Earth Month. It is a time to focus on the earth’s most pressing problems and establish new habits, relationships and community driven efforts to create the types of change we need in order to protect our planet’s future. 
One Earth Month initiative is The Great Global Cleanup. Participants from more than 190 countries will be removing trash during the month. You can join a cleanup by signing up through By registering, your efforts and those of millions of others are recorded toward the worldwide goal of removing millions of pounds of trash from landfills and water sources. Even if you do not register, any cleanup efforts will go a long way towards making our spaces more livable.
You can find other Earth Month events scheduled in participating countries where you can learn or support environment conservation actions that suit you best.  Find the various activities by accessing the website.
There are many different ways you can “Invest in our Planet.”  Even the smallest efforts, performed every day by all of us, can make a big impact and go toward healing our earth.
CIVIC ENGAGEMENT & OUTREACH   - Yolanda Petroski, Chair
The DMV has announced that the written test can now be taken online, or skipped completely for some by replacing it with a 45 minute online course. The DMV field office will still need to be visited for the photo, thumbprint and eye exam, but taking the exam or the course online will free up traffic in the DMV offices for those who must take the “driver’s license knowledge test” every year after 70. Because of the pandemic, most drivers 70 and older can still renew online this year. The online test is offered in 35 languages. Participants verify their identity by submitting a photo to the DMV. A webcam is required, of course, along with a browser extension that must be installed on their computer. This option is available only on a computer, not a tablet or mobile device. Drivers failing the online test twice must then go to a DMV office to pass it in person. The online course, however, which is offered at this time only in English, can be taken on a computer, tablet or mobile device. It includes quizzes and takes about 45 minutes. This is not available to those taking the test for the first time. More information is available at:


Just a thought ......

Change is the law of life.
And those who look only to the past
or present are certain to miss the future. 
-John F. Kennedy