May 22, 2022
I am thrilled to be welcoming Beltane and celebrating the days of May with each of you by my side. 
Being the President of the California Federation is a goal I planned for a very long time. There were many steps at the club, district and State levels that I had the pleasure of working through and I learned with every position. I joined Federation in 1995 and served in many capacities before this position I currently hold. Each position came with new knowledge, new skills, and new friends made.
Many of you have sent emails asking me about pursuing a path of leadership. All I can ever say is that when we know we have something to offer: go for it! Try to take on all positions you can and never be in a hurry to get to your end-game. First: it’s not the end because there is always another job, and, second: we need to learn as much as we can about all positions in order to be the best leader we can be with the support of our family and membership right along side with us.
Thanks to you I am still learning. The past month has allowed me to meet so many of you at your District Conventions and be part of the many Installations of the incoming leaders. As a soon to be past-President of CFWC I can honestly say that you are going to be led by a most lovely CFWC President, Barbara Briley Beard. Triple B or BBB, as a lot of us call her, is capable and has hands not afraid to lend to others and she has a heart filled with love. Join me in wishing her the best, for that is what you gave me: the best of each of you.
Thank you for this experience…I know that I still have a few weeks left, but this QB felt right for this issue this week. See you at the Convention in just a few months!
Luv, Pam

Ladies the time for our CFWC Convention is quickly approaching and if you are a candidate or anticipate being nominated from the floor please send me your qualification sheet. The deadline for me to receive the qualification sheet is Monday, May 2nd. Candidates packets must be assembled and ready for distribution to the voting delegates.
No qualification sheets will be accepted after the May 2nd deadline. Please email me your qualification sheet to: Thank you and Good Luck! 

CFWC Health and Wellness Program, Myrna Binford, Chairman
The Month of May is National Mental Health Month. 

The last couple of years have been very stressful for many people. Now that the country is “coming” out of the pandemic, many people may still be concerned that the pandemic can come back as the new variants are announced. Per USA Today, “nearly two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought about a rise in depression, anxiety, stress, etc., nine in ten people believe there is a mental health crisis.” (this includes someone that the person knows is having difficulties). As club members, we have helped keep track of members who are feeling isolated or depressed due to the issues they have. Teens mental health has been devasted by the pandemic as their world, as they know it, has become very unstable - school in particular as online. They need the social stimulation face to face with their peers.  
As club members, we still need to identify these persons and help them if we can. Be supportive, not enabling, be patient, and above all, listen. Never use dismissive or judgmental language (“it’s going to be ok”, “I think you are being too hard on yourself”, etc.).  A friend appeared at my door as I was leaving several weeks ago. When I saw her, I knew she was distressed. She told me she had just been diagnosed (after testing) as having early Alzheimer’s. She felt that her world would disappear very shortly. Of course, I missed my meeting because there was a greater need to listen to her. I told her that she might consider contacting a counselor. Your primary physician can help you chose the right type of therapist. It is good that people are beginning to ask for help where before they thought it was a stigma.
Self-kindness is important for all of us to keep healthy.   

MILITARY & VETERANS - Yolanda Petroski, Chair                                          
 Riverside National Cemetery is the largest final resting place for over 280,000 military veterans and their spouses. Many clubs in Southern California participate in placing flags on the grave sites each Memorial Day. This is done all over our state by clubs close by military cemeteries. 
Help is needed in Southern California as Riverside completes its tenth year Honoring Our Fallen – “A Flag for Every Hero” ceremony. Broken and torn flags need to be replaced and your monetary donations will help provide additional flags and supplies. Donations can be made through their website or by mail: Honoring Our Fallen, 12111 Saint Mark Street, Garden Grove, CA 92648. 
Thanks to Linda Brooks, San Bernardino District CE&O Chair for sharing this need with us.

From the recent GFWC News & Notes
Register Now: GFWC 100th Anniversary Virtual Tour 

Join us in celebrating the history of the Federation by registering for the GFWC 100th Anniversary Virtual Tour. Hosted by International President Marian St.Clair and President-elect Deb Strahanoski, the tour commemorates the centennial anniversary of GFWC owning the building at 1734 N St. NW in Washington, DC. The tour offers an interesting and educational look inside the mansion in the Dupont Circle neighborhood that has served as GFWC’s Headquarters and been home to clubwomen for decades. 
Register today through the Member Portal to be part of this exciting milestone.


Just a thought ......

'Every day the clock resets.
Your wins don't matter.
Your failures don't matter.
Don't stress on what was, fight for what could be.'
-Sean Higgin